Bonehead Posted July 23, 2023 Share Posted July 23, 2023 I was doing a blog on my Rogue Trader IG but then got distracted by building a completely different IG army. And now that I've finished that for the moment I realise I could have done a whole blog on that too and for no good reason failed to do it. I even took photos of them the entire time. I'm happy to say that with this lot I've only been working on them for a month at least before realising I could do a blog on them too. Some kind of improvement. So, this is that: I finally managed to sell my 2nd edition cadians and decided to do an army that isn't imperial guard for once. Naturally I've decided to do traitor guard and chaos cultists. Completely different. I've always wanted to do a horde of cultists, mostly inspired by the art in the old 2nd edition core books: Something about the image of a horde of mutated, obviously evil maniacs is pretty powerful. I've never really explored much of the chaos side of 40k, modelling wise, so I reckon it's time. There are a couple of conditions: I'm not going to use modern GW plastics, even though there are some great kits that would make fantastic cultists. This is because I want the models to work alongside my existing guard armies which are smaller than modern GW stuff; Rogue Trader models and Victoria Lamb models which are firmly in the 28mm range and not the modern 32mm. These are going to be a mixture of models and parts from lots of different ranges; as much old GW stuff as possible for the cultists but I reckon I'm free to add in whatever I want, I don't want to cut myself out of any parts I like the looks of. I'm going to start with what I already have: over the years I've picked up a fair few necromunda Cawdor and Redemptionist models, and they have an undeniable sinister quality with their hoods, robes and masks. They'll make excellent general-purpose cultists. I'll split them into separate covens between the different sets: it'll give me an opportunity to mix up the paint schemes. Some of the Cawdor models I have are done up well enough for a horde already, so I'll stick with that scheme for them. I reckon it probably makes them the Tzeench cultists: I'm pretty sure they won't need much touching up, just some bases and some bad symbols. There's nearly thirty of them after snooping around online for a few bargains and doubling the numbers. There'll probably be quite a few conversions to do later on to vary the models a bit, but the shouty faces and energetic poses definitely work for crazed fanatics. There's enough of them to be pretty sure I'll not need any more, unless a particularly tempting bargain pops up. I'll definitely have to add some mutations here and there though. The Nurgle cultists will be doing the bulk of the heavy lifting in that area, but all of them will have to show a bit of corruption. I also have some scavvies that'll make great Nurgle cultists, but they're the ones I currently have least of so they'll get dealt with last. The redemptionists, though, they're coming along. Juuuuust fine so far. Tallarn Commander, The_Worker, sonsoftaurus and 2 others 1 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted July 23, 2023 Author Share Posted July 23, 2023 Way back, I picked up a bunch of the redemptionist model waving his gun over his head. I wanted it just for the gun, which I cut off and used for my rogue trader imperial guard. While I was rolling the idea for this project around in my head, it occurred to me that there was probably a fair bit of conversion potential in the sculpt: one arm is well celar of the body and the other's pretty easy to remove, and while the hooded head is a bit of a challenge, it shouldn't be too hard to remove it and clean up the mess easily with green stuff thanks to the mantle it's attached to. An experiment was in order, and in due course, these lads turned up. At the same time Anvil Industries advertised a deal on their Robed Cultist range, so I picked up a few. They mix pretty well with the redemptionists, especially if you mix in some GW parts. Since their chief purpose in life is to be the oppo for my loyalists, I put them on the same bases that my RT guard are (slowly) getting. A bit of greenstuff and they were ready for a red undercoat. Honestly I just wanted to use up the tin of red spray I had, but it seems to work pretty well. I decided pretty early on that I didn't like the Anvil heads- the detail is very shallow compared to the GW models. I wanted to paint up a test batch so I stuck with some of them, and I can't find an alternative female hooded head so i've stuck with those, but I've since got in some Brotherhood heads and Evil heads from Maxmini and I like the detail on those a lot better. All that aside, it was fun to model and paint them. The redemptionists are fun and characterful models, and treating them like modular models where you can just glue on different arms and heads gives them a lot of potential. I'm really pleased with how well the two models in this batch based off the same body- the guy waving a gun