Lysimachus Posted December 18, 2023 Share Posted December 18, 2023 Elvrit: Elvrit stood on the bridge, watching as Nuzry's crew brought them out the warp. At least there wasn't a Traitor battlefleet already here, but he still frowned at what the augurs showed. It made perfect sense for there to be warehouses and a bulk transporter in orbit around an Agri-world… except it was also true that the Iron Warriors were infamous for setting up cunning, layered, defensive traps around their garrisons. Were all these floating objects as innocuous as they seemed? “When we move in, scan that vessel and all of those stations… carefully. If we make planetfall and it turns out the locals aren't friendly, we don't want to find out too late that they've got us surrounded.” The Iron Hand looked more closely at the long range images of the surface and the capital. “Where is the garrison?” Logic suggested it would be in a defensible location outside the city, but still close enough to watch over it. That way any embedded Iron Warriors could keep an eye on the planetary government, but they could also maintain a proper killing ground outside their walls. Trokair, Mazer Rackham and Urauloth 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted December 19, 2023 Share Posted December 19, 2023 (edited) Hadad Spoiler Ciphers (Chapter Rune ) Test Int:44 D100: 68, Fail, 2DoF – So I guess Hadad either does not know, or what he knows is out of date or just not applicable to this Garrison, or a combination of all. Having made one of the unused cells his quarters Utu tried repeatedly to enter the memory trances to recall anything that might of use. Casting his mind back to long ago deployments, to where he had been station and briefings given by brothers long gone, dead or promoted. Perhaps it was bleed over from the immaterium, or the recent events, but he never found the calm centre to properly enter the meditation. Instead all he collude gather was fragments and parts, some of use perhaps, but with no way of knowing until he tried them. Edited December 19, 2023 by Trokair Lysimachus, Mazer Rackham and Black Cohort 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted December 19, 2023 Share Posted December 19, 2023 Arazakiel The jump to real-space showed no immediate targets, though the bulk transport and the astropath it carried might serve their needs or that of the enemy equally. They could not move the ship into a surface attack position without drawing attention, nor were their options broad should the attempted ruse fail or another more powerful ship arrive. He turned to the Iron Warrior, "The hawk is fuelled and armed, we wait on you." Mazer Rackham and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted December 20, 2023 Share Posted December 20, 2023 Ravyx: Studying the hololith of the ground, Ravyx looks for viable ingress and egress, likely enemy checkpoints, overlooks and defensible emergency rally-points. Tactics: Recon & Stealth Spoiler INT: 54 D100: 15, PASS, Plus 3 DoS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cohort Posted December 20, 2023 Author Share Posted December 20, 2023 As you view the incoming scans of the planet, you see that the Iron Warriors stronghold is about 20 kilometers north of the capital. Carved from the stone bones of a mountain peak, it looks like a fortress designed to be defended by a company of astartes, with clear fields of fire in all directions. Each corner held a tower, each with a Tarantula automated sentry platform, 2 with air defense missiles, the other pair with lascannons. The killing fields are also clearly where any shuttle craft would be expected to land and while the angles aren't great to see the gates, the system estimates with 78% confidence that a land raider could drive through the main gate. If built according to standard imperial doctrine, at least one tunnel system would lead out of the fortress, likely deeper into the mountain range that it sits at the south end of. The capital itself is a sprawling city, clearly not concerned about density, it does not appear to have any structures over 10 stories and most are 3 or less. For a city of it's size there are few chokepoints or clearly defensible areas. Probably an hour after you return to realspace your ship is hailed by a transmission from the planet originating from the capital, at this distance there is only a few seconds lag between messages. Lysimachus, Urauloth, Mazer Rackham and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted December 21, 2023 Share Posted December 21, 2023 Kraith Kraith looked down at the planet, calculating possible insertion points away from the weapons emplacements. The outpost was well-placed with good lines of fire and little area for a stealthy ingress. Typical Iron Warriors defenses- ugly, brutal, and effective. He waited for the others to deal with the transmission, his mind on the possibilities of assaulting the stronghold. Lysimachus, Trokair and Mazer Rackham 