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2 hours ago, SkimaskMohawk said:


I'm not sure whos reviewing the knights, but everything I've seen shows them as very capable. They're fast, good save, have solid melee and shooting. They might be way more expensive than in AT, but they seem much much more survivable and damaging, with a much higher overall point limit to boot.

I saw Goonhammer mention how wonky the Ion Shield saves are and I’m prepared for the worst. I did always think the weaponry would be very effective in LI since most of them seem more geared toward that than AT, I’m just not sure how the whole package will fair overall. 

They are definitely pointed out pretty high but in a 3K point game I would still be able to pack the board with them. Maybe. We shall see, but I don’t know if they have ranks like Seneschal and whatnot. 

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2 hours ago, DuskRaider said:

I saw Goonhammer mention how wonky the Ion Shield saves are and I’m prepared for the worst. I did always think the weaponry would be very effective in LI since most of them seem more geared toward that than AT, I’m just not sure how the whole package will fair overall. 

They are definitely pointed out pretty high but in a 3K point game I would still be able to pack the board with them. Maybe. We shall see, but I don’t know if they have ranks like Seneschal and whatnot. 


They're wonky in the sense that mechanically they don't really kick in, but that's kinda purely because their base armour save is so good at 2+.


Here's some info from reddit:



Questoris: 180/360/520 points for 1/2/3. +15/each for Styrix/Magaera, +5/each for rocket pod
Cerastus: 215/415/605 for 1/2/3, +20/each for Atrapos
Acastus 250/500 for 1/2, +20/each for Asterius
All knights are 'independent' and operate as separate units but must stay within 6" 'coherency', except Armigers which fight in threes (and must be bought as an addon to bigger knights, +180/per 3 for regular armigers and +200/per 3 for Moirax

Warhounds do come in multiple, 330/660/970 points for 1/2/3. All other titans come solo, same flat points cost as previously leaked except Iconoclast pays +10 to swap its drill to a grav imploder (and unlike AT, can't double up weapons)

Rend stacks, if you have multiple weapons with it (up to the 6d6 max). Knight Gallants are rolling 4d6+9 in CC on the charge - and a Warmaster Iconoclast 4d6+19.


Looks like you can really beat up on people in melee too, so you wont have that high armour save cut through with ease.

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4 hours ago, Raziel-TX said:

Is that a one off bad mini or is that how all the heavy weapon dudes come out?

It's just a natural side effect of making a whole single piece marine with one mould. They look weird if you go right in, but at a normal tabletop distance they look fine, especially if you paint the dead space black so it looks like shadow.


Galactic Crusaders will look better, but with plastic you'll have less snapped ankles.

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10 hours ago, Evil Eye said:

I don't think I'm in a rush to get into this. Not just because HH isn't my thing, but, well...


I know they're small but come on GW.


I'm very excited about the future of LI and bought a boxset plus extra marine infantry and rhinos yesterday, but I am really disappointed that GW have included some models like this - especially considering some of the other infantry sculpts have avoided it. Clearly they could have changed the pose to minimise such issues, it almost feels like they meant to address that area of the sculpt later but forgot. (Yes I understand re: one piece and limitations of undercuts etc). It just looks like really poor quality and not what is expect from GW. And you can save the "you won't notice from four feet away" defence; not everyone is only interested in how minis look from across a gaming board. Apart from that, long live new Epic!


Edited by skylerboodie
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3 minutes ago, skylerboodie said:

And you can save the "you won't notice from four feet away" defence; not everyone is only interested in how minis look from across a gaming board.


But this is like complaining that a supermini can't fit 7 people in it - it's not designed to. The average Joe LI mini isn't designed to be a centrepiece, but to look good when massed together on the table, which they absolutely do. 


If your interests lie elsewhere than seeing the minis on the table, then that's absolutely fair. You can just buy something that is designed for your interests, whether that's a detailed model for painting / display, or whatever. But all this moaning about quality and detail etc. (not just you, not just here) is absolutely misplaced given that the models with 'issues' are doing exactly what they're deisnges to do. 

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1 minute ago, Arbedark said:


But this is like complaining that a supermini can't fit 7 people in it - it's not designed to. The average Joe LI mini isn't designed to be a centrepiece, but to look good when massed together on the table, which they absolutely do. 


If your interests lie elsewhere than seeing the minis on the table, then that's absolutely fair. You can just buy something that is designed for your interests, whether that's a detailed model for painting / display, or whatever. But all this moaning about quality and detail etc. (not just you, not just here) is absolutely misplaced given that the models with 'issues' are doing exactly what they're deisnges to do. 

No I'm good with my original opinion thanks; the other LI infantry models don't all have this, and I'd prefer them all of the same standard. 

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For anyone not wanting to wait for a battlescribe version, I created a quick LI army builder sheet that calculates points and upgrade costs:

Just create a copy of the sheet and fill out the dropdown fields to enter your units (and the additional grey fields for SM)




For Knights and Titans if you want to take more than one detachment of the same kind just overwrite the automatic points, didn't manage to do it better with the time I had

Edited by Matrindur
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Hah got to love the GW online community. Declaring the game Dead on Arrival because it sold faster than planned and some (out of a 100) sculpts are bad. (Not necessarily on this board).


A large part just want GW/This game to fail just so they can feel smug in their "GW Bad" opinion.


