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Daemonhammer and a 20th anniversary edition of Ravenor have been officially revealed


Some Fnac updates: 


Oaths of Damnation and Daemonhammer have both been delisted. Could be they were listed early by mistake like other delayed titles this year, or GW wants the release date for them kept secret. Daemonbreaker is still on track for the 24th it seems, and the regular edition of Morvenn Vahl is dated for September 7th. Is BL going to make the spectacularly absurd decision to release two books by the same author in less than a month? Stick around to find out. 

As an aside I know that diversity of titles is not necessarily a strong suit of 40k, but putting out books titled ‘daemonhammer’ and ‘daemonbreaker’ in the same year is a rather striking example of that homogeneity. 

Edited by cheywood
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20 minutes ago, cheywood said:

Daemonhammer and a 20th anniversary edition of Ravenor have been officially revealed


Some Fnac updates: 


Oaths of Damnation and Daemonhammer have both been delisted.  Could be they were listed early by mistake like other delayed titles this year, or GW wants the release date for them kept secret. Daemonbreaker  is still on track for the 24th it seems, and the regular edition of Morvenn Vahl is dated for September 7th. Is BL going to make the spectacularly absurd decision to release 2 books by the same author in less than a month? Stick around to find out. 

As an aside I know that diversity of titles is not necessarily a strong suit of 40k, but putting out books titled ‘daemonhammer’ and ‘daemonbreaker’ in the same year is a rather striking example of that homogeneity. 



Ironically, there was a paragraph or two on WHC about Daemonhammer this morning. Kind of, I feel it doesn't do a great job about talking about the book. Also there's an anniversary edition of Ravenor coming. Both say the release is "later this year"



Edited by darkhorse0607
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Just saw this on FB.  Might be fake so proceed with caution.


Edit - website won’t let me upload a photo.  It’s an image of a SoT LE anthology called ‘Era of Ruin’ that someone claims to have found in a charity shop!


edit 2 - managed to upload at a reduced quality.


Edited by Ubiquitous1984
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6 minutes ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Just saw this on FB.  Might be fake so proceed with caution.


Edit - website won’t let me upload a photo.  It’s an image of a SoT LE anthology called ‘Era of Ruin’ that someone claims to have found in a charity shop!


edit 2 - managed to upload at a reduced quality.


I’d be very curious to know what short stories are in that anthology.


edit:  never mind, just saw the second post with the ToC

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Just saw this on 40klore and ran over here to check for veracity. Looks pretty legit to me. The Siege definitely lacked the usual 'anthology book' and there were so many little stories to tell - wouldn't be surprised at all if this was legit, though I have to say, anthology of stories beyond the Siege rather than during the Siege feels a bit odd.

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Posted (edited)

I’m so glad that I don’t need to worry about getting a copy of that. 

I absolutely cannot wait for it to be released, don’t get me wrong- I’ve said elsewhere how much I like the Heresy anthologies- but being liberated from the need to own the fancy copy is great.



It’s a shame that the metal aquilla on the front is recycled from another title though; the variety in iconography is one of the things the SoT LEs got right.

oh god, no, it’s all warped and melty. Much like my resolve…


Edited by aa.logan
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Based off the titles, it's probably a segue into the Scouring (if it's real)

Now for speculation on the stories themselves, based on the author's "main" storylines for the Heresy

  • Angels of Another Age (French) - The Blood Angels deal with that happen during the Siege (Azkaellon taking charge of the legion, finding a new way to deal with the twin curses)
  • Fulgurite (Kyme) - The story of some Word Bearer champion wandering around after the Siege's completion, ending with him getting shot by Barthusa Narek
  • Fragments (All We Have Left) (Abnett) - A bunch of vignettes that Abnett somehow wasn't able to cram into The End and the Death
  • Ex Libris (French) - Given the translation of "from books," Ahriman taking his first steps to enact the Rubric
  • System Purge (Thorpe) - The purge of the Sol system from any residual Traitors
  • After the Dawn, the Darkness (Haley) - Guilliman's taking stock at what the Imperium's about to become
  • Homebound (Wraight) - The Lion and Russ finally arrive at the Sol system in the wake of the Vengenace Crusade
  • The Carrion Lord of the Imperium (ADB) - A look at the Palace post Siege, with various political factions hashing out who's now in charge (probably going to have some scene where Valdor/the Custodians withdraw from active service)
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If that is real...then that is very exciting because that is a great looking table of contents.


Would be great if we get some official news on this.


Now of course you have to say....how unlikely is it, that a limited edition of a Siege of Terra anthology that no one has even has even heard of...would be found in a charity shop, or anywhere else?

That just sounds....extremely unlikely. And yet...pictures look very believable.

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23 minutes ago, Taliesin said:

If that is real...then that is very exciting because that is a great looking table of contents.


Would be great if we get some official news on this.


Now of course you have to say....how unlikely is it, that a limited edition of a Siege of Terra anthology that no one has even has even heard of...would be found in a charity shop, or anywhere else?

That just sounds....extremely unlikely. And yet...pictures look very believable.

If this is real:


Could be a miss printed copy that some worker broigh home, didnt know what to do, so got rid of it at a second hand store?


