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A Time of Reaving IC

Black Cohort

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"Iron Within, Iron Without.  Brother Hadad, welcome to the end of the galaxy."  He stretches out his hand for a warriors grasp.  "I am Corporal Thorg, the Sergeant is busy with a security briefing with the planetary governor, the lack of the titheship has that pampered ninny in fits.  It has been far too long since we have seen other Astartes, and now we have Iron Warriors on a Dark Angel bird coming from a Salamander ship.  Have the Rangda returned once again?  Between all of you and the Death Guard Great Company that bulk conveyor was drawing supplies for there must be at least a legion's worth of Astartes in the sector.  Come the Sergeant will want to speak with you as soon as his meeting is concluded."


With the sweep of his arm the Corporal indicates that you should follow him into the keep.

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The Astartes still aboard the gunship waited tensely, listening for the Iron Warrior's reply. Elvrit grunted as Thorg answered.


One Legion’s worth of Astartes in this Sector?


They were only a few days' travel from Istvaan. Could it really be possible that they had heard nothing of Horus’ rebellion, or of the massive Imperial response of which the survivors had been a part? It sounded far too good to be true!


However, if they could get inside the outer fortifications, where they could not be targeted by the garrison’s heaviest emplacements, then surely they had to accept the invitation… even if it turned out to be the bait in a particularly nasty trap?


He still waited, though. Best not to step out and reveal themselves yet, at least not until Hadad informed his kin that their guests included an even greater variety of Legions than they had initially thought. Surprises like that could start a fight, even if the defenders were loyalists.


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“Well met Corporal, it is not the Rangda as far as we know, though would explain some things. We can brief you all in full once the Sergent is ready to recive us. For now, in short, a matter has arisen that led to the formation of an inter legion task force.”


Hadad gestured back to the Thunderhawk.  


“Would you do the curtsey of inviting the representatives of the other legions in the joint task force in as well?”

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Ekene Sul


Ekene strode out behind Hadad and offered a salute to the Corporal. The Iron Warriors might not know quite how diverse the makeup of their expedition was yet, but they would have no reason to balk at a Salamander making planetfall from a ship of his legion, and he had after all communicated with them before they made orbit. They should be expecting him.


"Greetings, Corporal Thorg," he said, businesslike but not impolite. "I am legionary Sul. I will be glad to meet your Sergeant."


He was somewhat surprised at the Iron Warrior's mention of the Rangda. He had never fought the creatures himself, though he knew the wars against them had been extensive and destructive. It seemed a good opportunity to offer an explaination for the rag-tag formation and damaged ship they presented, however. He would have preferred time to run a cover story past the others in depth before deploying it, but something - a furnace hot flash of impulse like a spark stuck from an anvil - spurred him to sieze the moment.


"Not the Rangda, cousin, but our task force did suppress a xenos incursion. You may notice our battle brothers are drawn from several legions? A repulse force to counter an emergent threat to Mankind's realm - but come, take us to your commander, he will want to hear the details."


Sul made sure the others heard him when he spoke. As he followed the Iron Warrior, he hoped the rest of the landing party didn't mind too much that he had taken so much initiative, but he was certain it was the right thing to do.

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Something seemed to shift in the corporal's posture, something in his brain, perhaps even subconsciously suspicious of the information he is receiving.


"You are are force composed of members of several legions, have clearly seen heavy combat, yet have no officers, not even a sergeant on your ship.  Something about this doesn't add up brother Hadad.  The obfuscations cease now, or you can find your way back to civilization on your own."


His right hand was slowly shifting, likely not intentionally, toward his holstered bolt pistol.

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Kraith tensed, utterly focused and ready to trigger his jump pack. The Iron Warrior was suspicious, possibly about to order the base's defenses to fire. Not good.


One thing also caught his attention- the freighter was a Death Guard auxiliary ship. Another Traitor legion. If they could capture or destroy the ship, it would hurt or cripple further Death Guard strategic plans.


But first, the Iron Warriors...

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“No obfuscations brother Thorg, we have seen combat recently as you noted, we were ambushed, and now seek resupply so that we can seek out the culprits and hold them to account.”


“The burden of repeating myself is one I will have to bear this day it seems.”    


Taking a few slow steps forward, and keeping his hands visible and nonthreatening he continued.



“Seven Legions were gathered to investigate reports that emerged from Istvann III, a system that on the tides of the immaterium is not too far from here I understand. Reports that claimed that a Legion, and its father, had massacred the civilian population, and furthermore that they had declared war on Humanity and the Imperium we all built.”


Coming to stop Hadad once more made the sign of the fourth.


