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  On 11/23/2024 at 1:43 AM, Felix Antipodes said:

Scratching my head.  When I first read the WarCom BL article I’m sure it started by mentioning the ‘upcoming December celebration’.  When I went back just now there is no mention of it.  Doesn’t bode well for the annual knees up.


I think it was mentioned during the stream, but not written into the article.

Ok so i may have done a couple of lines of warpdust but hear me out. 


Like the HH has the siege of terra minis series, Haley has made his own mini series in dawn of fire. WAIT HEAR ME OUT. 


The first Dawn of Fire book contains a whole (and very very fun/awesome) subplot about a terran scribe and her wacky trip to delivery the divine warning about...the pariah nexus. A warning we see in the book is being divinely pushed all over terra and one we know get to Guiliman. 


Then some stuff happens that is part of the main series in books 2-7 but honestly who cares its not by Haley and it doesn't really have a narratively plot or actually much connection to anything in the first book other then existing in the same timeline. 


BUT THEN book 8 baby! A book that looks like it will pick up exactly where the previo... i meant book 6... 5?. Picks up exactly where book 1 the REAL previous book in this 2 book dawn of fire mini series left off. The divine warning and our heroes actions in book one spur the Primarch into action and the duology concludes its overreaching plot of the history of the indomitus crusade...the hands of abaddon....the shards of the anathema... the pariah nexus and the Imperials response to it. 


When you think about it, it kinda all makes perfect sense really. 



When you think about it, it kinda all makes perfect sense really. 



'Guy Haley. We of the Games Workshop wish to commission you for another trilogy.'


'I am humbled, my lords plasticine, but I yet bleed from the fan-wounds inflicted upon me in the forging of the Dark Imperium trilogy. Even your munificent foresight to direct me to re-write the series before I had even completed it did not fully shield me from their slings and barbs.'


'Hm. Yes. Even gnats may bring down a bull-grox if they are sufficient in number, Guy Haley. But what if... we were to conceal this new trilogy, cloak it in the most foul and deceptive marketing known to this realm? What if we were to send our foul emissaries to the four cornerstones of the world, proclaiming it to be the Horus Heresy come again? And you, our chosen scribe, to remark in interviews that it would tell a story as grand and terrible in scope and scale as the Great Crusade itself? Would that armour suffice, Guy Haley?'


'My lords... once again your cruelty and malice surpass all others... the fandom will be taken in entire, unable to resist your machinations... only...'


''Only', Guy Haley? Speak.'


'Only... you have not yet named the price, my lords... and I have no hair left to sacrifice...'


'Think not of the cost, Guy Haley. Others will pay it: there are those who must ink their fealty in blood. Anderson Clark. Marcus Collins. Christopher Wraight. [evil hiss!] Their suffering, their humiliation, in this pretend-series will shroud your trilogy and render unto us what is due.'


'M-my lords... truly... I prostrate myself...'


'Enough, Guy Haley! To the word-mines with you! To the writing-desk, until your hands bleed, your brain bursts - bring us a trilogy to shake the rotten foundations of this world, or know our fearsome curse! Do you wish to spend your life as understudy to the Abentt?' [shrill screams from below, the boom of thunder] 'Go! Go, and do not return until the work is complete!'


[Guy Haley scurries away on bended knee, risking one last fearful glance behind as the great doors of the dread Workshop slam behind him]



Had a good laugh about this.


But frankly, I still don't get the whole "Dawn of Fire is the new Heresy" thing. That was one marketing line on announcement on WarCom, iirc, and Haley and Kyme in their videos spoke about having learned a few lessons from the Heresy meetings. I don't remember the Dawn of Fire series ever claiming to be the big successor or anything of the sort, though that sentiment has stubbornly held in fan circles for some reason.


It's still a period throughline with setup for previously disparate books from the Indomitus era pre-timeline retcon, and future foreshadowing. It's the story of the early crusade and the walls it hits along the way of getting off the ground - sabotage, the shrine worlds, bucharis legacy, Abaddon's grubby fingers in a bunch of pies, the looming Psychic Awakening, how to breach across the Rift, Astartes Chapters rejecting Primaris or at least reacting poorly, vassal worlds rebelling against the way the Imperium asks too much of them and so forth.

And that's carried by a small cast of key characters, from Historitors to a budding Saint or some of Abaddon's agents, rather than a grand sweeping, "localized" narrative.


It's hitting key points with "example" showcases across an in-universe ten year timeframe. Though I still maintain that the Appendices are vital to the series - and BL decided not to record them for the audiobooks. Absolute stupidity, that.

Massively disappointing preview. I guess now we know why they also cancelled the annual BL preview, that last little remnant of fan service; they simply have nothing to report.

They have so little to say, that even 1 annual preview, which was already much reduced from the preview at the Weekender, is too much to ask.


So basically they showed almost nothing of interest, and certainly didnt announce a single major thing. What on Earth is keeping them from announcing even the starting book of the Scouring? 