in the air- have come out with really pretty minimal green stuff work (and skill). One got arms from Victoria Miniatures and one got a head and arms from Anvil, and they're pretty distinct end results. Plus, the head went nicely on an Anvil cultist combined with a GW gun and knife to make him fit in much better. You'll see him in due course. I've since done a fair few of those and I'll do more yet- still got more redemptionists to convert and I'm enjoying far too much to stop now. I'm also enjoying getting deep into my guns bits box- a crucial part of the artwork that inspired them was the 'mismatched rabble' feel. These aren't professional soldiers, they're a mob of raving fanatics, armed with whatever they can get hold of. As of me writing this, I've successfully managed to get five different sculpts of lasgun on the models, and I have yet more to go. It's the same with the ones with close-combat weapons too. A fair question might be 'is all this converting effort worth it on a bunch of cheap cannon fodder models' and it's a fair question, but I think in the wrong spirit. This project is not going to produce a competitive tabletop force. It's going to produce a one of a kind collection that will be full of odd little twists and unique figures; appropriate for chaos, surely. Besides, they look great painted up: Definitely happy with how they came out. Cheers everyone RolandTHTG, Dr_Ruminahui, sonsoftaurus and 5 others 3 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted July 24, 2023 Share Posted July 24, 2023 They do look great all painted up and the various kits look great together. Any plans to add special or heavy weapons, or vehicles? If not, they might be best used as a cultist gang in Necromunda. Bonehead and sonsoftaurus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted July 24, 2023 Author Share Posted July 24, 2023 (edited) 20 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said: They do look great all painted up and the various kits look great together. Any plans to add special or heavy weapons, or vehicles? Thanks very much for the compliments! I'm concentrating on the simple stuff for now, just churning out a horde of deluded suckers, but there will be special weapons and a couple of heavy weapons. I've a few more Redemptionists on the way including special weapons and the cawdor include a few heavies too. I have a couple of kneeling cultist bodies from Anvil so at least a couple of heavy weapons- if I can maybe find the right arms I might manage a few standing missile launchers too. But I'm planning to do a small company of traitor guard once the cultists are a fair way along, so they'll be supplying most of the firepower. Got a couple of battered old Russes that should do some good. It's not in any way intended to be a competetive army though so I'm probably going to be 90% making it up as I go. And building and converting is enough fun to keep the whole thing trundling along nicely. There should be more finished within the week, anyway. Thanks for looking! Edited July 24, 2023 by Bonehead Tallarn Commander, sonsoftaurus, The_Worker and 4 others 4 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitnam Posted July 25, 2023 Share Posted July 25, 2023 Always love seeing more cultists and traitor guardsmen. I admire all the work you've done converting with Pewter. I started the hobby back with a long discontinued Ork army, in which the old metal Killa Kans and Dreadnoughts (pre-Deffdread name change!) were going to be the centerpiece. I got like 9 walkers, and trying to super glue those things gave me hobby-PTSD. Now. I got a pewter Tehenhauin I want to mount ontop of a Stegadon, and I'm kind of hesitating on starting that work. All the various bits and greenstuff work you've melded on is very well done sonsoftaurus and Bonehead 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sonsoftaurus Posted July 25, 2023 Share Posted July 25, 2023 Love it, we need more human heretic forces! Maybe consider Tallarn figs for some things, plus could be easy heavy weapon options. The desert-wear IMO feels cultistish, especially when painted to fit vs earth tones. Bonehead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted July 25, 2023 Author Share Posted July 25, 2023 14 hours ago, sitnam said: Always love seeing more cultists and traitor guardsmen. I admire all the work you've done converting with Pewter. I started the hobby back with a long discontinued Ork army, in which the old metal Killa Kans and Dreadnoughts (pre-Deffdread name change!) were going to be the centerpiece. I got like 9 walkers, and trying to super glue those things gave me hobby-PTSD. Now. I got a pewter Tehenhauin I want to mount ontop of a Stegadon, and I'm kind of hesitating on starting that work. All the various bits and greenstuff work you've melded on is very well done Thanks very much! I find I prefer pewter to plastic because you can bend the material more easily when converting- and the detail seems just a little bit deeper. But if you want to put a heavier metal part on a plastic