I used to work at a printers, people taking throw away misprints is nothing new.

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3 minutes ago, System Sound said:

If this is real:


Could be a miss printed copy that some worker broigh home, didnt know what to do, so got rid of it at a second hand store?


I used to work at a printers, people taking throw away misprints is nothing new.


Would probably be worth a serious amount of money?

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2 hours ago, aa.logan said:


It’s a shame that the metal aquilla on the front is recycled from another title though; the variety in iconography is one of the things the SoT LEs got right.

oh god, no, it’s all warped and melty. Much like my resolve…


One of the reasons I think its real, is that the aquilla is half melted on both the cover and the spine. So its either a rather elaborate fake or real.


3 minutes ago, Scribe said:

Would probably be worth a serious amount of money?

If its real yes. Because it might be unsigned copy too.

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4 hours ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

That Daemonhammer cover feels like an AoS book.  I can’t put my finger on why?


Until today I've seen that image only in the Coteaz thread and somehow didn't catch that it's real. I assumed that's some AI fanart made by someone to show how bad the model would look in a similar pose to the old art. Silly me.

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1 hour ago, Alpharius902 said:

Based off the titles, it's probably a segue into the Scouring (if it's real)

Now for speculation on the stories themselves, based on the author's "main" storylines for the Heresy

  • Angels of Another Age (French) - The Blood Angels deal with that happen during the Siege (Azkaellon taking charge of the legion, finding a new way to deal with the twin curses)
  • Fulgurite (Kyme) - The story of some Word Bearer champion wandering around after the Siege's completion, ending with him getting shot by Barthusa Narek
  • Fragments (All We Have Left) (Abnett) - A bunch of vignettes that Abnett somehow wasn't able to cram into The End and the Death
  • Ex Libris (French) - Given the translation of "from books," Ahriman taking his first steps to enact the Rubric
  • System Purge (Thorpe) - The purge of the Sol system from any residual Traitors
  • After the Dawn, the Darkness (Haley) - Guilliman's taking stock at what the Imperium's about to become
  • Homebound (Wraight) - The Lion and Russ finally arrive at the Sol system in the wake of the Vengenace Crusade
  • The Carrion Lord of the Imperium (ADB) - A look at the Palace post Siege, with various political factions hashing out who's now in charge (probably going to have some scene where Valdor/the Custodians withdraw from active service)

I wish they would just retire Gav Thorpe, its especially annoying considering he has one of the more important stories. 

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Yeah, that was my initial thought. Only problem is Thorpe's been headlining Dark Angels/Raven Guard, with a smattering of Word Bearers mixed in. Mechanicum's been mainly McNeil/Sanders' roadhouse, so either Thorpe got assigned to branch off and write them or it's something else entirely

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Having read all three books of the End and the Death it's hard to beleive that ANY fragments were edited out. I'm half convinced that if I re-read it I'll find a shopping list Dan wrote down and forgot about. 


But at least you also get Gav Thorpe and Nick Kyme. Maybe Kyme will get to reveal how the Emperor was a Salamander marine all along.

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2 hours ago, Alpharius902 said:


  • Ex Libris (French) - Given the translation of "from books," Ahriman taking his first steps to enact the Rubric

Ex Libris is something people put in books in their private collection. Ex Libris John Doe means from the library of John Doe. I've seen it at work when people have sold off the private libraries of lawyers who have passed away.

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3 minutes ago, Scribe said:


I spit my drink, thank you.

Cheers! Brother Em'per'or.


If it is a fake who ever did it fid a good job on the titles. Ex Libris is a nice literary reference. Carrion Lord of thr Imperium really does sound like something ADB would write. I'm almost surprised it hasn't been used as the title for a short before now. 


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9 hours ago, Alpharius902 said:

Mechanicum's been mainly McNeil/Sanders' roadhouse, so either Thorpe got assigned to branch off and write them or it's something else entirely


I would argue Guy Haley has been the mech guy much more then McNeil, ok Mcneil wrote Mechanicum. Haley got Titandeath and Wolfsbane. Plus being THE Belisarius Cawl guy in 30k/40k. Probably some short stories i dont remember.


Then you have ADB who while no solo mech book, has Master of Mankind and the Arkhan Land in various books. Plus does actual work on the them in almost all his books in the form of b characters and c plots.


For 30k McNeil wrote one book, and then disappeared. Nothing from that book was ever really followed on (that the book introduced) or made a splash, and then BL mostly relegated Mechanicum to B characters and short stories. Which is where most of the Mechanicum lore heavy lifting has happened.  Things like the Binary Succession and their like sneaking in here and there. 


For 40k he got the Forges of Mars trilogy, but 40k has been strangely blessed with Mechanicus books and he is far far from the most prolific. Even Abnett snuck in for a quicky with Titanicus. Rob Sanders with his duology etc. 


Mc Neil is in my view in no way, shape or form anything NEAR being 'the mech guy'. Neither is Sanders. Mech has been blessed to be a pretty open field authors wise, but if its any 1 name its Haley.  As he is being given the key lore/books that will impact the overall warhammer 'cannon/plot' as that barely exists.

Edited by Nagashsnee
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