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Hey, I can field Gellerpox and Blackstone fortress models again. My Idiots of Chaos force is playable once more.


Still no rules for jump pack lords or the brass scorpion unless I missed them.


edit: i did miss the scorpion. nice.

Edited by de Selby
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If you want to use Calgar in historic 40K you have to use rules for an ordinary Captain or Terminator Captain. Honour Guard rules are just "everyone has a power weapon".


To be honest, GW have lost me for 10th. My purchases are limited to Necrons and only then ebay only. Broken and imbalanced rules, incompetence with proof reading and quality control, points gone for power level... you do one GW.


Least I've got Epic.

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Well, better late than never... Still published in english only though.

Interesting stuff is the equivalence table that let open fielding stuff as count as in events, as least as I understan it, as long as they do not fall in the Legend category. Yet I foresee some potential arguing there...

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1 hour ago, Plaguecaster said:

So much weird stuff 

Scabeiathrax is still a character who is just a special GUO whilst corbax who has his own unique model is no more and only usable as a proxy daemon prince 

Dg can take hellblades but can't take deimos predators, even though we can take normal predators 

No plague orgyns for DG is annoying considering they were a thing for vraks.



Seriously some of the logic is just stupid and weird 

Also still belive making possessed for DG legends in the first place is utterly pathetic andnjust plain stupid 


Do give feedback, only way they could make changes is through that process. Remember be polite but firm, clear about what you think is wrong, clear in writing too (bullet points or headings, short succinct points or paragraphs, etc).

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I really like Blackstone Fortress characters. Janus is quite powerful with redeploy, X-101 is a servitor with effective BS2+, UR is nice lone operative for backfield harrasment (if you manage you push him through enemy forces). Drones are nice and durable for points (guardian drone T7, W7, sv3+/5+++ for 45 points - insane!) and Ambull is just a lovely addition with T8, W8, sv3+/5+++ and ability to deepstrike THREE TIMES!


I know what I will be painting later this year

Edited by Madao
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3 hours ago, bristlybadger said:

Seems Krieg Engineers are just... no more?


EDIT: Even more hilariously, have you seen the grenadier squad's wounds? *facepalm*

And this is why all throughout 9th I had my Death Riders played as WS3 BS4 despite those being the opposite in the IA releases.

Edited by Dark Legionnare
Found more hilarity
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Ah yes, the Venerable Dreadnought is now in Legends... what? Like, they retired the Dreadnought kit and put the Venerable datasheet into Legends, what are they even doing?


Oh, and enjoy using the Assault Ramp rule on your Terminus Ultra!




Shame about that Transport capacity though!


Good god, this is the most slapdash edition release I've seen.


Edit: And also, why the hell are the datasheets in such a messy order. Literally no rhyme or reason.

Edited by Kallas
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41 minutes ago, Kallas said:

Ah yes, the Venerable Dreadnought is now in Legends... what? Like, they retired the Dreadnought kit and put the Venerable datasheet into Legends, what are they even doing?


Oh, and enjoy using the Assault Ramp rule on your Terminus Ultra!

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Shame about that Transport capacity though!


Good god, this is the most slapdash edition release I've seen.


Edit: And also, why the hell are the datasheets in such a messy order. Literally no rhyme or reason.

Iirc the terminus ultra never had transport capacity, but the model most certainly does have an assault ramp. So as much as you're trying hard to be flabbergasted and angry, it's actually very correct, if a little redundant.

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11 minutes ago, Mogger351 said:

Iirc the terminus ultra never had transport capacity, but the model most certainly does have an assault ramp. So as much as you're trying hard to be flabbergasted and angry, it's actually very correct, if a little redundant.

So you've missed the point: sure, it has an Assault Ramp, and yes, it never had a Transport Capacity...so why, rules-wise, does it have the Assault Ramp rule which is entirely redundant and pointless?


Predators are based on Rhino hulls and similarly do not have a Transport Capacity, and instead they have a different rule to reflect their different battlefield role: why doesn't the Terminus Ultra have this? Obvious answer is because GW doesn't case and just shoved a shoddy datasheet out of the door to be done with it, but please do go on about how it's totally a reasonable thing :rolleyes:

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WHW Command Tanks have been gutted for rules too, sadly. Interesting that they brought back the TDA Inquisitor though. No sign of the Damocles anywhere either.


1 hour ago, Kallas said:

Just FYI



Not being added to the app. I guess screw you for those who are using it and want to make lists with these.



BA lost access to jump pack Command Squad and there's no jump pack Lieutenants anywhere either.

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