model, or even on another metal model, there's just no substitute for pinning. It works a treat. I started with metal Orks myself, way back at the end of RT. Man alive I made a packet selling some of those a couple of years ago! Made me wish teenage me had spent more on models and less on weed.... 4 hours ago, sonsoftaurus said: Love it, we need more human heretic forces! Maybe consider Tallarn figs for some things, plus could be easy heavy weapon options. The desert-wear IMO feels cultistish, especially when painted to fit vs earth tones. Thanks mate. The cultists are going to be just a horde of expendable chumps, so the traitor guard I'm planning will supply the heavy weapons. I'm going to try and keep the gw ranges I pull from limited or the whole thing is just going to look all over the place. I mean I know that's appropriate, but I want them to look right together, you know? sitnam 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted July 29, 2023 Author Share Posted July 29, 2023 Bit of progress has been made: I'll post in more detail later. Got to shoot off to a gig tonight. Happy weekend everyone sitnam, Dr_Ruminahui, Tallarn Commander and 2 others 2 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gnasher Posted July 31, 2023 Share Posted July 31, 2023 These look great Bonehead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted July 31, 2023 Author Share Posted July 31, 2023 8 hours ago, Gnasher said: These look great Thanks Gnasher, glad you like them. Well, I just accidentally deleted everything I spent a half hour typing. So this is likely to be a more brief post than I'd originally intended. The next batch are a 50/50 mix of GW redemptionists and Anvil cultists. I've swapped some heads to add a bit of variety to the models: with only six basic poses the redemptionists can get very repetetive, especially when you consider that there are effectively only four heads. In the photo bleow you can see how the conversions range from simple head swaps to more involved total pose overhauls. In the next photo you can see the effect, I hope: with a bit of paint on them, shouty leader bloke's former head is fitting nicely on the second left cultist, and combined with the GW weapons ties the anvil body to the gw models. Hopefully the same is true of the GW weapons on the far right cultist. I'm really pleased with how they've come out. For quick paint jobs by my standards, they fit as a unit. Shouty leader's face sits better into the shadow of the hood in natural light too. As an additional little detail I've given him a bayonet and holster from my recently completed Victoria Miniatures regiment, the Ukraine-themed Yantar 8th. They're a different brown to the other details and suggest a possible narrative hook: perhaps shouty bloke got the leadership role by killing a Yantari loyalist and taking their gear? Here's the second half of the new intake, annoyingly out of focus thanks to my old and tired camera. I think they're a good set to demonstrate how to keep the unit looking good together while still plainly not uniform, and satisfy my pathological need to avoid repeated models at the same time. The far right cultist is based on a model that normally holds two pistols, but I've given him Anvil arms and a shotgun from them too. With a bit of greenstuff, I'm very happy with the pose and it also has the benefit of introducing a third shotgun sculpt to the mob, reinforcing the lack of a standard set of equipment. Likewise on the far left, the anvil cultist is clutching an original 1st edition IG lasgun- third kind out of at least five lasguns to see paint int he mob- and combined with a GW knife at her belt it hopefully ties her in to the unit. In the left-middle a head from North Star's Frostgrave Cultist set fits perfectly on the GW body. Just pointing it in a different direction from the original head created a new pose on its own; the original was looking suspiciously to its left. That head is currently sitting on a North Star body, undercoated and awaiting paint. Both models fit the look well. Right-middle an anvil cultist with a GW gun, Victoria Minis arms and a head from Maxmini's 'Evil heads' set. I love that head. Perfect for a bad guy who know's he's a bad guy and doesn't mind it at all. Demented glee is very on-message for a crazed demon worshipper. Finally all eight together. Defintely coming along. Thanks for looking, everyone. Wormwoods, sitnam, Tallarn Commander and 3 others 3 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted July 31, 2023 Share Posted July 31, 2023 Those are all great - you've done a great job distinguishing models that are very difficult to convert. I especially like how the burgundy and green work together, and the white chaos symbols are both a great idea for adding a visual contrast and very nicely done. My only quibble is that I think the models that have barely any of the green (so the back left 2 in your last picture) on them need more of it - yes, I know they don't because they don't have a tabard other large piece of differentiated cloth, but