“I won’t mince words, Horus, raised above his siblings at the Triumph of Ullanor and named Warmaster, has forsaken his oath and declared himself as lord over all humanity. Elements of the Third, Twelfth and Fourteenth are said to be with the Sons of Horus.”


“Trust is a currency in short supply since the ambush and the losses we all suffered, so your mention of a ship taking supplies to the Fourteenth has the others worried.”



“I know that you hold true, for we are Iron, but for the benefit of the others, now that you know,  please affirm that you will stand with us against Horus the Oathbreaker. ”

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While Hadad was speaking, Elvrit muttered quietly into his vox, first directed towards the Tribute, and then to the survivors’ squad level vox.


+++Captain Nuzry. We have landed and are attempting to gain access to the garrison. If you do not hear from us again within the next three hours, obliterate this fortification from orbit and then chase down that conveyor. Deny any kind of resupply to Horus’ traitors.+++


+++If this goes badly, we need to get inside, fast. Arazakiel, can you have your crew ready to target the gate with the turbolaser - make a breach point for us? Kraith, you can cross that open ground faster than any of us. Once the ‘hawk has blown it open, take and hold the gate until the rest of us can reach you? Agreed?+++


Then, not waiting for an answer, he stepped forward, thumping fearlessly down the ramp. Whether the others followed or not, Hadad and Sul needed support. The Oath-keeper finished his appeal, so Elvrit spoke too. Anything to give them more time to get into position, if it became necessary to fight their way in.


“Your brother speaks truth, Corporal Thorg. Horus’ traitors caused the deaths of thousands of Astartes, brethren of every Legion here. We intend to do whatever we can to pay the bastards back for the blood they have spilled.”


He came to a stop just beyond where Thorg, Sul and Hadad stood together... close enough that if these Iron Warriors also turned out to be traitors, at the very least he'd have time to ram Hvass through the lying Corpse-grinder's faceplate before the garrison gunned him down.


“If you are true sons of the Emperor, you will help us.”




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Grimacing at the vox transmission, Kraith voxed back a quick, +++Copy, will do.+++


One marine versus an unknown garrision was not ideal. Still, when the situation required it, duty must be done and sacrifices must made. He low-ignited his jumppack, the soft hiss of jets covered by the still-cooling mettalic pings and groans of the Thunderhawk. 

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Arazakiels eyes scanned across the fortress walls and auger displays, seeking out weapon emplacements heavy enough to threaten the thunderhawk as to lose such an asset in pursuit of ammunition and weapons was foolhardy beyond measure.


Whatever transpired next they could not linger here and still hope to catch the transport. Reaching for the ships comms he swept through the frequency range seeking ot intercept any signals between the fortress and the astartes before them.

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The Corporal chuckled and a small smile spread across his face.  "You had me there for a minute brothers." he chuckled again.  "But Horus really?  Angron, the Crimson King or the feral wolves of Fenris maybe, but the Emperor's most beloved son, who has been at his side for two centuries and is the first among equals.  No.  Now tell me, why are you really here.  Some kind of weird surprise inspection?  Because I don't buy any of what are you trying to sell us."

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Elvrit let out a mechanical growl of irritation and moved even closer to the Corporal.


“Do you see these scars on my battleplate, boy? What do they look like to you? What kind of weapon caused them?”


He tapped one gouge, then another, then another.


“Bolter rounds. An Emperor's Child. A Death Guard. A Night Lord. That last bastard almost had me. I gutted him for it, though.”


The Breacher paused, a bleak grin on his face that was more like a snarl.


“Do you think I am lying? Listen again, and open your ears a little wider this time. Horus culled the loyal Astartes out of four Legions at Istvaan III, his own Sons included. The rest of the Emperor's Children, the Death Guard and the World Eaters turned traitor with him. Then he declared himself as the true ruler of Mankind, betraying our father. I do not understand how you have failed to hear such news, even out here.”


“As you would expect, the Emperor decreed Horus’ rebellion crushed, and ordered seven full Legions to carry out the sentence. The Iron Hands. The Salamanders. The Raven Guard. The Alpha Legion. The Night Lords. The Word Bearers. The Iron Warriors. We attacked at Istvaan V.”


“But Horus was named Warmaster for a damn reason. He had made secret alliances with half of the seven Legions that claimed to serve the Emperor. I don't know what he promised them, but the ‘loyalists’ were the ones that were crushed. Between a bloody rock and a bloody hard place.”


“I don't know how many of the Tenth escaped the Warmaster's trap. But I do know that their goals will be the same as mine. To make ourselves a thorn in Horus’ side. To kill as many of his traitorous dogs as we can, to bleed them as they march on Terra itself. Because believe me, cousin, that is where they are going.”


