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Shadows of Betrayal - a Calth project

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There are few things in this world as brilliant as a father's love for his son. It shines down upon the son, basking him in warmth and illuminating his path.


But what if that son were exceptional, and the father yet more brilliant? I suppose such a love could fill the air with golden light, filling the son with such vibrant energy that he could do the impossible.


Do you know what they say about the brightest lights? They also cast the darkest shadows. The son may bask in the father's light, but in doing so relegate his brother to the coldness of the shadows.


It is a tale as old as time itself. Two brothers, both brilliant in their own way. One warmed by the father's golden light, a sparkling sapphire in his father's eye. The other cast aside, a cold grey rock shivering in the darkness. What choice does such a son have but to drag his brother down into the shadows with him? 


The tale did not begin on Calth, but it is where my journey started. The day the Astartes brought destruction and vengeance to my beautiful home. Two brothers - one wreathing a world in flame and light long denied to him, the other desperately holding back a shadow which he never understood. For that is the truth of it - only a father's love can provoke such hate.





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Very nice match-up, are you planning on doing full opposing armies?

Nicely moody photos, of the two models the Ultramarine interests me the most, the style of painting you've used seems quite 'painterly' and add some nice spots of contrast to the blue.

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Thanks @StratoKhan! The plan is to do up enough on each side to play out the scenarios from the Betrayal at Calth box. From there, I'll see where things take me. I've got a few models that don't really have a place in my 40k dark angels army anymore that I might allocate to either side. Or if LI takes off locally I might go down that route.


The ultramarines interest me more too haha! I'm enjoying doing them in a rough NMM style that I'm happy with but that doesn't take too long to achieve. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Managed to play through the first scenario from the Betrayal at Calth box. It was a great game, coming right down to the wire. For those unfamiliar, the scenario starts with a squad each of veterans in close proximity to one another. Both squads are racing to exit the board via one of 3 doors into Calth's underground arcologies. After then 3, the door on the word bearer's flank shuts, and after turn 4 the door on the ultramarines flank shuts. At the end of turn 6 the middle door shuts and the game ends, with victory going to the player with more marines behind the doors. It's a surprisingly tactical game, balancing moving to the objective with trying to combat the enemy



The ultramarines made early progress up the side board but were perhaps a little too cagey. In contrast, the word bearers took a more aggressive route up the middle of the board. This meant that in the late game they were well positioned to secure 2 of the 3 exits and win the game. However in the second last turn of the game, Brother Styrax's plasma cannon (counts as missile launcher) managed to blast away the word bearers in the middle exit, securing the way for an Ultramarines victory



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks! I haven't been brave enough to do heat staining on melta before, but I've got some combi-weapon sternguard to use as veterans or seekers on the painting table next so I might test out on them before updating the praetor. Cheers for the suggestion

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