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3000pts Loyalist Emperor's Children - Revenge is a dish best served perfectly


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Hi all. New to HH 2.0, played a small game or two of 1.0 but long-time 3rd+ed 40K player, so familiar with the basics, if not the new intricacies of HH 2.0 like reactions, the various weapons, etc


I love the pre-/early-Heresy EC look, the purple and gold. Don't care too much for the look of stuff later. I think my traitor army will be DG, but everyone should have a traitor and a loyalist army right? At least one of each. So I started looking at doing EC as loyalists, playing with lists and ideas.


The basic concept is a loyalist group that presumably was off far away when Istvaan went down, so weren't part of the corruption or culling. Find out about rebellion, are horrified, vow to make the traitors, especially the turncoat EC, pay. So, they will fight dirty, bringing in things like destroyers, snipers, etc. and riskier weapons like plasma as well as the more traditional duels. Rules-wise, maybe AL would be a better fit for the them, but...purple and gold, and the initiative boost could be fun. :biggrin: I figure the special units, including Phoenix Guard, Palantines probably closer to Fulgrim/much more likely to be corrupted/purged, so I avoided those. I started as a Pride of the Legion list, but didn't want that many terminators and Veterans get expensive, so tweaked more to just the Maru Skara angle, a very mobile strike force, focusing on finding and quickly ripping out traitors, especially leaders.


Emperor's Children (Loyalist)



Tartaros Praetor, Paragon Blade

(125) (go w/Tartaros in LR)



5xTartaros Chosen

4xLightning Claw


Sgt. Grenade harness



Transport Land Raider

Pintle multimelta





Centurion, Champion

(95) (go with Despoilers)





2xPower weapon

2xplasma pistol

Sgt plasma pistol, PF, artificer armor



Rhino, dozer blade, multimelta




10xReconnaisance squad

10xNemesis bolters


Nuncio vox

Augury Scanner




10xAssault squad

2xPower weapon

2xplasma pistol

Sgt plasma pistol, lightning claw, artificer armor




10xAssault squad

2xPower weapon

2xplasma pistol

Sgt plasma pistol, lightning claw, artificer armor




10xTactical squad


9xChain bayonets

Sgt power weapon, artificer armor



Rhino, dozer




10xTactical squad


9xChain bayonets

Sgt power weapon, artificer armor



Rhino, dozer





Gravis Plasma cannon

Havoc Launcher




3xApothecarion w/artificer armor (w/tacs and despoilers)




10xDestroyer Assault squad

Augury scanner

Nuncio vox


Sgt power weapon, artificer armor, phosphex bomb



Fast Attack


Augury Scanner

10xChain bayonets

Sgt Artificer armor



Heavy Support


Lascannon sponsons






Thanks for thoughts, input, advice, and ideas on good things to try to put together for the potential outflank.





Edited by sonsoftaurus
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