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It's up on NZ page, if you want to check the minis, got no queue or lags for now. 

Edit: wow it disappeared for some reasons  :laugh:

Edit 2: never mind I just checked the article and it says it will be delayed in AU and NZ, wonder why it did appear, the terrain is still available to pre-order :ermm:

Edited by OpossumStrong
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10 minutes ago, OpossumStrong said:

It's up on NZ page, if you want to check the minis, got no queue or lags for now. 

Edit: wow it disappeared for some reasons  :laugh:

Edit 2: never mind I just checked the article and it says it will be delayed in AU and NZ, wonder why it did appear, the terrain is still available to pre-order :ermm:

Its to stop us having 12 hours to think things over in UTC

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2 hours ago, Black Cohort said:


I feel like they still have some infantry they should release.


For marines:


Recon Marines

Veterans (maybe with a heavy bolter?)

Destroyers if you want a forth unit type for a box


For SA:

Veterans with Volkite

Pioneers (maybe with different options so 4 squad types in box?)

Support squad with melta


SA background in FW book 4 specifically calls out pioneers and mentions multiple types of support squads yet we only got dudes with flamers.  Now would be a great time to show some other elements of the SA that their background told us about but we never got.


One of the coolest Strategems in Titanicus was the Multi-Melta armed Titan Hunting ambush squads, so hopefully more variety comes to the Heavy Support selection. 

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30 minutes ago, Dark Shepherd said:

Its to stop us having 12 hours to think things over in UTC

...And to stop our brains twitching from all the page swapping the crappy new mobile site does. Seeing the Front page gamer guy between each page I ask for is awful. 

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Sprue pics and close-ups:

Also every Titanicus box seems to include the Command Terminal and weapon cards now which wasn't the case for everyone before


Starter box:





SM infantry:




SM tanks:





No sprue pics for Sicarans yet


SA infantry:




SA tanks:






New Warhound weapons:






currently bugged




currently bugged








More decal sheets:














Rulebook TOC:




Edited by Matrindur
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Looks like Arkadians, Cthonian Headhunters, Manachean Commonwealth, Saturnyne Rams, Lord Marshal's Own, Ash Scorpions and a couple that aren't in Book IV.


That's a pretty nice representation of the original SA from Conquest.


I had to go back and reference the book :biggrin:. Never memorized all the Cohorts.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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2 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Ahhh so happy the predators are seperate :) 

Good to see all the sprue pics here, when i looked on the NZ it literally only had the terrain available for some reason.

NZ and Australia won't get anything except the administratum terrain this week, they only get the preorders next week. These are from the japanese store

Edited by Matrindur
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About the reference cards,

The SA ones say there are 32x detachment cards but we only have 24x units currently revealed? Its not the formations as there are 6x more formation cards (also 3x more than we saw from the leaks) so kinda strange? Even counting all the different Rapier/Tarantula weapon options, Flamer Auxiliaries and Baneblade/Hellhammer as its own cards would only give 30x cards

Same for the SM 38x detachment cards and 8x formations but only 29x units revealed. (Already counting the different droppod versions)

If I also count the Rapier/Tarantula options and Sicaran versions thats still only 32x

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1 hour ago, Noserenda said:

Ahhh so happy the predators are seperate :) 

Good to see all the sprue pics here, when i looked on the NZ it literally only had the terrain available for some reason.

Doesn't mean they'll get separate boxes though :devil:

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Excited to see these finally released. Mum gave me some money for Christmas so here I come. 


Bit concerned I'll be buying big old transfer sheets just for a few Ultramarines, so not sure if I'll get some customs on that one.

Edited by Captain Idaho
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Cards are two of each (as per WHC Sunday article) so I don’t think it covers beyond the existing releases.


And the transfer come in the vehicle boxes so hopefully that’s enough to work for most usage. Seems like there’s no transfers in the infantry boxes? Which would be a shame as it means the only banner transfers come with the big box. 

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2 minutes ago, Burni said:

Cards are two of each (as per WHC Sunday article) so I don’t think it covers beyond the existing releases.


And the transfer come in the vehicle boxes so hopefully that’s enough to work for most usage. Seems like there’s no transfers in the infantry boxes? Which would be a shame as it means the only banner transfers come with the big box. 

Yeah forgot about the two cards each, that way the cards should only have the units that are in the core book, nothing from the expansion.


There could still be transfers in the infantry box, the Sicarans don't have sprue picks, the Baneblade has no pictures at all and the Kratos is bugged and redirects to the baneblade. What I mean is, don't trust what is shown on the webstore for now :biggrin:

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28 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Yeah forgot about the two cards each, that way the cards should only have the units that are in the core book, nothing from the expansion.


There could still be transfers in the infantry box, the Sicarans don't have sprue picks, the Baneblade has no pictures at all and the Kratos is bugged and redirects to the baneblade. What I mean is, don't trust what is shown on the webstore for now :biggrin:


God that webstore is such an abomination. It's literally making me buy less from them.

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As far as the decals are concerned, most of the Epic 30k community has been getting by on the standard FW heresy decal sheets for the past 10 years or so. The standard marine shoulder pads work out as a pretty good size for vehicles or banner poles, if anyone is looking at alternatives options.

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I love this queue!


I’ve gone from a wait time of 15 minutes, to 22 minutes to 36 minutes. Pretty much the opposite of how queues are supposed to work.


I’ve got the LI box from Firestorm Games - I only want the tiles from the main store

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