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The really funny thing is, I do understand wanting to exact revenge on those you perceive have wronged* you, and whilst I think BBF was 100% in the wrong I'd at least understand if he went about his vengeance attempt in a more successful manner. DDOSes, spreading malicious rumours via underground circuits, SQL injections, personal-army brigading etc would all have been somewhat more effective vectors of spiteful and misguided retribution. But...suing the place? What does he think he's going to accomplish? Unless this guy has enough money to hire an extremely crafty, scummy and underhanded lawyer (or more accurately, one that's good at the previous, as crafty, scummy and underhanded sums up most lawyers) of the kind who effectively win cases through the legal equivalent of WAAC gaming, he's on a road to nowhere.


Like, if you're going to get psychotically angry over being kicked from an online community, which I do have sympathy with (in general principle, not in this particular instance) at least do something that might actually give the members of the community cause for concern rather than just make them laugh. I'm not going to pretend to be a high-and-mighty paragon of virtue who has never concocted needlessly vindictive revenge plots against random internet nobodies, but come on.



*I still don't really get what BBF's problem was but anyway.

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4 hours ago, Joe said:

I'd genuinely forgotten this chap existed. Does speak volumes about how staggeringly unremarkable he was.


Oh he was remarkable in his own way, namely the way he could post so regularly in so many threads without really ever saying anything. It was only when reading this thread that I appreciated how much less frustrating the B&C is to read these days without his pointless non-contributions scattered liberally through every thread just for the purpose of inflating his post count. After his ban and allegations I had a look at his Facebook wall and it's exactly the same; just reposting other people's content with barely a word of comment, seemingly there just to fulfil the compulsion to have posted something.


My initial reaction to this thread was that it would be pretty funny for him to make a fool of himself by doing this but the more I think about it, the sadder it is. If it's genuine (and not just another internet point-scoring /attention-seeking thing) then this supposed lawyer is taking him for a ride and could end up causing him a lot of financial grief. I hope it's just bluster, for his own sake.

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4 hours ago, Karhedron said:


A very good question. Not being a legal eagle, I am struggling to think of anything. Last time I checked, being thrown off a forum for breaking the Ts&Cs isn't grounds for prosecution but what do I know?


One thing though, if BBF does actually try and sue, I presume it will have to be under their real name and not their user handle. That alone probably means it is all just hot air. Posters like BBF are pretty mouthy when safely hidden behind the anonymity of the keyboard but I would be genuinely surprised if they have the guts to out themselves IRL.




"Steve" posted as himself and BBF available elsewhere - he's a strangely not anonymous troll!



39 minutes ago, Jukkiz said:

so what´s the deal with this certain "Individual" anyways?


See here - it was pretty sorry on his part.




Edited by Petitioner's City
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8 minutes ago, Halandaar said:

Writes articles?! Could've fooled me, although for BoLS and Spikey Bits that bit at least checks out :laugh:


I honestly think that's where all the Valrak hate (is that too strong a word..dogpilling perhaps?) came from, Someone jumping in later than you who's doing better and draws more people/clicks etc. And why I found it even funnier everytime he posted the equivalent to nuh-uh for any of Vals rumors.

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1 hour ago, Evil Eye said:

Unless this guy has enough money to hire an extremely crafty, scummy and underhanded lawyer (or more accurately, one that's good at the previous, as crafty, scummy and underhanded sums up most lawyers) of the kind who effectively win cases through the legal equivalent of WAAC gaming, he's on a road to nowhere.







Edited by m_r_parker
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30 minutes ago, Mechanicus Tech-Support said:

I honestly think that's where all the Valrak hate (is that too strong a word..dogpilling perhaps?) came from, Someone jumping in later than you who's doing better and draws more people/clicks etc. And why I found it even funnier everytime he posted the equivalent to nuh-uh for any of Vals rumors.