Hoping that doesn't become a self fulfilling prophecy, with people copying the "Game Ded" meme, causing people not to actually look at the game, causing the game to fail. I for one hope it sells well enough to get proper support so we keep getting more and more tiny tanks and titans, and hopefully some better infantry models. 

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2 hours ago, skylerboodie said:

And you can save the "you won't notice from four feet away" defence; not everyone is only interested in how minis look from across a gaming board.


Sorry if this comes across as disrespectful but I did lol at this. Are you painting them up as a masterpiece for display in a public cabinet where people can shove their faces up against the glass? Are you hoping to walk around with a base of guys with the lack of undercut and decry GW in the street?


What is the other concern? Or is it simply about opinions of the creators skill and monetary value as a compound sense of "good enough" or an investment in an undefined metric of quality?

Edited by Mogger351
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Hey folks - has anyone seen what the ruling is yet on base size/shape? I know we had the Warhammer Community comment previously about the new game being base agnostic but it would be good to know for sure. I've just pre-ordered some of the Solar Auxiliaries, not convinced round bases are the best for massed ranks of infantry (I always used 'square' in the past for horde-type armies) so would like to base on square - but not sure if these will be 20mm x 20mm or 25mm x 25mm.

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13 hours ago, Evil Eye said:

I don't think I'm in a rush to get into this. Not just because HH isn't my thing, but, well...


I know they're small but come on GW.

Eh. It is the size of a finger nail. And a couple of snips with a clipper or some trimming with a blade should get rid of it in less time that it would take complaining about it online.

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I remember being stoked to go out and buy this (was only 50 quid at the time - sigh, those were the days):




… now compared to this:




Way more models in the old set but way better quality in the new, for a lot more money. This is the general trend for everything GW these days. £96 on third party sites is decent though. The models look awesome and 2 Warhounds is pretty neat. I still probably won’t buy it though because I can’t really afford to get into another game system and already have enough leadweight. 

What I am tempted to buy is a box of the Questoris Knights, just to paint. I love the big knights but probably won’t ever actually buy one, so these would be cool to have on my desk.

Edited by TheArtilleryman
Changed 2nd image for the actual one of the boxed set
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7 minutes ago, Mogger351 said:

Sorry if this comes across as disrespectful but I did lol at this. Are you painting them up as a masterpiece for display in a public cabinet where people can shove their faces up against the glass? Are you hoping to walk around with a base of guys with the lack of undercut and decry GW in the street?


What is the other concern? Or is it simply about opinions of the creators skill and monetary value as a compound sense of "good enough" or an investment in an undefined metric of quality?


Can't speak for him, but the inconsistency bothers me. The terminators, heavy weapon teams and the assault marines looking fine while the line infantry have massive issues just feels bad to see. Even the Solar Auxilia infantry look mostly fine, the undercut on those is far less pronounced. The bolter marine issue could have been resolved with better posing with the scale of the game in mind instead of recycling the same poses from the 28mm plastic kit. It's not really about other people seeing them and judging them, I get miniatures just for my own personal enjoyment most of the time. When the quality of the sculpt has major issues I just don't enjoy working on it. I'd have to get my hands on some of them first to see how feasible fixing them is and the review images I have seen on Chaosbunker.de don't really fill me with confidence.



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6 hours ago, SkimaskMohawk said:


They're wonky in the sense that mechanically they don't really kick in, but that's kinda purely because their base armour save is so good at 2+.


Here's some info from reddit:



Looks like you can really beat up on people in melee too, so you wont have that high armour save cut through with ease.

Maybe it actually would be a bit OP… kinda feels like they’re out of place in both games in terms of fielding a House. 

Edit: I’m not posting another reply concerning the Astartes model quality so I’ll just do it here…


Yeah, they’re kinda ugly. Unfortunately, this is what you get with the process they use to mold their models. Hell, you even see it to a lesser degree on the 28mm models. This isn’t anything new. 

That being said, you’re talking about an 8mm Marine that will be fielded on the table with possibly hundreds of other ones, dozens of tanks and other much more detailed models and will be wiped off the board pretty quickly all things considered. It won’t be noticeable in the heat of battle. You can always sit there with snips and whittle each one down if you so choose, but after the first dozen you’ll realize it’s not worth it. 

Edited by DuskRaider
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What they've done for the studio models is paint those areas black. For most of it, it won't be worth it to clean up.


It really depends on pose, as to whether there's artifacts in a one-cast piece like that. Although their sculpting and casting has improved a lot over the years, there's some things they can't get around when using those kinds of plastic molds.

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1 hour ago, Mogger351 said:

Sorry if this comes across as disrespectful but I did lol at this. Are you painting them up as a masterpiece for display in a public cabinet where people can shove their faces up against the glass? Are you hoping to walk around with a base of guys with the lack of undercut and decry GW in the street?

Must be! Couldn't be that I want to paint models for my own enjoyment, nobody does that.

If you're happy with these minis then good for you. I'm not, and I only have so much hobby time and funds, and I'd rather focus them elsewhere.

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4 hours ago, Arbedark said:


But this is like complaining that a supermini can't fit 7 people in it - it's not designed to. The average Joe LI mini isn't designed to be a centrepiece, but to look good when massed together on the table, which they absolutely do. 

Eh, GW’s deal has been “premium minis for premium prices” for about as long as anyone can remember. “It looks fine from across the table” is more for Warlord and their more modest price point. I can understand being disappointed, here.

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