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Models you want to see MTO'd/reissued

Evil Eye

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On 9/18/2023 at 4:31 AM, MegaVolt87 said:

Since we getting recent MTO terrain- bring back OG cities of death buildings and the realm of battle boards. 

Esècially since it would make my armies on parade display infinitely easier to just be able to chuck a bit of money at it, rather than finding someone to cut a bunch of mdf / foam etc to size

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Asdrubael Vect on his Ravager, complete with Princess Leia-style slave girls.

But seriously: all the OOP IG regiments

Forgeworld Mk IV and Mk V Castraferrum Dreadnoughts and their various weapons
The SM Boarding Assault kit
Every FW SM Character
The various extra armour kits for Rhinos/Preds/Land Raiders etc.
And of course - all of the recently discontinued space marine units. :P


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When I think about old models that need to be reissued I can't think of many mainline GW sculpts, it is mainly Forge World items. (Though I think retiring the Land Speeder and Whirlwind is a terrible idea and I'm lucky I've got the suppression force in my pile of shame.


For GW sculpts I miss the Drukhari Archon with the tea bag. 




I painted one up once as a leaving gift for a GW store manager years ago but I never picked one up for myself. I find the current one too smug looking and that somewhat ruins the intimidation factor to me. This one has a scary sword and a pyramid tea bag of doom, and he's not flapping his arms around like a fool.


As for Forge World models I miss, the Kroot Knarlocs and Greater Knarloc, the Eldar Wasp walker, the Shadow Spectres, Exarch and Phoenix Lord. I think the squad is available but the characters are gone? Not checked for sure. I also wish they would bring back the Phoenix Bomber (in my pile of shame but other people show be able to own them too), then for marines I miss the Chaplain and Ironclad Dreadnoughts, as well as the Siege Dread with that huge flamethrower. Oh, and the masses of Imperial Guard stuff that's gone missing over the years, and the Ork stuff that's gone missing... Half of this stuff was on my to-do list and I was gradually getting round to purchasing it but I either couldn't spend money when they went Last Chance to Buy or they were out of stock before I even know they were winding down on the stock.


The sudden transition to LCtB makes me feel antsy that any moment one of the models on my to-do list gets the chop. I don't have a guard army but I'd love a Macharius. How long will that last? :sad:

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2 hours ago, Magos Takatus said:

When I think about old models that need to be reissued I can't think of many mainline GW sculpts, it is mainly Forge World items. (Though I think retiring the Land Speeder and Whirlwind is a terrible idea and I'm lucky I've got the suppression force in my pile of shame.


For GW sculpts I miss the Drukhari Archon with the tea bag. 

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I painted one up once as a leaving gift for a GW store manager years ago but I never picked one up for myself. I find the current one too smug looking and that somewhat ruins the intimidation factor to me. This one has a scary sword and a pyramid tea bag of doom, and he's not flapping his arms around like a fool.


As for Forge World models I miss, the Kroot Knarlocs and Greater Knarloc, the Eldar Wasp walker, the Shadow Spectres, Exarch and Phoenix Lord. I think the squad is available but the characters are gone? Not checked for sure. I also wish they would bring back the Phoenix Bomber (in my pile of shame but other people show be able to own them too), then for marines I miss the Chaplain and Ironclad Dreadnoughts, as well as the Siege Dread with that huge flamethrower. Oh, and the masses of Imperial Guard stuff that's gone missing over the years, and the Ork stuff that's gone missing... Half of this stuff was on my to-do list and I was gradually getting round to purchasing it but I either couldn't spend money when they went Last Chance to Buy or they were out of stock before I even know they were winding down on the stock.


The sudden transition to LCtB makes me feel antsy that any moment one of the models on my to-do list gets the chop. I don't have a guard army but I'd love a Macharius. How long will that last? :sad:

100% feel this. It would be great if they did reruns of old stuff.
I bought a Gorgon earlier than I would have (I don't like adding to the unpainted pile) but it just seems like one of those vehicles that will just disappear (again) and probably not come back.


Next thing I'm eyeing off is the Sky Talon. It just looks neat, but I think it's the kinda kit they'll drop. I mean it's already a little bizarre it exists with no cargo.

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On 9/15/2023 at 10:00 AM, lhg033 said:

Got to love the love for Diaz Daemonettes (and seekers!). I much prefer them to the more recent plastic versions but can understand why they re-did them and dont hate these versions. 

I had huge plans for a cross over 40k/Warhammer army for these guys in the early 00's and bought all the blisters of them I could get my hands on at the time. Sadly I could never paint them well and they've been left in a box how I wanted and in my latest hobby decluter I'm toying with selling these off but not sure if it will get that far and they may just languish in a box for another decade or two.


I'd love to get a chance at some of the limited edition models I was in no position to get at a given time though I do appreciate this is kind of against the point of them being limited edition.  2nd edition art work blood angels captain would be top of the list



I just recently painted six of my 15 infantry Diaz daemonettes. They are in fact a pain in the butt to paint when you are accustomed to usually do power armour. Also lots of bling & details.

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On 10/8/2023 at 8:16 PM, Harrowmaster said:

These guys: 



That incarnation of Stormtrooper/scions will forever remind me of the 40k Fire Warrior game, where they would hang around in dark rooms and yell *WATCH YOUR SPACING* over and over in a prime display of stealth and cunning. I am not a big guard collector to be honest but it would be nice of Scions, Kasrkin and these could co-exist, even if they branded them specifically as Inquisitorial Stormtroopers.

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2 hours ago, sarabando said:

my issue with MTO is the price


Yea, this basically. I'm a sucker for most of what GW makes, but the MTO prices have been something else. I don't see how they can do Archaon last year for £30 (only £12 more than the original price) yet a steel legion plasma gunner for £18. I'd have ordered one of each of the old libbies and chaplains if they were £10-12, but the £18 they were was too much. 


That said, I'd like to see some of the 2nd ed metal marines come back, like the sergeants and the devastator squads. I think there might be market for it with the 2nd ed nostalgia going on, and Darren's 2nd ed marine challenge. 

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Have to admit there aren’t a lot of kits from yesteryear that would tempt me to pay MTO prices, especially since a lot of them haven’t aged well compared to newer releases (the Calgar on throne model being one I wish I hadn’t missed at the time).

I’d much rather see decent upgrades of past classics instead of some of the blander recent releases.  Having said that I would love just about any of the old Guard models to make a return in either MTO or rerelease.

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Most of these I can find a better 3d printed version but def Mark 4 dreads in general but not made to order I want them back for 30k resin or plastic doesn't matter. They are actually really good for thier cost and don't bring as much feel bads as Contemptors do with thier lower initiative stat and toughness. Boxnoughts deserve to live on in the heresy and the mark 4 just looks fantastic and fits right in next to newer Contemptors. Even more awesome if your running a fury of the ancients list.

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