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A maniple and a half

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I got my hands on two of the newly kitted Warhounds from a LI box, so I will be able to kick my Adeptus Titanicus project to an end.

Right now, I have a full Regia Maniple with an additional Warbringer for my traitor Fureans and have 3 Reavers, a Warlord and 4 Warhounds for my loyalist side.


I started to paint the Reavers as Crucius, but I'm not a talented painter, and white is a tricky colour (and also, got unsure on the way I took with them). My main question would be:

- What Maniple would the audience recommend to go with them?

- I also want an additional Demi-Maniple with another paint scheme (maybe Honorum? I really would like to try some red panels). Would it be worth bringing a half-battlegroup to play in the game?

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It really depends what your style of play is. I love Ferrox maniples, but then I tend to be an 'in ya face' kinda player. You could have a Ferrox and an Axiom? Or a Venator and a Fortis/Perpetua?


As for the second Battlegroup. Its entirely up to you, rule of cool always wins. Just realise that you're handing your opponent a tasty 2 stategum points for taking a second Legio. 

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Goonhammer suggests to go for the larger engines with Crucius, because their larger reactors allow for more of the legio's heat management shenanigans. I would think that Warhounds might benefit from that just as much, but don't have actual experience with the legio... Anyway, since you've already started on the reavers, why not make something different of the Warhounds and maybe the Warlord? Think, Solaria? That's got at least a bit of red in it, and stipling the green panels might be a welcome change in painting after Crucius' more tedious white?


Fielding two legios is, like Borak says, not the most direct step you can take towards a won game. But it's probably also not an autowin for your opponent, so if you want to try...

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On 12/15/2023 at 7:02 PM, Lord_Borak said:

It really depends what your style of play is. I love Ferrox maniples, but then I tend to be an 'in ya face' kinda player. You could have a Ferrox and an Axiom? Or a Venator and a Fortis/Perpetua?


As for the second Battlegroup. Its entirely up to you, rule of cool always wins. Just realise that you're handing your opponent a tasty 2 stategum points for taking a second Legio. 


Unfortunately I didn't had the chance to play, and that's one thing I would like to change for next year. That's why I'm building a loyalist force opposing my traitors. 


9 hours ago, Tar Aldarion said:

Goonhammer suggests to go for the larger engines with Crucius, because their larger reactors allow for more of the legio's heat management shenanigans. I would think that Warhounds might benefit from that just as much, but don't have actual experience with the legio... Anyway, since you've already started on the reavers, why not make something different of the Warhounds and maybe the Warlord? Think, Solaria? That's got at least a bit of red in it, and stipling the green panels might be a welcome change in painting after Crucius' more tedious white?


Fielding two legios is, like Borak says, not the most direct step you can take towards a won game. But it's probably also not an autowin for your opponent, so if you want to try...


I only painted two Reavers this far in Crucius colours, so there is still the option to change. 
I'm not sure on them anyway. Love the Legion, but painting white and the pattern is still something, with which I constantly struggle. Fureans was also a pain with so much yellow...


It could be an option, to turn the Warlord and Warhounds to a full alternative force... Maybe throw a Reaver in the lot...

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