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2 hours ago, Malakithe said:

Where is the AT in these lists? How do they deal with T12?


Eradicators are good even into T12+ as they get full rerolls to hit and wound. A 6-man squad will reliably one-shot a Land Raider if they are within Melta range.


Then there are the Death Company as backup. Standard tournament load out is all Power Fists and Infrrno Pistols. Even wounding on 5s, they can do a lot of damage through sheer volume of attacks. 


There is the ace up our sleeves in the form of Red Rampage. +1 to Wound in melee makes Power Fists dangerous even to tough vehicles.


And lastly there is Lemartes. Lethal Hits en masse will make a mess of almost anything. 

  • 3 weeks later...

This SoS came third out of 98 players, going 5-0:


Sam-Procopio-3rd-Place-TGX-Event-2024-–-Blood-Angels.pdf (bloodofkittens.com)

  • Jump Captain
  • Lemartes
  • 2x Jump Priest
  • 3x5 JAI
  • Flamerbaal
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 2x5 Jump DC
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • 2x5 Scouts
  • 2x10 VAS

I think the Captain goes with one of the JAI in this instance leaving two of them to harass and one of them as a mini threat. This is very much an ABC playstyle for Pariah Nexus imo.


*** *** ***


Meanwhile, we have a Gladius going 5-0 and winning an event of 74 people:


Cajolin-Waif-1st-Place-I-Gt-Ciudad-de-Avila-2024-–-Blood-Angels.pdf (bloodofkittens.com)

  • Biologis
  • Lemartes
  • 1x5 Intercessors
  • 2x5 JAI
  • 2x Flamerbaal
  • 3x DCD
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 1x6 Eradicators
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • Librarian Dreadnought
  • 2x5 Scouts

The contrast in style is stark bar the common theme of the Lemartes and Jump DC bomb (likely arriving via Rapid Ingress). Pressure from the Baals and DCDs, Eradicators and Biologis yeeting out T1/2 to find something tasty, Intercessors too to sticky an objectives, etc, etc.


*** *** ***


This SoS list went 5-0 and topped an event of 43 players:


Scotty-Bee-1st-Place-Hometown-2024-–-Blood-Angels-Allies.pdf (bloodofkittens.com)

  • Lemartes
  • Sanguinor
  • Captain
  • Chaplain
  • Priest
  • Lieutenant with Combi-weapon
  • 1x5 AIS & Impulsor
  • 3x5 JAI
  • 1x10 DC
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • 1x5 Scouts
  • LR
  • Callidus

This one is a bit different and very light on paper. The Captain/AIS/Impulsor (plus Priest which is new) and Lemartes/Jump DC combo are there, along with the foot DC and Chaplain in a Land Raider which is arguably thrown down the centre of the board. Infiltrators on the base objective, Callidus/Lieutenant/Scouts doing the scoring, JAI doing the rest/harassment and the Sanguinor as a trump card. It works, but requires skill imo.

I'm just hoping when our codex drops here in the next couple months, GW doesn't go nuts with the nerf bat as they have tended to do to Imperium (and marines in particular) this edition. Just legending firstborn DC units with pf/inferno load outs is probably going to knock us down several pegs by itself.



The most expected change to ever happen is happening.  LIterally one person didn't expect this, somewhere, otherwise everyone and their mother saw the writing on the wall as soon as the DA stuff came out, if not before.


The real concern is gonna be; Are Sanguinary Guard going to look at all similar to their current iteration?  Current rumors are leaning no.  That'll be the real interesting reveal!

Edited by DemonGSides
1 hour ago, Helias_Tancred said:

Breaking news, I think those Death Company units consisting of 10 power fists and inferno pistols are going bye bye in the near future.


Agreed, and that is the only load out that is fielded competitively. Given that AIs are very popular due to their Wound rerolls, what can regular DC bring to compete? 

AI with a free heroic intervention isn't TERRIBLE, especially if they've got the chaplain support, so if they just adopt the other DC it's not the end of the world.

That being said, I'd want to see more.  Something like free Red Rampage or something like that would be pretty cool too.

Assualt Ints on foot and with packs have different special rules, I can't imagine that it won't be the same for DC. But yeah, we all knew this was coming. One of the reasons I refused to rip models up to make the current WYSIWYG squad, because I knew it wouldn't last. And that removes the last Marine melee hammer unit capable of fighting the big stuff we have access to, which absolutely sucks, but its the direction they've been on all along.

