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Lordiest Lord of Call to Arms 2023 - the officially unofficial Vote


Lordiest Lord of Call to Arms 2023 - the officially unofficial VOTE  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the Lordiest Lord of Call to Arms 2023?

    • 1.  Brother Captain Arkeley - Khornate terminator lord
    • 2. Cactus - Black Legion tunderhammer lord
    • 3. crimson dave - Iron Warrior terminator lord
    • 4. crimson dave - Black Legion thunderhammer lord
    • 5. crimson dave - Iron Warrior axe loving lord
    • 6. Dr_Ruminahui - Slaaneshi thunderhammer lord
    • 7. Dwango - Khornate terminator lord
    • 8. gaurdian31 - Lord with helmet and thunderhammer
    • 9. legoman - Word Bearers lord thunderhammer lord
    • 10. Teetengee - World Eater lord on juggernaut

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  • Poll closed on 10/31/23 at 06:00 AM

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The B&C is just wrapping up the 2023 Call to Arms painting event - official announcements and polls on that should be coming along soon.  Spoilers - I'm really proud of how my fellow members in the Chaos Stronghold did.


This isn't that.


Rather, as part of the event, I put together an officially unofficial poll of all the chaos lord models entered to choose the Lordiest Lord! And with nothing on the line but bragging rights, I thought I would put it up to the general membership using the Heretic Astartes subforum (aka you guys) to decide what your favorite model may be.  My announcement/rules post can be found here.


Contestants, please message me if you have additional or better pictures you want me to share.


Participants are organized by name alphabetically, and where they painted more than one lord, in the order that the lords were completed.  Poll closes midnight October 31.


So put in your vote, and may the lordiest Lord win!

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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The sheer lordacity of these madlords is lordable, but to my untrained eye, number 3 lords it over the others. Iron without is clearly visible; iron within is strongly implied.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My apologies - I should have announced this a week ago.


Despite fierce competition from @Brother Captain Arkley and his stunning khorne terminator lord (who is in the running to win the Master Artificer for the 2023 Call to Arms), the definite winner, fan favourite, most ferrous, and lordiest of the lords is @crimsondave's Iron Warrior's terminator lord!  A title as well earned as it is unofficial!


Congratulations to all participants, and thank you all for painting up and sharing your chaos lords, and while there can only be one most lordly, there was much lordliness shown by all.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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