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Decoys and Misdirection Primus ability - timing question


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Page 60 of the rules tells us that we:

- deploy armies

- determine first turn

- resolve pre-battle rules


The Primus' D&M rule says: "... after both players have deployed their armies, select up to three GSC units and redeploy them ..."


The wording on the Primus datasheet seems to over-ride the main rules, with his pre-battle effect happening after deployment but before determining the first turn (likely because it would be much more powerful if it happened after we knew who had first turn).


Am I reading that right?

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I thought unit rules override regular rules but I’m not sure that’s something from this edition. There have been quite a few sloppy and likely unintended rules interactions this edition I feel this may be one of them.


It should have likely said “during the resolve pre battle rules phase the GSC player may redeploy 3 units”.


Also, running double primus in the army could allow you to shift a rather large portion of your army.

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I think you are right that you need to do this right after deployment. Pre Battle rules tend to state. "do this at the start of the battle" like the Eldar "Strands of Fate" There are a lot of "after",  "at the end of" and"at the beginning of" rules. in the game. Since it says after deployment you need to do this before you move on to the next thing. This is a very powerful ability as is and If this could be done after determining first turn could make it too OP.

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Yeah. I had a game last night, and we concluded that being able to redeploy infiltrating aberrants (and scouting units) after knowing if I was going first could be incredibly powerful. Nice for me, but not very balanced.


Thanks for your thoughts, chaps.

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