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted December 21, 2023 Share Posted December 21, 2023 Elvrit: When he saw the layout of the garrison, Elvrit couldn't help but be impressed by the Iron Warriors’ work. Taking the fortress would be a challenge. Solid defences, with no obvious weaknesses. Perhaps the sallyport into the mountains, if it actually existed? Would fighting even be necessary, though? No way to know, not until they knew what the loyalties of the Agri-world's inhabitants and any Astartes present were. “What did the hail say? Let's hear it, then we can figure out what to say back.” He frowned. “What was done about altering this vessel's idents? Who and what do they proclaim us to be?” Mazer Rackham and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cohort Posted December 22, 2023 Author Share Posted December 22, 2023 "This is planetary governor, Ivanav Groskov V. We greet you legion vessel and wonder at the tidings you bring from the wider Imperium, it has been years since anyone of import has visited our quiet abode. Do you bring word of the Black Tithe? It has been ready for months as ordered, but no ship has come." It is a voice only transmission, but the voice is not deep enough to be an astartes. Trokair, Machine God, Lysimachus and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted December 23, 2023 Share Posted December 23, 2023 (edited) Elvrit: No visitors in years? In itself, that was good news. If no-one had come here, there was much less chance of this world being infected by Horus’ treacherous rot. However, Elvrit's frown deepened. “Captain Nuzry, clarification is required. They have recognised us as a Legion vessel, so I assume our ship's idents remain active. Do they still proclaim us to be the Darnok's Tribute of the XVIIIth?” If Phastus II was entirely unaware of the rebellion in the Istvaan system, then perhaps it did not matter if their ship had been accurately identified… but without knowing who and what they were claiming to be, it was impossible to formulate any reply to the hail. Edited December 23, 2023 by Lysimachus Mazer Rackham and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted December 24, 2023 Share Posted December 24, 2023 Hadad It was strange to be on the bridge of a ship as it surfaced from the immaterium, the sensor blindness, the time it took to get ones bearings. The crew was not fazed, working with an efficacy of experience and good training. The Dark Angel was overly keen to get going, the Hawk might be ready, but they were still many hours of real space travel out. Was there a hint of battle madness, it be something to keep in mind as he chose not to reply, instead focusing on the sensor data alongside the others. The Breacher Elvrit was taking the lead, and Hadad was content to let him, he seemed a reliable sort. The Black Tithe? Was the scourge of the psyker breaking out here as well. He remembered the time the garrison he was part of had to cull an entire district to root out a cluster of them, it had been the a slaughter, worse than any siege he had been in. The mindless masses throwing themselves at them faster than bolters could reload, for hours! Only on Istvann had he seen more death in such a short time. Lysimachus, Machine God and Mazer Rackham 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted December 26, 2023 Share Posted December 26, 2023 (edited) Ravyx: A "Black Tithe". It sounded ominous, and potentially a trap for fools who thought themselves too clever. It was interesting that the Governor, so spurred by the prospect of contact and hungry for news would send only a vox call. Perhaps he himself was a mutant, or maybe didn't exist. Elvrit spoke, taking the initiative. Ravyx folded his arms, replayed the opening conversation in his head. Scrutiny check: Spoiler Is he a liar, liar, breeches afire? Ravyx will try to ascertain any hesitance, nerves, the manner in which he speaks to include duress etc. Skill: Trained Per: 71 + 15 (Autosenses (Hearing)) = 86 D100: 38, PASS, 4 DoS (If Opposed) Edited December 26, 2023 by Mazer Rackham Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted December 26, 2023 Share Posted December 26, 2023 Arazakiel Months... How long had this rot infested the legions? The ships of the astartes did not collect tithes which left little question as to the loyalties of those below. Arazakiel caught himself at the assumption, the message in truth was vague beyond meaning and their answer must be cautious as it would reveal much about their cause here to those below. Trokair and Mazer Rackham 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cohort Posted December 27, 2023 Author Share Posted December 27, 2023 "Changing the ident signature of a warship is no easy feat Astartes, To be effective one must change not only the electromagnetic signature, but the profile of the vessel as well, both things there has been no time to do." The planetary governor has oddly accented High Imperial, and the phrasing is not