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Warhammer 40,000 - Second Edition


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I was but a neophyte at the time; my cousin had introduced me to Warhammer Fantasy and although I had a handful of models (the classic metal Jes Goodwin Striking Scorpions the first models I ever bought, I circled the 2nd edition 40K box in marker pen in the Argos catalogue in hopes I'd get it for christmas.


Most of my memories from this time involve half-remembered "games" using a mishmash of whatever models we had, books and bean tins as terrain and the most terrible paintjobs imaginable. 



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Same really and yeah, mine was from Argos too :laugh: It would have been Xmas 1996 I got my starter set and I spent all day gluing. Still use the Marines on a regular basis too :wub:


A load of mates and I used to have mega games (which is probably where my love for Apocalyspe came from). Loads of cool and silly things would happen, such as a virus grenade wiping a ridiculous amount of Imperial Guard, a Gretchin killing a Terminator with storm shield, Terminator Librarian casting Gate only to realise he would be charged next turn..., a Runepriest using all four wargear choices on invulnerable saves (refractor, conversion, displacer, power) only to then be subject to a vortex grenade, haha.


Also acquired my love for Necromunda from there as it was the same ruleset essentially.



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My brother and I got second edition. He already had an RTB marine army and I already had my Rogue Trader plastic orks to get started, so we converted up quite a few of the models in the box. I made skarboyz with more interesting weapon options and death skulls with heavy weapons. We knew we could never face painting that many identical gretchin… 

The models may be in his garage somewhere. I have a Predator that we bought at the same time - although I consider it a 1st edition model really.


One of my main memories was still suffering against Warp Spiders. 

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