I guess now we know why they folded the BL preview into this model preview. They did say there will be announcements on BL Celebration books to come in the next few weeks on Warcom.


  On 11/23/2024 at 12:06 PM, DarkChaplain said:

But frankly, I still don't get the whole "Dawn of Fire is the new Heresy" thing. That was one marketing line on announcement on WarCom, iirc, and Haley and Kyme in their videos spoke about having learned a few lessons from the Heresy meetings. I don't remember the Dawn of Fire series ever claiming to be the big successor or anything of the sort, though that sentiment has stubbornly held in fan circles for some reason.



I mean you kinda answer you own question, war com stated it, directly, in the marketing material. Guy haley talks about how they wanted to make a new gen of fan fav characters like the ones he names he while comparing it to the HH . 


The marketing for Dawn of Fire was one giant pile of lies, stacked upon lies.  Other then the HH one i remember how often they talked about it being 'ongoing story of the Indomitus Crusade' and how it would tie into what is happening in 40k game side narative wise. Only the series is set before they even go to baal and the ongoing narrative has nothing to do with dawn of fire which would be labelled as history in the present narrative being set at least 50 years in the past. 


I dont even know what BS they put in WD leading up to book 1 but i am willing to bet its mostly lies.


Peoples line on dawn of fire differs vastly from the actual series, because most people did not read dawn of fire, but did read the marketing for it, which differs vastly from the actual series. Be it HH, what its actually about, when it set in the timeline, etc. 


I mean i have read 6.5/7 books so far and 100% feel i did not get what they tried to sell me leading up to book 1. 

Edited by Nagashsnee

The early Indomitus Crusade is in desperate need of a "Sabbat Worlds Crusade"-style lore book. As mentioned, the appendices in DoF have been a godsend to helping lay out the broader events of the Crusade and help fulfill that marketing tag line, if only at the most superficial and lip service of levels, but the material found across various White Dwarfs and things like Warzone: Nachmund, Arks of Omen, and even the Kill-Team sets have added a fair bit of interesting nuance that passes many folks by.

Edited by Jareddm

I'd instantly buy this. A Sabbat World ish book covering the Indomitus Crusade era that is.


What the hell? Did they raise the prizes again? Elemental Council hardback is at 29€.
Or is it just a longer story 'cause Broken Crusade, for example, did cost the regular 25?

Edited by Kelborn
  On 11/23/2024 at 4:25 PM, Kelborn said:

I'd instantly buy this. A Sabbat World ish book covering the Indomitus Crusade era that is.


What the hell? Did they raise the prizes again? Elemental Council hardback is at 29€.
Or is it just a longer story 'cause Broken Crusade, for example, did cost the regular 25?


 Elemental Council is almost 500 pages according to Amazon. Not sure how that compares because I normally do audible but it's 17 hours on there compared to Broken Crusades 10ish



 only at the most superficial and lip service of levels, but the material found across various White Dwarfs and things like Warzone: Nachmund, Arks of Omen, and even the Kill-Team sets have added a fair bit of interesting nuance that passes many folks by.



This is my problem though. I shouldn't have to buy the novels, the codices, and campaign books just to turn around and find out the actual information is in a magazine that no one around me stocks. If that's the case, and the decent information is in there then the book series about the Crusade has failed

  On 11/23/2024 at 4:25 PM, Kelborn said:

I'd instantly buy this. A Sabbat World ish book covering the Indomitus Crusade era that is.


What the hell? Did they raise the prizes again? Elemental Council hardback is at 29€.
Or is it just a longer story 'cause Broken Crusade, for example, did cost the regular 25?


It seems they increased the prices because Dominion Genesis was also more expensive and that definitely isn't long book. It's 330 pages


And I don't believe Amazon when it comes to pagecount, 500 pages BL hardback? I highly doubt that


Interestingly, the GG PoDs are priced oddly: two books at €29 and two at €25. I don't own these in print, so I'm not sure if there's a big difference in page count, but the word count is very similar.

Edited by theSpirea
  On 11/23/2024 at 5:32 PM, theSpirea said:

It seems they increased the prices because Dominion Genesis was also more expensive and that definitely isn't long book. It's 330 pages


And I don't believe Amazon when it comes to pagecount, 500 pages BL hardback? I highly doubt that





These Kindle pagecounts have a habit of being correct though. Similarly for Fall of Cadia its also a very long hardback/kindle.

We shall see soon, I ordered this new release in hardback.

Haley answered a question on X, clarifying that he had no idea the announcement for his book was being made and only found out about it when a fellow author sent him a message about it.


Does that seem :cuss:ty to anyone else or am I just naive to what an author can expect from his long standing publisher?

  On 11/23/2024 at 9:47 PM, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Does that seem :cuss:ty to anyone else or am I just naive to what an author can expect from his long standing publisher?


