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5 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:


As the review went on it felt more moderate (leaning on indifference) but opening it with a four paragraph rant about a lack of Xenos does kind of set a tone.


While it's always healthy to have a perspective that isn't just pure GW shilling, I do wonder if Andy Hoare ran over a Goonhammer pet at some point. They nearly never have a positive thing to say about anything 30k - especially when you compare it to how they give a glowing review to nearly everything else GW


Their review is a bit odd on that. Obviously if it's set in the Horus Heresy it wasn't going to have Xenos at the start or at all, so I'm kind of shocked they were baffled after having that information. That's a failure of reasoning on their part.


Not saying that wanting Xenos is bad, but the logic is clear once you see the setting.

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8 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Am I the only one who is surprised at the lack of battlereports? I can only find these two and GMGs how to play video. Would have expected more to show the new game


I'm guessing it's a lack of terrain. The channels which already cover AT are probably small enough to not be in on the influencer program and the big ones will only have the couple of freebies GW sent them, but won't want to invest in lots of terrain for something they're only going to cover once for the pre-order and go back to 40k exclusively.


I know MiniWarGaming made a big deal of printing out loads of new LI terrain, so I imagine they'll have some eventually, but right now they're mostly pushing their Ravaged Star game thingy. 


Admittedly I did not expect one of the only BatReps to come have come from Annoyed John of all people.


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Yea, unfortunately Mandragola didn't do the review for this one, as those tend to be actual reviews that cover all the relevant information.


This one was a big complain about no xenos and how no one likes SA, then it dipped in and out of weird remarks as it went. Some of my favorites included calling the vanquisher the best all rounder gun when it has anti tank, calling the ogryns expensive at 120 for 12+4 las, and saying there's a lot of social rules to read in a brand new game system.


The new info i actually got about the game was wound allocation sequence and orders. Doesn't really tell me much about the game plays, though I'm also unsurprised if they don't have much to say due to just reviewing the starter kit with basic terrain.


I also suspect the faction articles are going to be drip fed out, Siege of Cthonia style, to keep people coming back. Maybe Mandragola will give us more information there.

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24 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

The channels which already cover AT are probably small enough to not be in on the influencer program

There are channels with 200 subs and zero views that got the box from GW, if they want into the programm I don't believe size is relevant here :biggrin:

(not saying that unboxing is bad, just that size doesn't seem to be relevant here)

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I’m looking forward to Maximal Fire getting a review out. I love their Titanicus content and I’m sure they’re going to cover LI extensively. Same for Tabletop Standard. 

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14 minutes ago, SkimaskMohawk said:

This one was a big complain about no xenos and how no one likes SA, then it dipped in and out of weird remarks as it went. Some of my favorites included calling the vanquisher the best all rounder gun when it has anti tank, calling the ogryns expensive at 120 for 12+4 las, and saying there's a lot of social rules to read in a brand new game system.

I think you're referencing this, but they mention elsewhere that anti tank weapons are all bad, so that's fairly contradictory.


That said, way too much personal interjection in this one for me to really spend the time to read it. Not only is it just emotive, it's quite distracting for the article and overall diminishes its quality as a resource.

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Oh, apparently goonhammrr thinks world eaters are OP as well? The army where the trait has no impact on shooting, the main part of the game. And where the main melee output is infantry with a 5+ save and 1 wound a base.


Feels like another round of "this looks like the most obvious benefit, so it's definitely the strongest of them all" that we did with fists.

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7 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

Is it really out of stock already in the UK? That’s a good indicator no? Unless it’s website failure again. 


Looks it. Most of the places with real-time stock numbers are showing sold out. Element is on 'blue' which usually means they sold through the initial allocation.

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1 hour ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

Their review is a bit odd on that. Obviously if it's set in the Horus Heresy it wasn't going to have Xenos at the start or at all, so I'm kind of shocked they were baffled after having that information. That's a failure of reasoning on their part.


Not saying that wanting Xenos is bad, but the logic is clear once you see the setting.


At the end of the day, a lot of people do not care what logic the company comes up with to justify their releases - they care if they are getting what they want or not.


For people who were hoping for a return of Epic 40k, many of them would have been hoping for Xenos armies. GW telling them there are no Xenos is going to sting regardless of the logic provided.

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3 minutes ago, phandaal said:


At the end of the day, a lot of people do not care what logic the company comes up with to justify their releases - they care if they are getting what they want or not.


For people who were hoping for a return of Epic 40k, many of them would have been hoping for Xenos armies. GW telling them there are no Xenos is going to sting regardless of the logic provided.

I get that it might sting, but the way it was phrased in the article was that it astounded or surprised them, like they didn't see it coming.


I personally would love to do a massed Ulthwé army for instance, but the second I heard it was in the 30k setting, I knew they weren't going to do that.

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If you go out and buy it they might! It’s a win-win. If they sell enough to add Xenos, you get Xenos. If they don’t add Xenos you get to play a fun game where things like timing air support and artillery with infantry fire to kill a big beastly Titan is more important than special rules. 

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As one of the main advocates for AT for a long time, I suspect the included reason is accurate, lots of people were waiting for xeno titans before trying AT, no reason to expect different here.


I've read a bunch of reviews this afternoon and even the normally super positive sites are coming up mid, between that and the infantry issues I'm probably gonna fence sit for now, see how the uptake is and get a cheap rulebook and warhounds off a splitter, depends how cheap splits work out :D


Bit confused by the flimsy order markers most of all though, given how much use they are likely to see?

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As with any Heresy release a large number of reviews will always be negative just because of the animosity people have for anything space marine. The game is certainly not mid, the only valid criticism right now is that it’s essentially half a game without more units. 

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43 minutes ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

I get that it might sting, but the way it was phrased in the article was that it astounded or surprised them, like they didn't see it coming.


I personally would love to do a massed Ulthwé army for instance, but the second I heard it was in the 30k setting, I knew they weren't going to do that.


Personally, I would not have complained that much about it, because as you say it is a Horus Heresy game so you know what you are getting.


I can see where people are coming from though. Hell, maybe they were holding out hope for a surprise. :laugh:


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got my order in, I was only allowed to order a max of 1 of each item, which is annoying because I need at least 1 more rhino box.


Edit:But I had to order as a guest because it wanted to link my account on the new website with my account on the old one, but that was glitching out hard.

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1 minute ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

Mine said an hour to start with, but it only ended up being like 15 minutes. Everything was still in stock 10 minutes or so ago when I put my order in.


By the time the store had let me in, I had already pre-ordered from somewhere else with a 15% discount and free shipping. I was interested in the knight box, but it looks like its not released yet. I already have plenty of AI flyers and some AT titans, so didn't need anything else. And the website is still really frustrating to navigate.

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And now the Knights I wanted sold out before I could complete the process.


Absolute clown show GW. In the absolutely tiny chance someone from this dire company reads this. 


Your site is :cuss:.

Your product levels are :cuss:.

Your pre-order FOMO product practices are :cuss:.


I'm beyond tilted.


Do you like money? $1000s are NOT SPENT on your PATHETIC WEBSITE because you either HAVE NO PRODUCT or your SITE SIMPLY BLOWS AND YOU CANNOT FIND ANYTHING.



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