Well in fairness I don't have a lot of time for Valrak either, but in my case that's not personal and more just my dislike of the way Youtube encourages people to basically do the video equivalent of what BBF did here. (I.e. constantly spam pointless "content" for engagement and stretch 2 mins of info into a 10 minute video because algorithm)

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3 minutes ago, Halandaar said:


Well in fairness I don't have a lot of time Valrak either, but in my case that's not personal and more just my dislike of the way Youtube encourages people to basically do the video equivalent of what BBF did here. (I.e. constantly spam pointless "content" for engagement and stretch 2 mins of info into a 10 minute video because algorithm)


Oh I get that, and also understand "because algorithm" and I don't begrudge you for thinking that but with bbf it just seemed..extra yknow

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5 minutes ago, MARK0SIAN said:

The most disappointing thing about all this is the chaindorks name. It’s such a poor insult, there’s a hundred better ones to use! 


It's so embarrassingly toddler-level. 


Participates voluntarily in the toy soldier forum for years, so bitter about being removed from it that he threatens to sue it, creates an alt account so he can keep looking at what's going on, but somehow WE'RE the dorks :facepalm:

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Hard to dislike Valrak after you've seen one of his streams he's just a jolly guy who likes to nerd out about Warhammer never liked Black Blow Fly on the otherhand. I could roast that guy for days and after reading this thread I wouldn't even feel bad about it but I gotta wonder how well he knows the law? He must know if he loses his frivilous lawsuit he's on the hook for the sites legal fees right? Still has to pay the lawyer too that's why it's easy to find one willing there's no loss for them.


It's so sad that he's calling us dorks and neckbeards while he's lurking the site and posting it to facebook too I mean really really really sad like there should be specific word for how pathetic and wierd it is. Like who's he even posting for? Are there like actual people dropping likes on his cringy ego saving revenge crusade? The whole thing is so absurd. lol

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1 minute ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

but I gotta wonder how well he knows the law? He must know if he loses his frivilous lawsuit he's on the hook for the sites legal fees right? Still has to pay the lawyer too that's why it's easy to find one willing there's no loss for them.


How does it even work? Who's the defendant? Brother Argos? Brother Tyler? A multinational cast of mods and users who can't feasibly be called to trial? The B&C isn't a company so can it even be sued?

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2 minutes ago, Halandaar said:


How does it even work? Who's the defendant? Brother Argos? Brother Tyler? A multinational cast of mods and users who can't feasibly be called to trial? The B&C isn't a company so can it even be sued?


You can sue a group of unincorporated people at once. You can even sue "Does" (whose identity you don't know at filing). So, he'd sue the admin (who he probably knows) and a list of Does which he pulls from his Book of Grudges, or maybe just everyone that's posted in this thread. Then in discovery, he gets Bro Argos or whoever to hand over the email addresses linked to our accounts and goes to work from there trying to figure out who we are to amend his complaint to list us by name. We're all doomed.

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2 minutes ago, Rain said:


You can sue a group of unincorporated people at once. You can even sue "Does" (whose identity you don't know at filing). So, he'd sue the admin (who he probably knows) and a list of Does which he pulls from his Book of Grudges, or maybe just everyone that's posted in this thread. Then in discovery, he gets Bro Argos or whoever to hand over the email addresses linked to our accounts and goes to work from there trying to figure out who we are to amend his complaint to list us by name. We're all doomed.


Okay, and what constitutes an actual valid charge you could sue somebody for in the context of an internet forum frequented by international users, and what jurisdiction does a US (presumably) court have over said international users?

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Just now, Halandaar said:


Okay, and what constitutes an actual valid charge you could sue somebody for in the context of an internet forum frequented by international users, and what jurisdiction does a US (presumably) court have over said international users?


Intentional infliction of reproductive dysfunction.

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23 minutes ago, Rain said:

Then in discovery, he gets Bro Argos or whoever to hand over the email addresses linked to our accounts and goes to work from there trying to figure out who we are to amend his complaint to list us by name. We're all doomed.


My boss already knows I play Warhammer. Supposedly they think it is cool that I paint the models, but I have to assume that is all a ruse because nobody thinks it is cool. Mr. Fly/Creature/Turner's excoriating legal takedown will probably be all the ammo they need to blacklist me from the industry for good.

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