He stared intently into Thorg's eyes, watching for any sign of imminent treachery or attack.


“So I repeat... if you are true sons of the Emperor, you will help us.”




Edited by Lysimachus
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He gently shook his head. The matter had played out mostly as he suspected it would. Disbelief, denial, the first stages of any confrontation with reality, were the defence mechanism of the human condition. How much deeper then, did the did walls of steel and stone encircle and fortify the cooler logic of the IV Legion? Battering the facts over Thorg's head was very appropriate for the Iron Tenth. A head-on assault.


No. An outflank to reason was...appropriate. The time had come for the scalpel cut.


'Our brother speaks true - and it is no jest, Corporal,' Ravyx called from the Thunderhawk troop bay. His voice resounded in the gunship hull, carried forth out across the landing pad in a flat, factual statement. Better to announce himself than end up provoking the mania further by simply appearing. Vengeance needed many things; ammunition, intelligence, weapons. An appeal to emotion would not suffice. 'Nor is it a boring inspection.'


Steeling himself, Ravyx walked out of the gunship steadily, a moderated pace that would be at home on a long, quiet, medicae ward. No panic, no worry, no haste. He went forward, arm locked to cradle his helmet. His free hand went up and out in the prolonged wave of salute. In both instances, the Caduceus Calvarium was bold and scarlet on his chest. His gear marked him out as different, half-murderer, half-healer. He stopped five metres from the Corporal, slowly lowering his arm.


Vengeance also required faith.


'Brother Thorg, I am Primus Medicae Ravyx Koloios, of the Nineteenth Legion.' He nearly said Jackdaw. 'We suddenly live in interesting times. Shall we meet your Sergeant behind closed doors with our evidence?'


He had long resigned himself to this imposed reality. He hoped Thorg and his compatriots could see the..."new" Imperial Truth.


If Elvrit didn't strangle him with it first.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
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"This mess is above me to sort out. You and you," the corporal pointed at Hadad and Ekene. "Come with me and we will speak with the Sgt to figure out what to do.  Leave your weapons with your brothers."  He turned slightly to the warrior beside him, "Brother Fontex, stay here with the rest of them."


He turned and started walking towards the gate, "Maybe the Sgt will have some idea how to deal with this."

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Disarmament... to ask such of an Astartes raised only more questions and further delayed their pursuit of the supply ship.


As he continued to search the comms channels he kept an open link to the squad and the vessel above. Loss of contact might be innocent enough, but may also be the only warning they have to act.

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He had already left Rain back at the Hawk, but that had not bought enough trust it seems. They needed resupply. Time to spend the coin of trust, could he trust them, more so, then they him?


“I have already left mine at the Hawk, but if you insist.”


With exaggerated care and slowness he drew his bolt pistol, and removed the magazine. Reholstering the pistol Hadad then stowed the magazine on the other side from the holster.”



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Divide and conquer?


Elvrit didn't like it. At all. Why would any true Astartes allow himself to be disarmed? Did he even trust Hadad sufficiently to allow the Iron Warrior to rejoin his Legion with only the Salamander for company? It seemed unlikely that the gunner would betray them now, but in the mad galaxy that they currently found themselves, who could know for sure?


“Not good enough, Thorg. After the things we've seen in the last few days, my trust is worn as thin as my patience. This close to Istvaan, any of Horus’ lackeys could have come here and turned you. You could be trying to win some glory, bag yourself a few loyalists.”


Elvrit casually took his MkIII helm from his belt, still staring at the Corporal.


“Do better. I want to hear your oath by whatever you hold sacred that you serve the Emperor, not the Warmaster, and that we are all on the same side. Then, as sworn and trusted allies, we will all come within to speak with your Sergeant. Otherwise…”


He placed the slab-featured wargear back over his head, ice blue lens lighting up as a connection was made with his suit's power feed.


“...we are likely going to have a problem.”



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The narthecium passed a small stab of feedback as Elvrit's words lashed the two Iron Warriors. Increased agressor-lambda pheromone output, a sting of the deep biscopea-rhesus 23 compound to stir the readiness of the cardiac system into combat. Thick discharge of adrenal-catacholamine.


What did they call it? Ah, yes. Kill Urge.


Scrutiny Test on Thorg to get a read on him:


Per: 61 + 10 (HS Sight) = 71

D100: 11, PASS Plus 7 DoS.


OOC: Assuming Thorg is cool...


The Corporal and his kinsman were far enough away to risk a short sentence. Would that they all knew Corspake..! He subvocalised in lieu. 'Enough, Iron Hand. Do you not see his distaste? He is a Remembrancer of exceptional talent otherwise.'