No, it also seems like an unnecessary move towards Haley to me.
Regardless, I'm glad he's writing the conclusion. In my opinion, Haley is one of the best 40k authors, though even he doesn't manage to fit all the open storylines into just one final volume.
(I hope we're not looking at a “Siege of Terra” - volume 8 scenario: “In eight volumes we'll be done ... er 9! ... er, we'll split the ending into three volumes after all)

  On 11/23/2024 at 9:47 PM, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Haley answered a question on X, clarifying that he had no idea the announcement for his book was being made and only found out about it when a fellow author sent him a message about it.


Does that seem :cuss:ty to anyone else or am I just naive to what an author can expect from his long standing publisher?


That is horrible, and it only shows that GW/BL are exploiting the passion authors/employees have for the hobby/IP. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get away with things like this.

  On 11/23/2024 at 9:57 AM, Nagashsnee said:

When you think about it, it kinda all makes perfect sense really. 




Well... except that the entire subplot in book 1 turned out to be a complete waste of time. While I agree it was originally in place in order to explain how Guilliman could be ignorant of the Pariah Nexus until nine years into the Crusade when the Indomitus book was set...


... Haley himself turned around and invalidated it in Book 4 when he showed Guilliman to be completely aware of the Nexus events way back in the early years of the Crusade. So there can't be any eleventh-hour delivery of either the warning from the minor (and never seen since) character from Book 1 or from the escaping Ultramarines lieutenant from Indomitus.


Granted, that's not to say they WON'T do another re-retcon. After all, they just showed in Book 8 that they were willing to conveniently forget that they'd promoted a certain character in Book 6 for obvious reasons that nevertheless cannot be uttered on this forum.

I'm just hoping that with that book series wrapping up we can finally move on from Pariah Nexus and the AdMech vs Necron Grudge Match Runback that's sidelined the actual Plot of 10th Ed.


Edited by Indy Techwisp
  On 11/24/2024 at 2:36 AM, Lord Nord in Gravis Armour said:

After all, they just showed in Book 8 that they were willing to conveniently forget that they'd promoted a certain character in Book 6 for obvious reasons that nevertheless cannot be uttered on this forum.


I'm sorry, but what happened?

  On 11/24/2024 at 6:38 PM, DarkChaplain said:


Nothing new coming next week, we're already heading into the holiday drought, it seems.


Great thinking there by BL. Christmas is famously a time when people don't buy things.

Oh, I wish Dawn of Fire had been a continuation of the first book in the series. Liked that one a lot with it's grim look at Terra and Guilliman setting up the Imperium 2.0 - or is it 3.0? :) That's why I'm looking forward to the final volume, hoping that it actually is more akin to what I was wanting volume 2 to be.


On a different note: What's up with the Interceptor City release? Only realised sometime late noon that it was out for preorder, checked the site and found it to be available. Then I ordered it on a whim. When I checked the B&C I couldn't even find a thread about Interceptor City - is there so little interest in that book that there's neither a thread nor the special edition selling out?

  On 11/25/2024 at 10:21 AM, Kenzaburo said:

On a different note: What's up with the Interceptor City release? Only realised sometime late noon that it was out for preorder, checked the site and found it to be available. Then I ordered it on a whim. When I checked the B&C I couldn't even find a thread about Interceptor City - is there so little interest in that book that there's neither a thread nor the special edition selling out?



Its a follow up a good decade ish?  two decades after the initial book. For me at least there is no drive to jump on it or place it top of the reading pile.  Like sabbat worlds, no special characters, Abnett is all good stuff and i WILL read ....at some point.  GW two failed attempts at making aeronautica imperialis happen also does not make me believe it has a gamer audience, just us book readers. 

Edited by Nagashsnee
  On 11/24/2024 at 6:38 PM, DarkChaplain said:

A reminder of what the problem is?


Nothing new coming next week, we're already heading into the holiday drought, it seems.


I'm still hoping for The Infinite and The Divine SE to release this year :confused:

  On 11/25/2024 at 10:21 AM, Kenzaburo said:

Oh, I wish Dawn of Fire had been a continuation of the first book in the series. Liked that one a lot with it's grim look at Terra and Guilliman setting up the Imperium 2.0 - or is it 3.0? :) That's why I'm looking forward to the final volume, hoping that it actually is more akin to what I was wanting volume 2 to be.


On a different note: What's up with the Interceptor City release? Only realised sometime late noon that it was out for preorder, checked the site and found it to be available. Then I ordered it on a whim. When I checked the B&C I couldn't even find a thread about Interceptor City - is there so little interest in that book that there's neither a thread nor the special edition selling out?



These mega LEs don't sell out that fast. It's simply way too overpriced for the cheap crap they add there. And the thread isn't up because it hasn't shipped yet so no one has read it/received it yet.



The Infinite and The Divine SE - Rath posted a photo of the book so he already received a copy. That's a good sign it might still come out this year

Edited by theSpirea

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