3 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

The most expected change to ever happen is happening.  LIterally one person didn't expect this, somewhere, otherwise everyone and their mother saw the writing on the wall as soon as the DA stuff came out, if not before.


The real concern is gonna be; Are Sanguinary Guard going to look at all similar to their current iteration?  Current rumors are leaning no.  That'll be the real interesting reveal!


My advice is to buy up a couple sets of the original death company box and the same for the sanguinary guard if you want the bits and stuff, because times are a changing.


40 minutes ago, The Unseen said:

Assualt Ints on foot and with packs have different special rules, I can't imagine that it won't be the same for DC. But yeah, we all knew this was coming. One of the reasons I refused to rip models up to make the current WYSIWYG squad, because I knew it wouldn't last. And that removes the last Marine melee hammer unit capable of fighting the big stuff we have access to, which absolutely sucks, but its the direction they've been on all along.


They're doing that across their marine range. Making it more cookie cutter, streamlined, etc. The non-codex chapters are being trimmed and dress right dressed.

21 minutes ago, Helias_Tancred said:

My advice is to buy up a couple sets of the original death company box and the same for the sanguinary guard if you want the bits and stuff, because times are a changing.


A great idea for anyone with a local LGS with stock; my bits box is multiple boxes deep of that stuff and the original tac squad already LOL.  The only kits I didn't get enough of are the bespoke Assault Terminators for us; only ever ended up with the two boxes I turned into the 10-man I'm currently running.

I'm not worried about being able to bling out my guys, just a bit bummed that the only option for DC stuff is crammed into the upgrade sprue.  I really feel like they could've just made a DC sprue to throw in with the AInts and Jump pack AInts that was a half sized upgrade sprue with just the weapons and a couple of fiddly bits, and that would've been awesome.

I'm still gonna get that release box, as I'm always down for more jump packs.  Gonna have Primaris Vanguard Vets as a future proofing project, I've already got tons of bodies and JJ from those old boxes.

I'm happy so far with the updates, though I definitely could be happier!

1 hour ago, The Unseen said:

Assualt Ints on foot and with packs have different special rules, I can't imagine that it won't be the same for DC. But yeah, we all knew this was coming. One of the reasons I refused to rip models up to make the current WYSIWYG squad, because I knew it wouldn't last. And that removes the last Marine melee hammer unit capable of fighting the big stuff we have access to, which absolutely sucks, but its the direction they've been on all along.


I expect them to get something similar to what the DC with JP have right now, or something similar to JP AI, but I also think there's a chance GW cheaps out on us, based on a quick look at Dante's data card from the preview article.  A slight buff, but nothing outrageous.

5 minutes ago, Helias_Tancred said:

Not that I personally like people who do this, but you could in theory buy a few death company and sanguinary guard boxes, hold on to them for 6 months or so, and probably sell them for double what you paid for them? Or more?


Definitely a good idea for anyone who wants to work that way, as I bet they are going to become as valuable as the Tac Squad box is currently, but I'm also kind of against that as long as it's premeditated that way; if you buy something with the intent to use it, but sit on it for 5 years and go "Well actually nevermind" and manage to make some money on scarcity, that's one thing.  But buying specifically to flip makes it feel like a job and I like it as a hobby LOL.

I'm more likely to strip them for bits and ruin any chance at profit anyways.  I'd probably try to sell the legs and torsos and the regular power plants, but everything else would be neatly filed away into the bits bins.

  • 3 months later...


Kind of a shame to see how Blood Angels have dropped out of the competitive rankings since their codex dropped as it definitely has some good stuff in it. My feeling is that the Jump Sanguinary Priest was a real lynchpin and its removal hurt the faction. Plus the Sanguinary Guard are still over-priced, even with the Day 1 points fix. Lemartes and Jump DC are still good but miss the days of all Power Fists and Inferno Pistols.

1 hour ago, Karhedron said:

Agree. SanGuard should probably be about 40ppm I think. Jump DC should probably be around 21 ppm now that their weapon loadout has been trimmed.


I think those would both be great steps. I of course would be happy to see 35 and 20, but I think they'd both end up catching a worse nerf overall in another 3 months after that so the 40/21 is probably the better bet.


Now just emergency release a SPwJP datasheet and we are back to being friends, GW :P

  • 3 weeks later...

