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[Poland] Price hike in October!

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I'm generally self sufficient with hobby, I sell to buy and so the cycle goes on. Earlier this year I grabbed a trio of land raider Proteus (proteii?!) and a bunch of jetbikes and other stuff knowing the first price rise was coming. Looking at the prices now vs then I'd saved a 1/3 on the current price. The price increases for me as a consumer are unsustainable. 


I'll grab the mk III, deredeo, land raider box price depending, definitely Fulgrim but I'm being vastly more selective over what I buy than I ever have been.


I'll put my efforts into finishing what I have and adding to my second edition/ rogue trader ork project. 


I've started playing Battletech and a lot more star wars legion as force prices/ entry point is a lot cheaper - a $25CAD box of mechs and I was able to have an intro game with a friend. 40k minimum entry is a CP box at around $190CAD before tax. 


The Phobos vanguard is a great example of the ridiculous price jumps. Shadowspear was around £105 when it dropped, the marine force released separately as a start collecting set (minus some characters) at around £50, then added an impulsor as a combat patrol for however much, and now the start collecting set is back as a combat patrol without the impulsor and noticeably more expensive.


I understand costs are increasing, inflation etc. However, I also remember a time whereby I'd pick up new codexes just to read out of interest. I'm now selective as to which white dwarfs I buy... 


I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't play video games. Tabletop gaming is where my hobby time is but the financial cost is getting ludicrous. Buying things as a teacher in the first year of my career (2008) seemed more affordable than 15 years down the line and annual "salary increase". 


I'd love to play LI but that won't be happening.

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We should probably wait to see if it’s on models or hobby supplies before going all Battleship Potemkin. GW hobby supplies are mostly an idiot tax, since identical supplies can mostly be had at a fraction of the price from other brands. I guess maybe contrast paints are kind of unique, though I don’t know as I haven’t used them.


Ultimately though, the only meaningful feedback you can give GW is to cut back on purchases. And not just quantity, but actual dollars/pounds/dingo teeth etc.

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4 hours ago, Redcomet said:

But all I can say is that my GW purchases have been going down for a while now. While I can afford it, I just don’t think all of their products have enough value for money for me anymore. 


This is how I feel as well. Not an issue of affordability. It is - does this feel like a premium product? Some things, yes. A lot of other things, no.

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I'm surprised so many people have jumped straight on the "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING" bandwagon when actually we have literally no proof of this at this time.

While Frater Krieg has been on the site for a long time and I don't see any specific reason why they would lie, all we have at the moment is their word and nothing more.

When GW's prices changed in March this year, they uploaded a new pricing document to their trade site about a month in advance, and communicated these changes to the public on the same day. The price change document from 9th Feb 2023 is still available in the "Order Forms" section of the Trade site: https://trade.games-workshop.com/resources/ and the announcement is here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/09/pricing-update/

Now, you'll note if you click on that link to GW's trade site there is no equivalent document announcing price changes coming in October, and obviously no public announcement has been made. 

Lets not start panicking about this until we see some actual proof (if any is forthcoming). There's no point getting stressed out about what is currently nothing more than hearsay.

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15 hours ago, JayJapanB said:

See, I bought a backlog for a reason!

...Totally wasn't just buying too much.



Ironically this the is way the conversation between my partner and I goes


"Oh that's a cool mini"
"Are you going to get it?"
"No, it's probably going to be expensive (because GW is expensive and I will not give the whole "ITS PREMIUM" or "compared to collecting gold bricks it's not that expensive" argument the time of day)"
"More expensive than when they raise the prices again?"

And the cycle repeats. I've actually cleared out a decent chunk of backlog, but like others have mentioned, my GW spending is down. Are there other factors like I do not love the Heresy like I once did, or the lack of Chaos releases? Yeah. Is probably a bigger chunk of that the fact that I don't see the value proposition anymore from GW. Don't get me wrong I still do really enjoy sitting down and painting a few plastic friends, it helps me unwind after work and just gets my mind off things.

But quite frankly, I have other hobbies. I am getting over the fact that every 6 months at this point (if this turns out to be true) the price of these kits are going up for the same, or less in return. Can I still afford it? Yes. Do I want to pay $70 for a box of marines (which I'm guessing at this rate by the end of next year they will be)? No. Will I leave the hobby over this and burn my miniatures on YouTube? No, but like others have stated, my purchases are likely to go down like I'm sure the purchases of others will.


Oh well. We will see what actually happens. If not October, then I'll see you guys back here in a few months for the next one

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Where's the proof?


LOL. Would anyone be surprised, if the company which year after year after year after year, has increased prices, sometimes dramatically, all while maintaining their 70% profit, did so again while the costs in the rest of the world actually have increased?


Oh yes, its just so unlikely, I need my proof.



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1 hour ago, RWJP said:

I'm surprised so many people have jumped straight on the "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING" bandwagon when actually we have literally no proof of this at this time.

While Frater Krieg has been on the site for a long time and I don't see any specific reason why they would lie, all we have at the moment is their word and nothing more.

When GW's prices changed in March this year, they uploaded a new pricing document to their trade site about a month in advance, and communicated these changes to the public on the same day. The price change document from 9th Feb 2023 is still available in the "Order Forms" section of the Trade site: https://trade.games-workshop.com/resources/ and the announcement is here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/09/pricing-update/

Now, you'll note if you click on that link to GW's trade site there is no equivalent document announcing price changes coming in October, and obviously no public announcement has been made. 

Lets not start panicking about this until we see some actual proof (if any is forthcoming). There's no point getting stressed out about what is currently nothing more than hearsay.

I feel like people need to pay attention to this more, unless they're doing one completely by surprise?


I wonder if there's a legal requirement that they have to put paperwork in a month or so before.

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Gents. I've been here for a bit over 11 years. This is a store that has been my direct supplier (for both hobby and my customers' commission army needs) for about eight years or so. Every week they send myself and others a mailing list message with preorders and their prices. 24 hours ago I got this email:



OD 2 października GW PODNOSI CENY NA WSZYSTKIE PRODUKTY w tym także farby.
To oznacza, ze jeśli chcecie/ macie w głowie jakieś zakupy to teraz jest ostatnia szansa.



Loosely translating from Polish:

Since 2nd of October GW IS INCREASING ALL PRODUCT PRICES, including paints.
This means that if you wish / plan to make any purchases, this is your last call.




You be the judge, lads.

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7 minutes ago, Joe said:

Might be localised to the EU then? As far as I remember, Games Workshop did absorb some of the cost post-Brexit to make it easier for LGS and EU-based customers. If that hasn't already come to an end this might be covering that, in effect.

Suppose this depends on where OP is from.

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1 hour ago, Osteoclast said:

Legit question: How much are you guys buying on a regular basis that this is a major issue rather than just a few extra bucks every once in awhile?


Something tells me this is in fact not a legit question, given the oh-so-subtle framing.


That said, I too wonder sometimes why people would choose to be wrong rather than applying the same subjective value to things that I do.

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