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Upcoming BL Stuff 2024


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I'm glad Fire Caste got an audio release because it's finally worked its way up from the depths of my to-read list, and I get why it's one of the most hyped up WH40k books now. This is nasty. It's often said that it's almost impossible to write about war without making it look cool and glamourous, but I think Fehervari might have pulled it off - space war with mechs and railguns, no less. This is selling me on the idea of death worlds the way that Deathworlder did the ground-level view of Tyranids.

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7 hours ago, Felix Antipodes said:

Yet another zero release week from BL after throwing up several books the week before.  Has no-one there heard of pacing releases?

I think they might do it as a cost cutting measure. Save on having to ship and distribute books every week by clumping them together. Probably makes the whole process easier too.  And if sales don't suffer ( and they don't appear to) there is 0 reason for them not to. 

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I'm not saying Gotrek or Gaunts aren't great!


I particularly like Gaunts Ghosts,


What I am saying that their iconic status within BL is largely due to when they came out, and where BL was when that happened. There's been plenty of other great stuff subsequently that doesnt have the same iconic status, but is arguably just as good. 

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3 hours ago, grailkeeper said:

I'm not saying Gotrek or Gaunts aren't great!


I particularly like Gaunts Ghosts,


What I am saying that their iconic status within BL is largely due to when they came out, and where BL was when that happened. There's been plenty of other great stuff subsequently that doesnt have the same iconic status, but is arguably just as good. 

Aha just re-read what you said which was:


Not because they're particularly good”


meaning you think they ARE particularly good! My bad! And yes I ageee!

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6 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

I'm still waiting for the Audible audiobook to be available (24th October). :sad: I did enjoy the original novel, so I have high hopes for this one. :smile: 


Huh? But it's already out? At least on all local pages I checked just now to make sure. Are you sure you didn't misread the 24 for 2024 as the day? Because the 24th would also be a Thursday, and BL releases on Saturdays only

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33 minutes ago, DarkChaplain said:

Are you sure you didn't misread the 24 for 2024 as the day?

I thought Black Library books came out on Audible with a slight delay, but bah, you're right. :blush: It didn't show up when I searched for it by title (admittedly, the first result for "above and beyond" was "Baneblade" by Guy Haley :ohmy:), only when I clicked on "all titles" for Denny Flowers ... I guess I've been spending too much time staring at dates in ISO format (year-month-day). :facepalm: 


Sample listened to, one credit spent. :smile: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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On 10/12/2024 at 4:39 PM, theSpirea said:

amazing interview, especially the parts about how BL "operates".

GW: We need you to write about this.

JR: Okay can I use these sources?

GW: No!

JR: So I'm supposed to invent it?

GW: No!

JR: So what sources am I using?

GW: None!

JR: Sooo what am I doing?

GW: The best you can!


Simply amazing.

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On 10/13/2024 at 11:14 PM, grailkeeper said:

I'm reading Above and Beyond by Denny Flowers.


I wonder if the planets name is a reference to Len Deighton who wrote the Ipcriss file?


One of the characters speaks in what sounds like phonetic Irish to a guard regiment. Google translate says its Scots Gaelic which is pretty close to irish. 


In the inquisition wars books the Eldar Language was Irish. I wonder if this means this guard regiment comes from what was once an Eldar world? 



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Slowly digging through the Josh Reynolds interview (please come back I miss your books)


It's really interesting how the End Times planning/execution (around the 45-minute mark) mirrors what happened with the Siege series.


-Sit down with a lot of the writers


-Plan out all these stories, and ways to wrap up all the characters, even smaller ones that were just mentioned in rulebooks


-Huge plan, with one novel per year + supplementary stuff to tie up loose ends (differs from the Siege but it kind of aligns with the earlier part where you had novel -> novella ->novel, etc)


-Half of it got dumped by BL/GW higher a few weeks later and they pushed ahead to get it done leaving much of it undone or sounding out of left field


Even Josh talking about how he was determined to give all (or as many as he could) of the characters an ending to give people what they wanted lines up with the ADB conversation around the Siege "planning" meeting.


Some things never change I suppose

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The new Grombrindal novel announced today is releasing next year. So it seems like this year’s schedule has been fully announced and what’s left for November/December: 


The High Kahl’s Oath

Broken Crusade

Leontus: Lord Solar

Interceptor City


Very interested in all these books, hopefully Gav puts his best foot forward with the Kin.

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17 minutes ago, theSpirea said:

I think we're going to see more than 4 books coming out this year

I hope you’re right and we get a few more! I think 4 sounds about right given the slower pace of releases this year. Those 4 novels would also bring us to 28 on the year, right in the ballpark of BL’s average.

Edited by cheywood
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Now that we're far enough away from anyone's insane ramblings on the subject, I will admit I don't think the Interceptor City cover is very good. The composition's alright and I guess they're emphasizing that the story is about the people flying the planes, not the dogfights themselves. On the other hand, this is a book about fighter pilots artistically rendered as one person just... standing there with a plane in the background. I don't know how many people unfamiliar with Abnett will take note of it on the shelf.


Contrast a cover like Alphabet Squadron, which was visually interesting enough to make me break my "only buy Star Wars stuff by Zahn" rule.

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27 minutes ago, Roomsky said:

now that we're far enough away from anyone's insane ramblings on the subject


You can just say 'I don't think wechat's listening', Roomsky, I won't be offended. I'm always listening.


Yes, one would imagine a book titled INTERCEPTOR CITY would feature Interceptors fighting in a City, though no doubt Abnett is using 'city' in the loose airman sense of 'this particular section of the grid is known for air battles' e.g. Ace Combat's Round Table, a fairly open stretch of wasteland between warring countries where giant dogfights pulled in all comers from nearby sectors. But it's the most nondescript background imaginable (it really does look like AoS), there's a big metal box faded into the background that could be a plane but whose proportions just never look right, whether you're looking at 'front' or 'back', with a rather unspectacular guy who has more nonessential pouches on them than a 90's X-Man (no doubt a heartfelt Abentt tribute to Liefield). There's just nothing compositionally or independently interesting about the cover. It doesn't draw me in, except to - once again - wonder at the necessity of having a honking great knife strapped on while one is, ostensibly, flying a plane. 


Double Eagle was absolutely a book about People rather than Planes. But that cover is excellent. Crosshairs, big fat bombers, a desert below - you know what it's about from a glance.

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14 hours ago, Taliesin said:

Still would be really weird to not get a single Chris Wraight novel when he has released 2 a year for quite a few years, until last year when it was just Sea of Souls.

Also, Guy Haley....you would think at least something from him considering his immense batting average.

Are we counting the Ultimate Guide to Warhammer 40k?

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5 hours ago, DukeLeto69 said:

I am hoping (wishing) that the lack of books by Wraight and Haley means for 2025…


1. Final book in Watchers of the Throne series


2. Follow up to Bloodlines for WH Crime


3. Follow up to Flesh & Steel for WH Crime


I can dream!!!!

Its been over two years since they released an ADB book, im thinking its not because the books havent been written but rather because they are afraid of another scalping incident. 

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1 hour ago, Krelious said:

Its been over two years since they released an ADB book, im thinking its not because the books havent been written but rather because they are afraid of another scalping incident. 

He wrote the Chaos gate game and a load of stuff for the website. I'm mutuals with him and his wife on twitter. He's no longer active there. I'd ask his wife what the story is but I think that would probably be inappropriate.


It's a shame. I like his books but I LOVED his social media.

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