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WarCom’s posted a preview article for Spear of Faith, and Fnac has a bunch of Sisters short stories listed for early July: https://www.fnac.com/e65968/Black-Library?SFilt=1!34


Based on those dates I’m guessing we’ll see the novel go up for preorder on the 29th. Although that’s also when new AOS comes out, and we all know BL would never release a limited edition novel at the same time as a new game edition. Right guys?

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Probably an outlier on this, but pity to me that we're not getting a Sisters of Battle Novel from James Swallow with his characters Miriya and Verity, wonder if this plethora of Sisters novel has to do with the new codex and models, but then again we're getting no genestealers cult related novels, with the genestealer cults being released at the same time so bang goes that theory, been busy with things but saw someone mentioned on Robbie MacNiven, he appears to be fully focused these days, based on his X (twitter account) on military history and writing books on that

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11 minutes ago, darkhorse0607 said:

Ironically my partner got me the Ultramarine one around 6 months ago from Amazon. I'm interested to see if it's the same one and then if it's double the price

I've bought 6 of them off merchoid last year, very much the same ones

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Ahriman Undying has been given a new, for realz release date of July 27th on Fnac. Preorder on the 13th.


I went to the effort of buying it from Fnac when it was mistakenly released there. It’s a good book and provides a nice conclusion to this Ahriman duology (although I don’t think BL has acknowledged it as such). Interesting use of structure and vivid language, as you’d expect from French. A little unsatisfying in some ways though. I don’t think either of French’s recent Ahriman works rise to the heights of his original trilogy unfortunately.

Edited by cheywood
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They could do better with the WH Community effort, recent feature on Sisters of Battles also includes section on novels to read (only 3 never mind there's a whole lot more actually)  but just talks on novels and show covers of them but no direct link to order the novels from BL (along with not mentioning said novels available only in e-format)

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Been busy reading some other fantasy stuff, big change from a few years ago where every second novel was a 40k one. Where the heck are they? Last decent new thing I read was Chris Wraights dawn of fire novel. 


I've still to read King of the Spoil at least, but I want some Guard, anything by ABD, Fehevari. C'mon Games Workshop!!!

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....WarCom put up an article of "The Seven Best Black Library Audiobooks to Build Skaventide To"




Heck, they didn't even put Hamilcar or Stormvault on there, both of which actually feature Skaven...


I'm amazed, once again.

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2 hours ago, DarkChaplain said:

....WarCom put up an article of "The Seven Best Black Library Audiobooks to Build Skaventide To"




Heck, they didn't even put Hamilcar or Stormvault on there, both of which actually feature Skaven...


I'm amazed, once again.

I want you to know I thought of you when I saw that article today

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On 6/24/2024 at 1:22 PM, grailkeeper said:

Summary on reddit of the new Siege of Vraks book. I only looked at a very small part of it as it contains spoilers.


The redditor is negative about it.

Typical negative "I want the 1st post" review.


He raced through the book in a single day, then went straight onto the internet to register his disappointment. He starts off by saying he went into it with an open mind, but then says he doesnt like Lyons' writing, found Lyons' last Krieg book to be boring, and the one before that was a slog.


He ends the review by saying the finale confirmed his worst fears about the book!


Sounds like he went into it expecting it to be bad.


And talking about Lyons as "appointing himself non-officially as the Krieg Author" just comes off as petty.


The book might be good, might be average, might be bad, but we're unlikely to get an unbiased view from this redditor.

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2 hours ago, byrd9999 said:

Typical negative "I want the 1st post" review.


He raced through the book in a single day, then went straight onto the internet to register his disappointment. He starts off by saying he went into it with an open mind, but then says he doesnt like Lyons' writing, found Lyons' last Krieg book to be boring, and the one before that was a slog.


He ends the review by saying the finale confirmed his worst fears about the book!


Sounds like he went into it expecting it to be bad.


And talking about Lyons as "appointing himself non-officially as the Krieg Author" just comes off as petty.


The book might be good, might be average, might be bad, but we're unlikely to get an unbiased view from this redditor.

Thanks for saying this - there always seems to be a weird rush to be the first person on reddit to have read the book, and they almost always don't enjoy it and simply love sharing their bile.  It was the same after literally every SoT book - sadly these spoiler/opinion posts are then latched onto by the high% of reddit users who never actually read BL books.



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3 minutes ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Thanks for saying this - there always seems to be a weird rush to be the first person on reddit to have read the book, and they almost always don't enjoy it and simply love sharing their bile.  It was the same after literally every SoT book - sadly these spoiler/opinion posts are then latched onto by the high% of reddit users who never actually read BL books.



Because being first and being negative brings in more karma.

I stopped looking at r/40klore long time ago, since most opinions there are based on outdated and/or straight up facts and memes...

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Typical negative "I want the 1st post" review.


Heh heh heh.


Write a hundred positive reviews and one negative, 'why you always so negative?'


When the books come out, I want to discuss the books. I will give my honest opinion of what I've read and invite others to do the same. Plenty of times I've had glowing things to say - Volpone Glory or Blackstone Fortress, for example - and encouraged people to buy and read just-released novels. For some reason, though, whenever you're anything but raving it's always dismissed with this kind of guff. Nobody gives a damn about imaginary internet points. They want to talk about the book. 


OP here didn't like it and goes in-depth on characters, plot and pacing with specific references. You might not agree with their take, but let's not pretend they wrote a one-line 'BEHEAD ALL LYONS 0/5 STARS' GoodReads review. 

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