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9 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

GW said it would last, I don't believe them.


I guess I have to really think about this. Would be nice if it stuck around for at least half a year. It's either this or getting one of the FW kits at risk of getting discontinued.

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Trying to order the Aeronautica bases. Keep getting "Insufficient Stock Amount." Nice webstore you got there, GW.


Also £19 for the Army Cards per army. Really? I was going to grab them expecting they were a fiver or ten to fluff out my bases order, but for that price it'll be a scan and print job.


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8 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

Trying to order the Aeronautica bases. Keep getting "Insufficient Stock Amount." Nice webstore you got there, GW


Same, had them in my cart already but was thrown out because of that error and now back in queue that keeps loading infinitly so can't even order the other bases

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4 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Here are some great reviews with close ups of individual models and building steps
Core Box
Solar Auxilia
Space Marines


The Space Marines infantry models look quite good with the exception of any model holding a rifle with two hands, they look a bit dodgy. I've seen 3d prints that looked better. Only thing that's making me question the decision to order this box are the bolter marines. I think that issue could be resolved with more subdued or better poses.

Here's an example I saw on instagram of a 3d printed bolter marine.





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Just now, Sky Potato said:

Big fan of placing an order on the website, and getting booted back into the queue instead of being shown a thank you for your order screen first.


I almost had a little snap until I got the confirmation email through.

Be wary, they did that to me and I got a cancellation the next day. No refund and no new order number. 

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Temporarily Sold Out over on the UK webstore. Interesting that third parties seem to have a good amount of stock though.


Legions Imperialis DEAD??? GW just KILLED their OWN GAME??? No Stock = IT'S OVER.


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21 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

Wonder why the included the Manacheans. Manachea was wiped out by Abaddon. 


Manachean Commonwealth were among the most prominent graphic plates of the Solar Auxilia in Book 4: Conquest and painted examples. They also appeared on the now OOP Solar Auxilia transfer sheet alongside Agathon and Cthonian Headhunters, so in many ways they're one of the SA's posterboys.


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Mum gave me the money for some purchases for a Christmas present... so I went on Element Games and ordered a box each of Kratos (obviously, love that tank) and infantry. 


No rules on the 3rd party sites so had to play the GW direct game for the rule book.


Now, the GW pre-order stuff won't be delivered for 7-10 days after release, which I find offensive. You pre-order and get your stuff later than a walk in?


It seems to be online only so it's tough I guess.


Anyway, hopefully Element games won't let me down and cancel my order or hold it for 9 months.


Fingers crossed. But things really were "better in my day!" :laugh:

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To anyone looking, Guerrillas reviews are the best so far. Some other big sites like Goonhammer have useless, snarky reviews and Twitter grifters are already starting this weeks “No XeNoS” schtick. Don’t rely on reviews to decide to buy it, most of these are out right lying or trying to stir up crap. 

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10 minutes ago, Pacific81 said:

That's actually not what the Goonhammer review said, surprisingly for them they weren't overly gushing - it was very much am 'if this is your sort of thing, then go for it' I thought?


As the review went on it felt more moderate (leaning on indifference) but leading with a four paragraph rant about a lack of Xenos does kind of set a tone.


While it's always healthy to have a perspective that isn't just pure GW shilling, I do wonder if Andy Hoare ran over a Goonhammer pet at some point. They nearly never have a positive thing to say about anything 30k - especially when you compare it to how they give a glowing review to nearly everything else GW


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