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Models you want to see MTO'd/reissued

Evil Eye

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On 9/13/2023 at 11:09 PM, WARMASTER_ said:

This big lad…



I don't think we'll ever seet that guy again - he was a limited, limited model with a lot of hoops to jump through to get, and one of the reasons they squatted the old range and reset the amount of decoration...


Honestly, there's a bunch of stuff I'd like to see back, and like to buy, however the prices of the MTO stuff recently have been insane, so I can't say that I'd actually buy it. £18 for a plasma gun steel legion marine? £18 for a chaplain or librarian? If they priced them sensibly (maybe £12, 15?) then I'd get them. Yes, infltion etc, however £18 for a model you can't use in any game is a lot. 


That said, my holy grails were the 4th ed chaplains and librarians, some of the best models ever, however they were out of the price I was willing to pay.  Maybe rereleases of the sternguard sets from then? Otherwise fantasy chaos characters, or the old classic chaos weird metals. 

Edited by Xenith
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Got to love the love for Diaz Daemonettes (and seekers!). I much prefer them to the more recent plastic versions but can understand why they re-did them and dont hate these versions. 

I had huge plans for a cross over 40k/Warhammer army for these guys in the early 00's and bought all the blisters of them I could get my hands on at the time. Sadly I could never paint them well and they've been left in a box how I wanted and in my latest hobby decluter I'm toying with selling these off but not sure if it will get that far and they may just languish in a box for another decade or two.


I'd love to get a chance at some of the limited edition models I was in no position to get at a given time though I do appreciate this is kind of against the point of them being limited edition.  2nd edition art work blood angels captain would be top of the list



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9 hours ago, jimbo1701 said:

Defintely some of the terrain kits that were only available for a short while then discontinued. Certainly the Aquila and fortress of redemption as big los blocking centerpieces. 

And who says GW doesn’t listen to their fans. 


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7 hours ago, jimbo1701 said:

Ok GW, since I now know you're reading this .... ehem



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I really loved the original metal terminators, the boxed set that had about a dozen in - there was a captain, librarian, assault cannon etc. I missed the boat on those first time round, being about 5 years old, and I'm not sure they were all released separately? They might have been, certainly the Captain was. So I'd sign up for those.


They must be tiny now by comparison, but the first metal terminators I ever bought were the original Grey Knights; This pic is from the 1991 catalogue so it must've been around then, and i got 2 in a blister for £3. 

£3 was a lot of money in the north of England when you were only 8, so I think I had the choice between buying these and walking home (about 10 miles), or buying something like a Snakebite Boar Boy for £2 and getting fish and chips, a can of pop and the bus home. (still about 10 miles and took about the same amount of time, but I could press the 'ding' button when it was my stop.)

So I never got a full squad of either.  (sad face).




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