always what a native speaker would use but nothing about his tone or cadence suggests he is under threat or duress. Trokair, Lysimachus, Urauloth and 1 other 2 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cohort Posted December 28, 2023 Author Share Posted December 28, 2023 "What shall I tell this planetary governor? The longer we delay in responding, the more suspicious he will become of us." Lysimachus and Mazer Rackham 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted December 28, 2023 Share Posted December 28, 2023 Arazakiel "Tell them that we are recently arrived from battle and other concerns will wait, that he might inform the ships master of disposition of assets. They will know soon enough when our ship closes." Lysimachus, Machine God and Mazer Rackham 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted December 29, 2023 Share Posted December 29, 2023 (edited) Elvrit: The Breacher nodded in understanding. A fair response. Altering idents was a complicated matter, challenging even in far better circumstances. “Understood, Captain. Please add the following points. Tell the Governor we have been out of contact too. Perhaps, if you know of any Salamanders task forces operating in this part of the galaxy in recent years, tell him that the Tribute was part of that battle group, but that the ship was lost, thrown off course and delayed during warp transit. Tell him we translated back into realspace a few days ago, three star systems away…” When Elvrit finished, Captain Nuzry dutifully restated the points the Astartes survivors had agreed upon, filling in historical details from her vessel's log, recording the reply that would be sent out across the void towards the Agri-world. “ such, we have little up-to-date information to provide, and know nothing of this ‘tithe’ you speak of. Our Astropath was injured during the warp storm, we will therefore need access to one of yours to contact our Legion and arrange to rendezvous with them.” The mortal Captain paused. “Finally, our records show that there is a Legiones Astartes stronghold on Phastus II, IVth Legion, where we might be able to seek aid and resupply? Can you put us in contact with them, if they are here?” Spoiler OOC: I didn't want to make up history of where the Tribute had been previously, so I wrote it so Nuzry can be assumed to have added in whatever details are appropriate regarding where the ship has been, hope that works? Edit: Also hope it's OK to have Nuzry speak in my post, I just thought changing the speaker midway through meant I didn't have to keep putting 'tell him...' in front of every sentence! Edited December 29, 2023 by Lysimachus Black Cohort, Trokair and Mazer Rackham 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cohort Posted January 2, 2024 Author Share Posted January 2, 2024 The voice only message was transmitted and a few minutes passed before the response. Each moment brought the ship closer to high orbit over the planet. "Greetings Captain, unfortunate that you have no news of the collection of the black tithe. And I regret that our void choir is woefully under-strength and has not been able to send or receive anything intelligible for weeks. Your Astartes commander should contact Sgt Chalbyth directly by legion comms; it was strongly recommended to me that for security reasons the legion garrison not use the standard governance channels. Will you require resupply while your Astartes conduct their business?" The ship's crew has also established a tentative ident, 7/3 odds that it correct, on the bulk transport, the Faithful Conveyor, logs indicate that it's last known assignment was in the supply column of a secondary death guard fleet. Lysimachus, Trokair and Mazer Rackham 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 3, 2024 Share Posted January 3, 2024 Elvrit: Damnation. Not a word of good news to be heard… If Phastus’ Choir was down, there was still no way to get a message back to Terra. Elvrit grunted irritably. So be it. They would have to hope others had got word out, and focus on doing what they could to serve the Loyalist cause here and now. The presence of a vessel associated with one of the four original renegade Legions made for a far higher probability that the inhabitants of this world had already been informed about - and corrupted by - the treachery that had begun at Istvaan III. The ‘Faithful’ Conveyor? Hah! “I repeat my previous statement. When we get close enough, scan that vessel… and those stations… as thoroughly as possible. Then watch them like hawks. Movements, power fluctuations, monitor their communications, any smaller craft coming and going from them. We want no surprises when we enter orbit.” “I would also suggest we maintain a geostationary orbit above a point on the surface well away from any inhabited location. Their ground-based orbital defence weapons are likely to be concentrated around the garrison and cities.” Elvrit nodded respectfully to Nuzry. Pointing out such