LAG list, 3/28 going 4-1:



  • Astorath
  • BA Captain
  • TDA Chaplain
  • Dante
  • Mephiston
  • 1x5 AIS and Impulsor
  • 2x5 JAI
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • 1x6 SG
  • 1x5 Scouts
  • 1x10 Terminators
  • Callidus

Five/six scoring units, Four/Five units to press (depending how Mephiston is played). Am aggressive second wave list.


*** *** ***


LAG list, 1/unknown:



  • BA Captain
  • Mephiston
  • Dante
  • Lemartes
  • Combi-weapon Lieutenant
  • 1x5 AIS and Impulsor
  • 1x5 JAI
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 1x6 SG
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • 2 Vindicators
  • Callidus
  • Cullexus

Similar scoring set up and attack, but with some Vindicators doing the heavy lifting.


*** *** ***


Ironstorm list, 1/unknown (from video above):



  • Gravis Captain
  • Mephiston
  • Lemartes
  • Sanguinor
  • Techmarine
  • 1x10 Jump DC
  • 2 Baals
  • 2 Reapers
  • 2 Invaders
  • 1x5 Infiltrators
  • 3 Destructors

Understandably different list and I adore it :wub: DC and the Flamerbaals are being pushed forward and doing their thing. The five other tanks are laying down covering fire, whilst the solo characters and ATVs are scoring. It simply looks like a lot of fun.


*** *** ***



  • 2 months later...

Some post LVO lists:


An Angelic Inheritors list going 9-1 and placing 3/1055(!):

  • 2 Captain with Jump Pack
  • Dante
  • Librarian
  • Sanguinor
  • Lieutenant with combi-weapon
  • 1x5 Intercessor
  • 1x5 Devastator
  • 1x6 Interceptor
  • 1x3 Interceptor
  • 1x5 Infiltrator
  • 3x3 Sanguinary Guard
  • 2 Vindicators

Vindicators are nasty here because of the Sustained Hits stratagem. Librarian goes with the Lascannon Devastators for Lone-op and/or Sustained Hits, and the rest is self-explanatory with all the mobility this Detachment provides jump packs with.


*** *** ***


A Liberator Assault Group list going 4-1 and placing 3/28:

  • Captain
  • Chaplain
  • 2 Lieutenants in Phobos Armour
  • 1x5 AIS in Impulsor
  • 3x5 JAI
  • 1x6 Bladeguard
  • 1x5 Desolation
  • 1x5 Incursor
  • 1x5 Infiltrator
  • Invader ATV
  • 2x5 Riever
  • 2x5 Scout
  • 2 Vindicators

The few quirks in this list are arguably down to the local meta and/or terrain rules, (Desolation Squad) whilst the Rievers and Lieutenants are benefitting from the AP upgrade on their melee weapons and can have fun from Deep Strike. It's also taking advantage of the "Bloodless" rules (=1 To Wound on OoM).


*** *** ***


A Liberator Assault Group list going 5-1 and placing 3/97:

  • 2 Captain with Jump Pack
  • Mephiston
  • Sanguinor
  • 3x5 JAI
  • 2 Flamerbaal
  • 1x5 Infiltrator
  • 1x6 Sanguinary Guard
  • 2x3 Sanguinary Guard
  • 2 Vindicators

A very different LAG list that appears to be more straightforward. There's a hefty vehicle threat to deal with, which allows the Sang Guard to drop each turn with Rapid Ingress somewhat unmolested. The JAI are doing the Objective work in this list, and maybe Mephiston too.

Nice to see, I notice a couple of Bloodless Angel lists took 1st and 2nd in a large tournament.  A lot of the lists we are seeing are a big change from our accepted competitive meta. We seem to be able to introduce almost anything in one of two detachments and achieve new synergies.  I have had a very good run recently playing LAG, AI and now looking at Bloodless.  So many unplayed models now coming off the shelf.  What I like is nothing is certain, there's no auto take, Blood Angels players still have to think carefully about a list and how to play it.  To name a few recent additions to competitive lists: Reivers, Suppressors, Sternguard, Invictors, Incursors, Van Vets.  Exciting times to be sure.

Bloodless shooting is coming back with AI and LAG boosting heavy hitters like Vindicators, Autocannon Preds and Flambaals.  Get out and play them before the nerf bat swings again.

Can't wait for Bloodless to go away; simply make it so that the Detatchments provide the Blood Angels keyword and not just the models and it'll be way better for everyone. 


Keeping it as is, its going to result in LAG or something else getting hit hard and that's gonna make Blood Angels overall way worse.

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