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38 minutes ago, grailkeeper said:

Went searching for it there. Found an Ad Mech story of his called Vanguard. Is this new or is it old news?

Published as an e-book in 2015, printed in Servants of the Machine God in 2018.

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4 hours ago, DukeLeto69 said:

Based on page count must be omnibus. I might be odd but even though I have copies of all PF books, I will still buy an omnibus.


Assuming this is a paperback omnibus edition of box set, did it have a new short story?

Nothing new. Aria Arcana got it's first in print appearance there. The other shorts were collected from all over (Space Marines: Angels of Death, Shas'o, Lords and Tyrants, Heroes of the Space Marines, The Accursed, The Successors, Deathwatch: Ignition, Inferno vol. 2) so getting it all in one place was a nice thing.

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1 hour ago, grailkeeper said:

Went searching for it there. Found an Ad Mech story of his called Vanguard. Is this new or is it old news?


Very old. It's a follow-up to Fire Caste, actually. He snuck something in there that the editors at the time might not have realized, but readers of Fire Caste probably will catch. It also is far longer than was commissioned, iirc.

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41 minutes ago, Kargath said:

I've been out of the loop for a while, but didn't they announce a Special Edition for The Infinite and the Divine sometime last year? Did that ever come out?

It was revelead at the Black Library Preview Online in December. The Vahl box set and Ahriman:Undying LE was revealed at the same time and both of those has recently/will soon be released. Hopefully whatever has caused the delays has been cleared up so that we'll see the The Infinite and the Divine LE soon as well.

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44 minutes ago, darkhorse0607 said:

It did not


40 minutes ago, norDrow said:

It was revelead at the Black Library Preview Online in December. The Vahl box set and Ahriman:Undying LE was revealed at the same time and both of those has recently/will soon be released. Hopefully whatever has caused the delays has been cleared up so that we'll see the The Infinite and the Divine LE soon as well.

I'm glad I didn't miss it. Thanks!

Edited by Kargath
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More Tchaikosvky! AoS this time, which is interesting. 40k book releases still seem a little slow, but we're getting quite a bit of good stuff for the Mortal Realms lately. Makes sense with 4E launching I suppose.


Still waiting to see what happens next with Dawn of Fire.

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12 hours ago, norDrow said:

It was revelead at the Black Library Preview Online in December. The Vahl box set and Ahriman:Undying LE was revealed at the same time and both of those has recently/will soon be released. Hopefully whatever has caused the delays has been cleared up so that we'll see the The Infinite and the Divine LE soon as well.

I'd imagine it was the End and the Death limited edition debacle as I'm sure GW did not want to invest resources into dealing with the problem and instead just waited for everyone to forget about it and then release limited editions that dont have the same demand.  I mean realistically nothing they have coming up are going to be in high enough demand to attract scalpers as they are people looking to make margins off reselling products that they know are going to sell, likely quickly. 


If I was going to be a conspiracy theorist I'd say perhaps GW is waiting for governments to release digital IDs so say an international technocratic body could control who gets to buy what and for what purpose.  All you need is the right crisis. 

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2 hours ago, Krelious said:

If I was going to be a conspiracy theorist I'd say perhaps GW is waiting for governments to release digital IDs so say an international technocratic body could control who gets to buy what and for what purpose.  All you need is the right crisis. 

I love a good conspiracy, but I don’t think this one holds much water. ‘Hold for sale until the Illuminati take over’ is a smart business practice for guns, booze, and hard drugs, not limited edition sci-fi novels. As you said I think they’re just waiting for the scalpers to stop paying attention before they drop the more desirable books. 

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Something to buy again at last (didn’t bother with the Lelith LE last week).  Looking forward to the new Ahriman when it arrives.  On a side note, they seem to have sorted the nagging website issues at last, although that could have been weeks ago for all the times I’ve needed to visit it recently :devil:

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On 7/12/2024 at 5:19 PM, wecanhaveallthree said:

>Horus Primarch book is fake just like Horus in the Heresy is fake




If it's even half as wacky as Lupus Daemonis I'll be well satisfied. 


Is that the one where child Horus rapidly aged 30 years in the space of a few seconds complete with male pattern baldness? That was rubbish.


I remember James Swallow was scheduled to write Sanguinius, but then Chris Wraight ended up getting it and the book was excellent.