matters relating to void war to the mortal Captain was probably comparable to trying to teach his grandmother to skin a Medusan Oryx, but… He would leave making contact with this ‘Sgt Chalbyth’ to Ekene Sul… and perhaps Hadad? Mazer Rackham and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted January 3, 2024 Share Posted January 3, 2024 (edited) Hadad He listened to the reply. While a separation of Adminstratum and Legion affairs was not unexpected it did strike Hadadd as a little out off. Perhaps it did speak to the Govenors ignorance of the Oath breaking of the Legions, especially if the garrison had and were keeping the population in ignorance until reinforcements arrived. “Looks like this your hour to shine Ekene Sul.” Spoiler Ciphers (Chapter Rune ) Test – In regards to the separation of Governor and Garrisons Coms and the protocol needed to contact garrison directly. Int:44 D100: 14, Pass, 3DoS Edited January 3, 2024 by Trokair Lysimachus, Mazer Rackham and Urauloth 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cohort Posted January 8, 2024 Author Share Posted January 8, 2024 Governance and security communications being on different channels is normal, not everyone has a need to know both, and if the planetary government is plotting sedition, then it is good they don't have a solid read on the security situation. Further scans of the Faithful Conveyor and the orbital assets show nothing weird, except perhaps for a lack of weapons and defenses anywhere in orbit. Your scans of the planet do show multiple locations where craft capable of both atmospheric and space flight could operate from. The mountains around the Astartes keep are rugged, and only a small handful of settlements exist across the whole range. Mazer Rackham, Trokair, Lysimachus and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted January 9, 2024 Share Posted January 9, 2024 Ekene Sul Having observed in quiet consideration, Sul now stepped forward. "Indeed. I will contact the garrison commander. Master of comms, please prepare to send a hololithic data package." He preferred sending a message to attempting to establish a live communication link, though he was sure the garrison would hail them with expectations of such as they drew closer. For now, he preferred to keep the traffic of information one-way. "Greetings, brothers of the Fourth Legion. This is Legionary Ekene Sul of the Salamanders, aboard the Darnok's Tribute. We have need of resupply following prosecution of anti-xenos operations, and extend a cordial request for your assistance." Trokair, Lysimachus, Mazer Rackham and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 9, 2024 Share Posted January 9, 2024 (edited) Elvrit: Elvrit listened in silent agreement as the Salamander began their opening gambit. Formal, respectful… but kept as simple as possible, revealing as little as possible, and admitting to not a hint of knowledge about the monstrous events of Istvaan. Now to see how these sons of Peturabo responded. Edited January 9, 2024 by Lysimachus Urauloth and Mazer Rackham 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted January 9, 2024 Share Posted January 9, 2024 Arazakiel The decisive strike was quickly growing mired and they did not have the luxury of time. It would not be long before word reached this outpost if it had not already, either astropathic message of another vessel from the front seeking replenishment or the tithe that was spoken of. Arazakiel scanned the holo-displays of the surface and ships in orbit. Should an enemy ship arrive they would have no more than a few hours to engage targets of opportunity and burn away what they could of this world from the warmasters conquests. Mazer Rackham 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted January 10, 2024 Share Posted January 10, 2024 Ravyx: The Raven Guard watched and listened. Folding his arms, he leaned back against a sturdy protective buttress, unblinking Corvus helm tilting and sweeping as the advanced autosenses fed him every whisper, every creak of throat and rustle of fabric. He perched and sat, but nothing more. They would just have to wait and see what fruit the efforts bore. Lysimachus and Urauloth 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cohort Posted January 12, 2024 Author Share Posted January 12, 2024 "Greetings Legionary Sul, it is good to hear the voice of another Astartes after so long. Sadly our standing orders prevent us from drawing down our stocks of supplies from any not of the IVth or bearing requisition orders from Crusade command. But there is a forge world only a few days warp jump away, I am sure they will be happy to bring your stocks to full. Still it will be good to see another Astartes face before you leave. What is your estimated arrival time? For Terra and the Primarch; Iron within, Iron without." Lysimachus, Machine God, Urauloth and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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