maybe a green stripe on the cuffs or sleeves? Not saying you need to change your finished models, but something to keep in mind for any similar models in the future. Bonehead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 1, 2023 Author Share Posted August 1, 2023 16 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said: Those are all great - you've done a great job distinguishing models that are very difficult to convert. I especially like how the burgundy and green work together, and the white chaos symbols are both a great idea for adding a visual contrast and very nicely done. My only quibble is that I think the models that have barely any of the green (so the back left 2 in your last picture) on them need more of it - yes, I know they don't because they don't have a tabard other large piece of differentiated cloth, but maybe a green stripe on the cuffs or sleeves? Not saying you need to change your finished models, but something to keep in mind for any similar models in the future. Thanks buddy. I agree, really: too lazy to go back and fix those two with still twenty of these left to go and then Tzeentch and Nurgle cultists to come after, but in the future, I'll definitely need to find a way to get the spot colour back on any model where the problem crops back up. This is defintely going to be easier on the Nurgle boys. Just a big green-brown mess would work for everyone, but I'm tempted to try an off-white base colour there. I should probably worry about that when it's not future me's problem though. Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 3, 2023 Author Share Posted August 3, 2023 Seven more cultists inbound. Heeding some good advice from Dr Ruminahui I've made sure to get the spot colour turquoise/teal visible on all of them one way or another. Just bases, faces and hands to finish, and little bits of black wherever they occur. The metal could use a dark wash too. And on the subject of bases, this angle should hopefully show them off to their best effect: Adding in a mixture of stone-paved road and sidwalk helps to reinfoce the idea of chaos cults being an urban problem: in cities and hives, the malcontent can get together and get up to no good. Not to mention it gives me an excuse to mess around with soldering stuff, which I also enjoy.... LSM, Dr_Ruminahui, RolandTHTG and 2 others 2 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted August 3, 2023 Share Posted August 3, 2023 Those look great! And your light posts too. Bonehead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 7, 2023 Author Share Posted August 7, 2023 Thought I'd finished another seven only to realise I forgot the chaos symbols. Bollocks. Ok, check back in a coupla days. In the meanwhile, some reinforcements arrived from eBay. These cultists should fit right in with the redemptionists and give the whole set more of an overtly evil flavour too. I'd love some more of them, but they're not cheap at all, so it's not terribly likely. The_Worker and Dr_Ruminahui 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 9, 2023 Author Share Posted August 9, 2023 (edited) Ok, I finished them properly this time. Seven more done with chaos symbols actually done and bonus highlighting on the green bits which I'd also forgotten, as it turned out. Left a few mistakes in but considering how many there are to go yet it's pretty easy to not care, so I didn't. They're a mix of redemptionists, Anvil cultists and North Star models. Once again they make a nicely uncoordinated mob with not a single matching gun and the same three colours mixed around randomly on the clothes. This dude's my favourite conversion so far. The autogun went in place of the shotgun really nicely- I'd forgotten how easy it is carving metal out with a sharp knife, and it just made the whole job a breeze. Must remember to get more blades. I was very happy with how I got the Maxmini head on too- just a pin, no need for green stuff. Ideal, if you ask me. on the right in the photo above you can see the destination of the original head from the converted geezer; onto a body from Anvil, the GW head and gun give him a very similar feel, plus the two of them look just right, framing the unit leader. Speaking of, she got another bayonet from the Yantar 8th to keep the trial by combat theme going. I think all three worked out very nicely. Four close-in armed models, and from four different sets. Hard right is a stock redemptionist: I feel it's fine to have at least one just the way they come. But I do have three more of this guy so there'll be plenty of converting to come. Next to him is a pretty stock anvil guy. I'd built this one before I decided I wasn't keen on the Anvil heads, so I just left him as he was. He's waving a genuine RT laspistol; it fits pretty well with all the slightly more modern guns and adds in more of that ramshackle variety. Left of middle is a figure from North Star's 'Frostgrave Cultists' set; not a hard buying decision really. He's got the head from the bloke in the last finished set who recieved a North Star