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Rules question: movement phase


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My question is about disembarking vs withdrawing.  It's clear from the rules that you may not disembark after your transport withdraws.  But what about before?  Can you get out and then have the transport back up? It reads to me that that would be allowed, but then it makes me wonder why you can disembark before, but not after, the transport withdraws.

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26 minutes ago, march10k said:

Can you get out and then have the transport back up?

Yes, the rules have no restriction on this.


As you noted, the only restrictions on disembarkation are for when a transport model has already Advanced or Fallen Back.


Edit: To add a little more specificity, the rules specifically say that you can disembark from a model that "has not yet made a [...] Fall Back move this phase". So yes, you are 100% allowed to dismbark before a transport Falls Back.





26 minutes ago, march10k said:

it makes me wonder why you can disembark before, but not after, the transport withdraws.

Eh, trying to divine GW's rules intentions is a path fraught with insanity :sweat:


Edited by Kallas
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Because a Fall Back move, for most situations, is supposed to show the inherent danger of trying to leave combat with a unit.  In the past this involved sweeping advances, which was often a death sentence for the falling back unit.

Now, you just don't get to do other things.  Most times falling back the penalty is that's the entirety of that unit's "Turn", which is an abstract of "It's not exactly easy to disengage a bunch of 9 Foot Genetic Freaks mobbing your car."

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