Fellowship Test:


Fw 43 + 5 (Helmet off) = 48

D100: 13 PASS, 3 DoS.


His pale grey eyes tried to fathom the sapphire wells of fury from the blunt, slab helm of the Iron Pattern suit.


Open your fist, before they close theirs...


He swivelled to the other garrison-soldier. 'Could I be of service to you or your brothers, Legionary Fontex?'

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Kraith didn't like this- no legionnaire asked another to disarm. But that was before the betrayal, so who knows now?


He kept his body ready to hurl at the gatehouse or charge into battle against the Iron Warriors. While the others worked on diplomacy, his mind was focused on the potential battle. Whether it happened or not was irrelevant; all that mattered was that he was prepared.

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Ekene Sul


Sul looked straight at Thorg. "I will come with you," he said, his voice level, "but I will never surrender my arms. Not for anyone, for any reason, unless my Primarch himself commands it."


His weapons were still mag-locked to his battle plate, and he was resolute that they would remain there unless he had cause to draw them in anger. He had no wish to escalate the situation, but the thought of handing over his armaments - all that he had left of his squad brothers, and the things that had kept him alive to escape their fate - was intolerable, even if these warriors were as loyal to their oaths as he was.

And if they are not, walking unarmed into their midst would be like laying down on a headsman's block.


He did his utmost to sound reasonable. "Please, Corporal, take us to your Sergeant so we may talk."

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"And I cannot let you into the fortress under the current circumstances if you will not leave your weapons."


The corporal's head shifted so he was talking more into his collar, "Have Sgt Chalbyth come out to us."


Probably about 5 minutes later the Sgt and another marine come out.


"Thorg why is this complicated?" the Sgt said as he looked over his guests.


"They claim to have come from at fight... against Warmaster Horus and legions worth of oath breakers."


The Sgt's pace faltered as he processed what Thorg said.

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Beneath his helm, Elvrit let out a hiss of irritation. They did not have time for this! He took a deep, calming breath as the Sergeant came closer.


Last chance. Be iron. Cold. Logical.


The sons of Peturabo, pragmatists like his own Legion, would respect that more, might listen more. Quietly, Elvrit repeated what had been said to Thorg, laying out the facts. Finally he gestured to the Thunderhawk.


“If you wish, Sergeant, you may examine the augur and vox logs of our gunship, and our vessel in orbit. They will prove the truth of our words. But I would advise you to make a damn decision quickly. Horus’ traitors crushed the loyal Legions at Istvaan. It will not be long before they have finished off whatever remnants still fight. Perhaps they already have? Then the oathbreakers will seek resupply, readying themselves to begin their march on Terra itself.”


He paused, giving Chalbyth a moment to see the obvious.


“If we knew that such resupply could be found here on Phastus II, then they will also know it. They will be sending ships here, and they could arrive at any time. We must deny the traitors access to your stockpile. I would prefer to take whatever we can aboard our vessel and put it to better use against Horus, but if you will not allow that… then it must be sabotaged so that it cannot be used against the Emperor.”


Or we kill you and take as much as we can.


Elvrit frowned beneath his helm. Four of the garrison were now outside, within attack range. How many more were still inside? At least they had brought the commanders out. A decapitation strike wouldn't be as effective against Astartes as it was against mortals, but the loss of Chalbyth and Thorg would still slow the Iron Warriors’ response. Carefully he examined the Sergeant and his troopers, looking for weapons, things that might pose a threat to his battleplate. Things he'd need to kill first.




Awareness Test to determine the Iron Warriors’ armaments: Per 42 +10(Awareness+10) +10(HS: Sight) +5(MkIII Autosenses) = 67, Roll: 43, 2DoS




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The Sgt, Cpl and Brother Fontex all had a bolt pistol and combat blade, the marine that arrived with the Sgt has a bolter as well.


Sgt Chalbyth responded, "My standing orders are clear, the armoury we maintain is only for our legion.  I can only release it otherwise on a direct order from Terra.  If traitors want it, they will have to buy it in blood."

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“That is an admirable position to hold Sergeant, and not so long ago I would have agreed with you. However this close to Istavann, if the oathbreakers come for your armoury they will take it no matter how well you hold the fortress. It saddens me to say this, but Perturabo is an oath breaker and his allegiance is broken. Do you think you can hold this world against Father?”


“Come with us, we can do more good together.”   

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Fires of Hel…


That was a bold choice. Elvrit had to respect Hadad's unwavering honesty, and his absolute sense of right and wrong. At least it would reveal once and for all which side Chalbyth and his men were on. Maybe they had a right to know the truth, to make their choice, just as Hadad himself had done.


But it made it a damn sight more likely that things were about to get bloody.


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