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Just for fun concept: Half primarchs as slower maturing and much more stable primarchs.


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Hello, I am completely new to the forums so feel free to tell me if this isn't the right place, if vauge concepts aren't allowed or this section is only for "realistic" (in terms of established lore) content. I know this is peak fanfiction/possibly cringe and primarchs will never breed but pretending they could for a second I was curious about this idea:


After reading a post about Dorns angry interaction with Nathanial Garro informing him of the heresy and seeing someone online point out how primarchs develop rapidly without (according to that poster) time to "grow up" I got the idea of half primarch children essentially being slower growing more well adjusted primarchs.  I'm picturing they would grow (both physically and mentally) at the same rate of a normal human being and it would just continue after a baseline would reach adulthood with them essentially being normal until age 21 and slowly developing into "full primarchs" the years after. Thus allowing them to grow up normally and be much more grounded and well adjusted. Not to mention having non-awful parents who could slowly ease them into whatever psychic potential they may have (I don't think they would get put on the black ships).


Perhaps being docile to a fault as well, with some in-universe characters wondering if it was programmed in for the purposes of protecting humanity after the crusade or something, but that was more for the irony of Dorn having a kid who looks exactly like him and is the biggest possible doormat who would willingly agree with people in arguments where he knows is right just to get them to stop talking while his father is TOO stubborn.


Also, in terms of height would the genes be "proportional" to the parents?

Like, if one of the smaller primarchs impregnated a tall human woman could the kid be taller than the primarch father (or at least taller than whatever is normal for a half primarch) due inheriting the "tall" genes from the mother, despite the tall human obviously still be smaller than a small primarch?

Edited by Lamtfluff
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I find this idea interesting, but I feel like people blow the whole "Emps was a bad father"/"Primarchs are giant man-children" angle out of proportion. Yes the Emperor could have done better in his interactions with the Primarchs and yes the Primarchs can behave very childishly for what are essentially demi-gods given flesh, but if we're being realistic, that's just bad writing on GWs part. 


The Emperor is handed the "idiot-ball" frequently, there are many times where he, a being that has been around for longer than recorded history, should know better that doing X or Y based on how that exact same action/decision went wrong every single time it was done throughout history. 


With the Primarchs, you have a slightly shakier case, as growing up being infinitely superior to everyone else would probably cause some psychological issues, but by the time of the Heresy, every Primarch was well over a century old and shouldn't need daddy to hold their hand every step of the way. Realistically, the Primarchs at the time or Horus Rising should have been much wiser and grounded than they were, but like I said, bad writing and maybe Chaos having made them unstable during the scattering don't let that happen


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