head in return. Leftmost is another NS body, from the 'Frostgrave Witches 2' set. I picked up a sprue pretty much just for the variety in female arm poses, but getting a couple of useable bodies was a nice bonus. The head's another Anvil one- it's harder to find good female 'evil' heads. I gave her a laspistol and she was good to go. Those last two stand out a bit in a smaller group, but mixed in among the 22 I've finished so far they're fine. I'm pretty happy with the poses, adding a bit of variation in works very nicely. Right, there's fifteen more in various states of assembly on the converting table, and I just bagged some Mordheim Possessed cultists on eBay for a great deal so it's probably time to crack on. I reckon there'll be more than 40 in this coven when it's finally done so no time to waste. Thanks for looking, all comments welcome. Edited August 11, 2023 by Bonehead RolandTHTG, Dr_Ruminahui, The_Worker and 1 other 2 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 16, 2023 Author Share Posted August 16, 2023 Reinforcements have arrived. I like these old Mordheim possessed cultists so much that I've decided they'll have to form the core of a little khorne coven. The undivided coven (the one we've been seeing most of) will remain the most populous, as is convenient: general purpose baddies are just more useful to have around. But it's nice to have a variety of models. And while I wasn't much of a fan of most of the Fanatic output- some of the necromunda models in particular were pretty terrible- these cult of the possessed models are great. I'm also seeing plenty of conversion possibilities. There are the obvious, i.e. just swapping in a couple of pistols, as well as one lad I think will probably look pretty decent holding a great big shotgun. That's for the future though. Speaking of conversions, I've got four more mostly finished off during a particularly dull meeting this morning. In the picture below, I already had the three to the left posed and glued up, and to them I added the rightmost. I've been struggling to think how to use my multiple copies of the basic 'redemptionist holding a gun while glaring suspiciously to his left' pose. The gun being held accross the torso does limit the conversion possibilities somewhat; you lose an awful lot of detail carving it away. Happily inspiration struck and I was able to use the arms I cut off another redemptionist (now holding a lasgun in the photo above) to thoroughly re-pose the model. He also got a new head from Maxmini's 'evil heads' set. I think I've not done enough mutated cultists up to this point, so hopefully I'll be redressing that with this guy and some others. I don't want to go overboard with it, the cult as a whole is very much themed as being in a 'just coming into the light' phase as opposed to a 'we've been rotten for generations' phase. I think it'll work with more green stuff. Talking of which, I got most of that done. The one guy with the new head will need some more work to get his hood done but the others are all ready. Not bad for someone with no talent, using a blunt knife as a sculpting tool. Objectively not very good, then, but under the circumstances a decent effort.. Tallarn Commander, Gnasher, Dr_Ruminahui and 2 others 2 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 20, 2023 Author Share Posted August 20, 2023 More cultists done. And I think they make for a pretty decent banner image. The proportion of roughly half GW models and half 3rd party stuff is going to change from now on; I've run out of Anvil bodies, and I don't think I can get away with more than a couple more Frostgrave cultists if I want to maintain a consistent look. I do still have at least fourteen more usable redemptionists, and I'm probably going to shell out for a couple more- the leader with meltagun model is increasingly looking good. I do have the alternative leader model waving a sword - looking forward to getting him done. Some pretty simple conversions here- I bagged the deacon model pre-converted with the lasgun on FB and basically decided he was plenty good enough, just added the energy pack to his hand and drilled and cut out the magazine well on the gun. Very quick on a plastic model. The other one was simple- having already cut the hand off the gun-waving lad so his autogun could join my rogue trader IG grenadiers, I just pinned and glued a new hand holding a pistol on. Easy. neither one needed green stuff, which was great. This marks 30 cultists finished, which feels like a pretty good result. 