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Sorry about my delayed response - I second what Bonehead said, those look really nice.  Great use of non-GW models where they fit right in - often (and especially) with guard armies using 3rd party models they just kind of stand out as not being official models, where these look pretty much like I would expect the GW models to look like if they existed.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Looking at the Blooded bits I had left over from the Sons Of Sek, I decided to build a Blood Pact Kill Team, here's i nitial shots:













Trench Sweeper













As usual multiple manufacturers & sources for parts.

Thanks for looking!!



Looking great - great takes on those models and good use of bits.


Before you mentioned struggling to recreate some the vehicles in the Abnett books - I happened onto this post and was wondering if there was anything in it that might be useful to you - if so, you can always contact the OP to find out where he got the parts he is showing.

  • 3 weeks later...

Problem solved!








Sirdar (Sarge)



Trooper (Tried press molding sholder pads)











Thanks for looking, next up some more Sons of Sek converted from BSF traitor guard


pact (10).jpg

Edited by Gnasher
double pic post
  • 2 weeks later...

Cool. Looking forward to seeing them with some paint on!


Ere tis!


That's the Sons of Sek done until I buy more parts, these are converted BSF dudes...













Thanks for looking!

Your guys are looking great - and yeah, eyes are hard.


My own approach is as follows:


1) paint the eye socket dark brown or whatever your flesh wash is.

2) paint the eye itself white.

3) do the iris in the smallest, finest tip brush you can find which you can still get the paint to come off of.  Art supply stores are a good place to look, with the added bonus that brushes tend to be less expensive, rather than more, the finer you get.


It also really helps if you minimize shakiness - so, instead of holding the model, lie it on a flat surface.  If you painting hand is a bit wobbly, see if there is a way to rest it while doing the fine details.  As well, turn the model as necessary (like between eyes) so that you aren't reaching across the nose to to the eyes - the straighter on you can apply the brush (so, the more perpendicular) the easier it is to apply the paint neatly.


I would also recommend against doing the iris black - for some reason, those are more likely to come out all weird looking.  Instead use brown or dark blue or green.  Finally, for some odd reason, they tend to look best if they just barely touch the top of the eye and don't touch the bottom - if  you can get that kind of accuracy, which isn't always possible.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Oh, these are great. I love the Sons of Sek especially; I haven't seen many armies of them around. The vehicles are good too, and I like how you've done the Grotesks on the Blood Pact. Excellent stuff!

  • 4 weeks later...

Another batch of Blood Pact finished ...


Bolter, Flenser & Trench Sweeper



Corpseman, Melte, Bolter



Butcher, Brute, Plasma








Thanks for looking!

Edited by Gnasher

The Pact are basically Anvil Medieval torsos & short greatcoat legs, GW Blooded Arms & Mad Robot heads with a selection of back packs from various manufacturers. The guns are all Anvil as I wanted to keep the force looking coherant with the same look & feel across the board.

Thanks for the kind words guys!


A design note:

I originally got the blood pact as a set from Mad Robot, ,my test model under whelmed me as it didn't look like the reference art I had but the heads were perfect, so I experimented  with Anvil parts & Bingo, I got something close enough to the vision in I had my head:-




I'd like to think I got pretty close.


same with the Sons of Sek : -



Thanks for looking

Edited by Gnasher
  • 2 weeks later...

I lik e- very distintive looking!  A couple of things I might do on other models, though - I would cover up the windows on the side, which are a bit odd, and extend the hull out to match the back of the side plate.

I think the windows are supposed to replicate the exhaust vents you get on the side panels of a chimera- they have the same style of detailing round them.

I reckon I recognise that from Blood and Skulls Industry. You have to love their kits, they fit the GW plastic incredibly well. I have a couple of conversion hulls for my Rogue Trader guard- turning chimeras into tanks as opposed to transport. They just go right on, nice and easy.

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