I hope the delay with Horus is that a BL editor read Lupus Daemonus, decided that was so bad that McNeill didn't deserve to write the Primarchs novel, and it's going to someone else.

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On 7/12/2024 at 5:47 AM, cheywood said:

I love a good conspiracy, but I don’t think this one holds much water. ‘Hold for sale until the Illuminati take over’ is a smart business practice for guns, booze, and hard drugs, not limited edition sci-fi novels. As you said I think they’re just waiting for the scalpers to stop paying attention before they drop the more desirable books. 

I mean in terms they arent going to invest resources in protecting against scalpers if they know that something is going to change in how people use the internet. Its basically all but written on the wall with that guy and his Great Reset idea.  The thing is when the "Illuminati take over" its more of a gradual process where people just dont care anymore and are rather so invested in the system they will be begging for security solutions to keep up their lifestyles. I think its more to the point of rather how overt the system gets while everyone is just conditioned to accept that they dont have any freedom or privacy anymore and that's a good thing because the alternative is facing technologically advanced criminals or terrorists without the resources to combat them like a farmer offering security for cows and sheep from the wolves.  If you look at say what happened with the limited edition of TEATD

as a small scale cyberattack and how easy it was to execute imagine a large scale cyberattack where the entire internet is effected and how much money people would stand to lose and possibly lives lost due to communications disruption. 


The whole hold for sale is more  a short term tactic in waiting for people to forget and make it seem like they are doing something. Its kind of funny because i still see all the usual resellers on ebay in various countries trying to sell the Morgan Vahl le, Ahriman undying le, and Lelith Hespherax, its kind of funny how shameless they are in creating these listings as many times the books havent even sold out yet. The one thing I did note of all these books the Ahriman Undying Hardback sold out quickly everywhere.

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19 minutes ago, Krelious said:

I mean in terms they arent going to invest resources in protecting against scalpers if they know that something is going to change in how people use the internet. Its basically all but written on the wall with that guy and his Great Reset idea.  The thing is when the "Illuminati take over" its more of a gradual process where people just dont care anymore and are rather so invested in the system they will be begging for security solutions to keep up their lifestyles. I think its more to the point of rather how overt the system gets while everyone is just conditioned to accept that they dont have any freedom or privacy anymore and that's a good thing because the alternative is facing technologically advanced criminals or terrorists without the resources to combat them like a farmer offering security for cows and sheep from the wolves.  If you look at say what happened with the limited edition of TEATD

as a small scale cyberattack and how easy it was to execute imagine a large scale cyberattack where the entire internet is effected and how much money people would stand to lose and possibly lives lost due to communications disruption. 


The whole hold for sale is more  a short term tactic in waiting for people to forget and make it seem like they are doing something. Its kind of funny because i still see all the usual resellers on ebay in various countries trying to sell the Morgan Vahl le, Ahriman undying le, and Lelith Hespherax, its kind of funny how shameless they are in creating these listings as many times the books havent even sold out yet. The one thing I did note of all these books the Ahriman Undying Hardback sold out quickly everywhere.

I don’t actually believe in the Illuminati or the great reset or any of that stuff, but this isn’t really the place to dive into conspiracy theories. If I wanted to hear about them I’d give my aunt a call (and I never call her). However, whatever our political beliefs, I think we can all agree that GW, miniature figures manufacturer, is not in the know about any hypothetical ‘great reset’. I’m very, very certain of that.

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13 hours ago, cheywood said:

I don’t actually believe in the Illuminati or the great reset or any of that stuff, but this isn’t really the place to dive into conspiracy theories. If I wanted to hear about them I’d give my aunt a call (and I never call her). However, whatever our political beliefs, I think we can all agree that GW, miniature figures manufacturer, is not in the know about any hypothetical ‘great reset’. I’m very, very certain of that.


The great reset for GW happened when they redid the webstore

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On 7/13/2024 at 5:26 PM, skylerboodie said:

I like how the regular hardback of Lelith is being advertised with the limited edition cover...


Don’t know if they got complaints or not, but I just got an email from GW apologising for them using the wrong image and checking that I’m aware and happy that I ordered the HB and not the LE version.  Wonder if they had a couple of chancers saying they want the pictured item?

Edited by Felix Antipodes
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