18 rifle-cultists and 12 close combat-cultists. There are more of each to come but I expect the proportion of slightly more shooters will continue, just because the poses are easier to manage. It's going to be fun (a pain in the neck) converting some of the cawdor shooty lads to close combat specialists, but I think I've just about proved I can do it. I'm going to cheat a bit by getting some arms from Victoria Minis though. That's future me's problem though- and there's nothing that sucker can do about it, heh. In the meanwhile here's a photo to give a good sense of progress: Definitely enough of them to make a mob now. Good progress. And if you get a shot down at eye level there's nearly enough of them to give the impression of a significantly bigger mob. I really like the mix of frenzied expressions and hodgepodge of mismatched weapons, especially the comically large axe and the giant chainsaw being waved overhead. It's definitely giving some 'pitchforks and burning torches' energy to the whole image. Hopefully this week I'll get a chance to nip down to Warhammer World (genuinely the closest gw shop to my house) and snap a few shots of them in some decent terrain, and opposing some loyalists. I might have to wait until the proportion of gw models is somewhat higher though. It'll probably be fine. Anyway, thanks for looking. Comments and questions welcome! RolandTHTG, sitnam, The_Worker and 2 others 1 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted August 20, 2023 Share Posted August 20, 2023 Yeah, they are turning out great. Really good use of browns and greys to get more of a motley look without disrupting the overall visual cohesiveness of the unit. You might want to try doing the same for the exposed pants of some models - rathr than doing them all green (as it looks like you have done in the above photo), maybe do some in tans and blues as well. Bonehead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 21, 2023 Author Share Posted August 21, 2023 18 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said: Yeah, they are turning out great. Really good use of browns and greys to get more of a motley look without disrupting the overall visual cohesiveness of the unit. You might want to try doing the same for the exposed pants of some models - rathr than doing them all green (as it looks like you have done in the above photo), maybe do some in tans and blues as well. Good point! I'm really shooting myself in the foot if I want them to look disorganised but give them all the same colour clothes. I might have to go back and re-do some. Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted August 21, 2023 Share Posted August 21, 2023 Bonehead, you have a wonderful army! I love the conversions and colors--you have done wonderful things here with the old Mordheim and Necromunda figures. Another option would be to kitbash the Genestealer Cult Neophytes. Here is a link to a photo where you can see "Nunchaku Ned," my GSC conversion, standing next to "Obsidian," my Mordheim trooper. I would definitely stay away from GW's current Traitor Guard. While the sculpts are impressive, I'm currently painting up a batch of 4 and they tower over most of my Nostroman 9th troopers. Bonehead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted August 21, 2023 Share Posted August 21, 2023 (edited) Glad you like my suggestion. I don't know if you need to repaint any of the pants you have already done - using new colours on your new models may be enough. You'll probably have a better idea as to that as you add models and I'm sure whatever you ultimately decide will look great. You might also look for exposed sleeves (so those bits poking out from their cloak sleeves), and where those aren't an important spot colour work some variety of colours in there too. And personally, I find painting "matching but hodge podge" units much harder to paint than units that fall to either extreme - it can be really tough to remember to find for each model some random colour that contrasts but doesn't clash with the scheme, but is also different from the one you used on the last model you painted, or the one before that - intentional randomness is really hard work but I think would be more than worth it for your horde. I would be careful with incorporating genestealer neophytes - while I love the models as cultists (and have done my own), they have a very distinctive sci fi look that might clash with your current cloaks and robes. Perhaps a better match would be the Cultists of the Abyss models originally from Blackstone Fortress - while their upper bodies are lightly clothed (or unclothed), their legs have cloak-like elements and they have heads with masks that could easily match (or be mixed with) your redemptionist models Edited August 21, 2023 by Dr_Ruminahui Bonehead and Tallarn Commander 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 21, 2023 Author Share Posted August 21, 2023 2 hours ago, Tallarn Commander said: Bonehead, you have a wonderful army! I love the conversions and colors--you have done wonderful things here with the old Mordheim and Necromunda figures. Another option would be to kitbash the Genestealer Cult Neophytes. Here is a link to a photo where you can see "Nunchaku Ned," my GSC conversion, standing next to "Obsidian," my Mordheim trooper. I would definitely stay away from GW's current Traitor Guard. While the sculpts are impressive, I'm currently painting up a batch of 4 and they tower over most of my Nostroman 9th troopers. Thanks mate! Much appreciated. I love the everything-goes mash up of your