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Noah Van Nguyen writing Tau vs Raptors? This I can very much get behind. His AOS novels are some of the most creative and insightful works BL has published in recent years. He has a talent for immersing you in the culture of his characters, which is something I think the vast majority of BL’s authors struggle with. 

What are the odds on 'secret antagonist' - Genestealer Cult or Chaos? Vote now on your phones! (judging by that picture with the Raptor bringing down the hammer on a Dr. Freeze looking lad with a bolt pistol, my money is on 'stealers this go around). 

Amidst an ongoing drought of exciting releases, we receive this unexpected oasis. I am extremely hyped for this, Van Nguyen's already proved himself an excellent author with his AoS work! That he gets to tackle a xenos book right off the bat is a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


I hope the tacky 90s computer game cover doesn't limit its sales.

2 hours ago, wecanhaveallthree said:

What are the odds on 'secret antagonist' - Genestealer Cult or Chaos? Vote now on your phones! (judging by that picture with the Raptor bringing down the hammer on a Dr. Freeze looking lad with a bolt pistol, my money is on 'stealers this go around). 

My sleeper pick is Necrons!

....I was going to say the exact same thing as many others - a Tau novel not hamstrung, beaten, bludgeoned, stabbed, set on fire, drowned, decapitated and disemboweled by Phil Kelly? What a pleasant surprise. And then it's actually by a properly competent author? Awesome!

Edited by DarkChaplain
15 hours ago, theSpirea said:

I loved 'Godeater's Son,' one of the best Age of Sigmar novels. Even if you're not a fan of that setting, please read it. It's an excellent look into falling to Chaos.

I have high expectations for this one. Finally, it's not by Kelly, whose books I can't stand.


Seems like someone at GW really loves the top knot hairstyle.

Small update, Broken Crusade which goes up for pre-order today has a new narrator to BL


Alex Lanipekun


Who, after a quick scroll on Audible, does mostly stuff for the BBC.


The preview is available on blacklibrary.com and he sounds pretty good, very gravely/dramatic which I think works for the Black Templars

On 10/23/2024 at 6:21 AM, wecanhaveallthree said:

What are the odds on 'secret antagonist' - Genestealer Cult or Chaos? Vote now on your phones! (judging by that picture with the Raptor bringing down the hammer on a Dr. Freeze looking lad with a bolt pistol, my money is on 'stealers this go around). 


That artwork isn't from the book, though - it's from the new Kill Team rulebook. And there doesn't appear to be any tie-in between the two products aside from the Raptors appearing in both.

In three weeks, it'll have been an entire year since Malus Darkblade #1 got its audiobook. Still no news on the second book. Considering Abnett worked on it with Mike Lee, it seems strangely orphaned.


To put this abandonment into perspective: They've released close to 50 other audiobooks since The Daemon's Curse dropped, although only two of these were narrated by Andrew James Spooner - one of them being Fire Caste, which y'all should pick up asap, because it's still perfect.


It's also been nearly 10 months since the Sons of the Emperor audiobook - we're still missing the middle anthology of the set.



A good day for those who waited for Votann debut (wont count DoF)


The High Kâhl's Oath pre-order next weekend 


Long Live Da Red Gobbo and Da Red Gobbo Collection


Oh, a big audiobook collection as well, The Warhammer Adventures,The Vampire Genevieve Collection,Gangs of Necromunda Collection and Beast Arises saga.


One of the audiobooks listed there is new to me, because I'm not sure who is "Beasy" and why does he/she must die :facepalm:








Edited by OpossumStrong

I guess it would be asking too much to include all 4 Da Gobbo books in the LE...


Ha, it's a regular hardback only, now that makes sense the latest one isn't included. Awesome cover, will be getting it

Edited by theSpirea

I already have Fire Made Flesh (it's a favourite) but since I haven't read Terminal Overkill or Sinner's Bounty, that still looks worth a credit as a 2-for-1 if those are good. I imagine they are? Hill is very reliable if his Guard books are anything to go by, and I just can't imagine Reynolds writing anything that's bad.

2 hours ago, Urauloth said:

I already have Fire Made Flesh (it's a favourite) but since I haven't read Terminal Overkill or Sinner's Bounty, that still looks worth a credit as a 2-for-1 if those are good. I imagine they are? Hill is very reliable if his Guard books are anything to go by, and I just can't imagine Reynolds writing anything that's bad.

Terminal Overkill is pretty good, one of the more viscerally disgusting 40k novels I’ve read. Not in a gratuitous way, it just captures the grime of existence in Necromunda. 

Sinner’s Bounty is a lot of a fun. One of the better Necromunda books. Reynolds’ has talked about Necromunda being his favorite setting and I think that passion shows in his work. It’s a shame he never got to write more.

The Dark Coil: Damnation omnibus gets an official announcement. Interestingly the initial release seems to be covering the 'Phaedra arc' rather than just reprinting what was in the Collector's Edition earlier this year - that one is coming later (along with what I think is a new short story?).





This collection of two novels and seven short stories is the first of two omnibus editions gathering the myriad stories of the Dark Coil together – a series of seemingly disparate tales linked by mysterious characters and settings that weave together in fascinating ways. Many of this first crop of stories deal with the insidious influence of the T’au Empire, including the classic Black Library novel Fire Caste, but even more of the enemy without are to be found within its pages.

The Dark Coil: Ascension, the second in the series, comes out later next year and contains the novels The Reverie and Requiem Infernal plus eight further short stories – The Crown of Thorns, The Sins of My Brothers, The Thirteenth Psalm, Nightbleed, <Nightshift Nineteen>, Aria Arcana, The Walker in Fire, and Nightfall.


Also there's some Horror audio book collections, but you probably already clicked the link to see those.





These two Horror Collections are available right now, each giving you three full audiobooks for the price of just one, so load up your favourite listening app and descend into the nightmares that only Warhammer can bring.


Edited by Lord Marshal

Amazon says:



In the strangest corners of the galaxy, disparate factions, cults and empires make war and confront deadly truths in a constant fight for survival… but nothing amongst these stars occurs in a vacuum. Look closer, and see that space and time are malleable concepts, and the touch of the warp is upon the most unexpected places.

Peter Feheravi’s Dark Coil tales spin an intricate web across the grim darkness of the far future. From the fecund jungles of the Dolorosa Coil, to a shrine world ruled by a mysterious cult with a world-ending secret, this anthology includes the novels Fire Caste, Cult of the Spiral Dawn, and a selection of short stories, all exploring the strange and acclaimed worlds of the Dark Coil.


Edited by Taliesin
On 10/12/2024 at 5:32 PM, DarkChaplain said:

His Gotrek & Felix novels? Outside the normal numbered continuity. And even though he absolutely nailed the characters


I started reading the series in august after never making it past daemonlsayer when i was younger. I was really excited when i saw Josh Reynolds' name on the front of the fifth omnibus and was super confused by how out of place gotrek and Felix felt in road of skulls, to say nothing about the weird timeline. I couldn't believe it; this is an author I've continuously praised for maintaining continuity and being mindful of other authors work. 


A lot of that now makes sense given that he was barred from really referencing anything. But I still just don't like his gotrek and Felix dynamic, with both feeling like they've been stripped down and are kinda really uncharismatic. I went right back to skaven slayer after i was done, and Felix is straight up a cool character you enjoy seeing succeed. He's got a lot of agency, rolls with the bad luck, and never comes off as whiny or cowardly; you understand why gotrek likes him and chose him to be a rememberer. 


But ya, rant aside, josh really got done dirty by BL. 

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