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10th ed BA Metawatch


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2 hours ago, Malakithe said:

Where is the AT in these lists? How do they deal with T12?


Eradicators are good even into T12+ as they get full rerolls to hit and wound. A 6-man squad will reliably one-shot a Land Raider if they are within Melta range.


Then there are the Death Company as backup. Standard tournament load out is all Power Fists and Infrrno Pistols. Even wounding on 5s, they can do a lot of damage through sheer volume of attacks. 


There is the ace up our sleeves in the form of Red Rampage. +1 to Wound in melee makes Power Fists dangerous even to tough vehicles.


And lastly there is Lemartes. Lethal Hits en masse will make a mess of almost anything. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

This SoS came third out of 98 players, going 5-0:


Sam-Procopio-3rd-Place-TGX-Event-2024-–-Blood-Angels.pdf (bloodofkittens.com)

  • Jump Captain
  • Lemartes
  • 2x Jump Priest
  • 3x5 JAI
  • Flamerbaal
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 2x5 Jump DC
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • 2x5 Scouts
  • 2x10 VAS

I think the Captain goes with one of the JAI in this instance leaving two of them to harass and one of them as a mini threat. This is very much an ABC playstyle for Pariah Nexus imo.


*** *** ***


Meanwhile, we have a Gladius going 5-0 and winning an event of 74 people:


Cajolin-Waif-1st-Place-I-Gt-Ciudad-de-Avila-2024-–-Blood-Angels.pdf (bloodofkittens.com)

  • Biologis
  • Lemartes
  • 1x5 Intercessors
  • 2x5 JAI
  • 2x Flamerbaal
  • 3x DCD
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 1x6 Eradicators
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • Librarian Dreadnought
  • 2x5 Scouts

The contrast in style is stark bar the common theme of the Lemartes and Jump DC bomb (likely arriving via Rapid Ingress). Pressure from the Baals and DCDs, Eradicators and Biologis yeeting out T1/2 to find something tasty, Intercessors too to sticky an objectives, etc, etc.


*** *** ***


This SoS list went 5-0 and topped an event of 43 players:


Scotty-Bee-1st-Place-Hometown-2024-–-Blood-Angels-Allies.pdf (bloodofkittens.com)

  • Lemartes
  • Sanguinor
  • Captain
  • Chaplain
  • Priest
  • Lieutenant with Combi-weapon
  • 1x5 AIS & Impulsor
  • 3x5 JAI
  • 1x10 DC
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • 1x5 Scouts
  • LR
  • Callidus

This one is a bit different and very light on paper. The Captain/AIS/Impulsor (plus Priest which is new) and Lemartes/Jump DC combo are there, along with the foot DC and Chaplain in a Land Raider which is arguably thrown down the centre of the board. Infiltrators on the base objective, Callidus/Lieutenant/Scouts doing the scoring, JAI doing the rest/harassment and the Sanguinor as a trump card. It works, but requires skill imo.

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I'm just hoping when our codex drops here in the next couple months, GW doesn't go nuts with the nerf bat as they have tended to do to Imperium (and marines in particular) this edition. Just legending firstborn DC units with pf/inferno load outs is probably going to knock us down several pegs by itself.



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