cultists. And the vibrant colour scheme! I was thinking the exact same thing about the GW traitor guards- much too tall. Mine are going to be Victoria Miniatures models with GW heads and guns. I think I should have enough cultists with there probably being 45+ of these ones, 30-odd ones based off of cawdor gangers, then some scavvies for nurgle cultists and the mordheim guys for khorne cultists. I'm also keeping a look out for those late 2nd edition/ 3rd edition metal cultists. A few more of those ought to round out the khorne guys. I don't think I need more than a hundred or so cultists! I'm probably not going to have any gw plastics at all. 2 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said: Glad you like my suggestion. I don't know if you need to repaint any of the pants you have already done - using new colours on your new models may be enough. You'll probably have a better idea as to that as you add models and I'm sure whatever you ultimately decide will look great. You might also look for exposed sleeves (so those bits poking out from their cloak sleeves), and where those aren't an important spot colour work some variety of colours in there too. And personally, I find painting "matching but hodge podge" units much harder to paint than units that fall to either extreme - it can be really tough to remember to find for each model some random colour that contrasts but doesn't clash with the scheme, but is also different from the one you used on the last model you painted, or the one before that - intentional randomness is really hard work but I think would be more than worth it for your horde. I would be careful with incorporating genestealer neophytes - while I love the models as cultists (and have done my own), they have a very distinctive sci fi look that might clash with your current cloaks and robes. Perhaps a better match would be the Cultists of the Abyss models originally from Blackstone Fortress - while their upper bodies are lightly clothed (or unclothed), their legs have cloak-like elements and they have heads with masks that could easily match (or be mixed with) your redemptionist models The thing is, I don't have any more models coming for this mob/coven/rabble that have visible pants/trousers- the next fifteen are all going to be based on redemptionist models so robes all the way down. I think I'll probably go back and turn a few trouser legs to tan or blue or black to give them the variety I forgot to in the first place. Those sleeves poking out of the robes are a really good spot; I can do something with them very easily. I think I'll probably do quite a few of the remaining redemptionist-derived models with more of a red highlight colour so the robes don't look entirely uniform too. You're 100% not wrong about it being hard to paint up a set of 'random' colours. And also about it being worth it, as well. I have pretty much all of the models that'll become cultists already so I'm probably only going to pick up a few more scavvies and OG metal cultists. We'll see what bargains pop up but the next purchase is coming from Victoria Minis- payday tomorrow so I'm going to put in a big order. The traitor guard part of the army are the ones I'm really looking forward to; not having to convert every one of them and having a uniform should make things easier. Really appreciate the thoughts and comments, guys! Tallarn Commander and Dr_Ruminahui 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonehead Posted August 28, 2023 Author Share Posted August 28, 2023 Five more finished. That makes fourteen close combat cultists and twenty something rifle-nutters. It's going to be a very busy week at one of my jobs so these are likely to be the last I get done for a little while. Still, it's good to grow the horde even by a small amount. I used a nice deep red to highlight the robes instead of a more pruple colour like on many of the others so there's a nice bit of subtle variation even in the main part of the scheme. Definitely good enough for me. I think old johnny mutated-head came out decently well enough: there's a pretty decent mix of stupid/angry in the sculpt and adding in the book suggests he may be an especially fervent cultist- which sits well with the mutation. His mutated head goes well enough with the non-visibly mutated cultists because it's not massively exaggerated but definitely 'not right' either. And the non-mutated guy's expression of glee might not come accross too well in my crappy photo, but it certainly fits too. Overall, I'm happy with them. Not my best work but you can't be a perfectionist with a horde of cultists, you'd be there forever. Thanks for looking everyone! Dr_Ruminahui, Dr. Clock, RolandTHTG and 3 others 3 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitnam Posted August 29, 2023 Share Posted August 29, 2023 I love the work you’ve done here. After pinning that Tehenehuain recently, I have even more respect for your work here Bonehead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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