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You wanna know something funny? Apparently this axe is too gory for Insta, and it *refuses* to post the image?

Odd, as I've posted stuff with more blood on it than that...


You wanna know something funny? Apparently this axe is too gory for Insta, and it *refuses* to post the image?


Night Lords Legion Praetor 


looks awesome. I am surprised it wouldn't post.


Dang, is it the 29th already? In that case I’d better pledge to paint 1 Iron Warriors techmarine, double quick!




Job done: It’s basic, and the photos are terrible, but it’s painted:





Edited by TheArtilleryman

Skip to a month...



The following award badges are up for grabs this month,




There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic



List of Participants

  • andes:  
  • Boc: Lion El’Jonson (completion) (Stubborn), 1 Ballistus Dreadnought (stubborn), 3x aggressors, 5x jump pack intercessors, a Lieutenant with storm shield, and an Eversor assassin (vow) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Bouargh: 1x ooP Spirit Warrior (vow, completion), for Orktober, 1x Grot-polian (completion), 1x Aeldari Heawy Weapon Team (3) (completion), 1x 2nd Ed Rhino repaint (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Brother Argent:  1x Slaver, 10x Boyz (vow, completion), 2x Deffkopters, 1x Deff Dread (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)
  • Brother Captain Arkley:  
  • Brother Carpenter:   
  • Brother Christopher:
  • Cleon: 1x Thunderbolt Fighter (vow, completion(Artificer, Last Minute)
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch:  
  • Dwango: 1x Blood Slaughterer (vow, completion), 6x scyllax, and some terrain (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)
  • gaurdian31:  1x Grot (vow, completion) (Artificer)
  • Grotsmasha: LI DA Contemptor (completion), Inquisitor Coteaz w/Cyber Eagle (completion), Chibi Crimson Fist, Chibi Ultramarine, LI DA Apothecary (completion)  (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)
  • Halandaar:    
  • Heraclite: 3x Bladeguard Veterans, 1x Bladeguard Lieutenant, (vow, completion1x Bladeguard Captain (Artificer)
  • Jolemai: 1x Blood Angels Dreadnought (vow, completion, completion, completion)
  • Kennyjapan:  1x firstborn test model (vow, completion), 4 Tactical Marines (vow, completion), 5x Tactical Marines (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Lamebeard: 
  • Llagos_Tyrant:  
  • LokkoRex:  
  • Lord_Ikka:  10 Subductor squad Arbites, 10 Exaction squad Arbites, 1 Nuncio-vox, 6 "good boys", 1 weird Breacher robo-thing, 4 servo-skulls. (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • madao:  
  • Mr. Oddity:  
  • nightwing1511: 1x Necron Lord (vow, completion)  (Artificer)
  • Paladin777:  1x Land Raider (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • Rhavien:  10x Death Company with Jump Packs (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • _Saracen: 8x BFG Mechanicus Cruisers (vow, completion) (Artificer)
  • ShortCircuit:
  • Skidman:  
  • SnorriSnorrison:  
  • terminator ultra:  
  • TheArtilleryman:  
  • Trokair: 1x Hydra (vowcompletion(Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)
  • Tyriks: 1x Fire Prism (vow, completion), 1x Knight Castellan (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • WrathOfTheLion:  



Plogging Along Pledges for 2024

  • Andes - Kroot Hunting Pack Army Box (vow) 1 Kroot Carnivore (completion(APR) 19 Kroot Carnivores
  • Bouargh (vow)- 1x Fronteris Killzone (9) (completion(FEB),1xMoroch set (completion), 1x Necromunda Market, 1x Bheta Decima set (completion), 1x Ork Workshop (JUN) (completion)
  • Brother Argent (vow) - 1x Warpsmith (completion), 1x Redemptor Dread (completion(JAN), 1x Neurotyrant and 2 Neurolids, 6x Neurogaunts  (complete), 5x Neurogaunts (complete) (FEB), 1x Maulerfiend (completion) (AUG), 1x Screamer Killer, 1x Psycophage, 10x Termagaunts, 1x Triach Stalker (completion) (SEP) (vow), 10x Ork Boyz, 1x Slaver (completion) (OCT), 1x Deffdread, 2x Deffkopta's, 1x Repulsor, 1x Repulsor Executioner (vow), 3x Battle Sisters, 1x Sister Repentia, 1x Flagellant, 4x Thermic Plasma Conduits
  • Cleon: Legions Imperial (vow) - 3x Predators, 1x Rhino (completion), 4 Infantry Bases (completion) (JAN), 2x Sicarans (completion) (FEB), 4x Leman Russ (completion), 3x LI Astartes Infantry Bases (completion) (APR), 7 LI Solar Auxilla Basses (JUL), 4x Kratos, 4x Baneblades
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch (vow) - Imotekh the Stormlord (completion(JAN), Szarekh the Sanguine + Attendants (The Silent King), 2x Phaerons, 1x monolith, 1x Ghost Ark conversion, and 1x infantry unit (vow)
  • Dwango (vow- 2 Fuel Tanks (completion(JAN), 4 Generators, 3 Furnaces (completion(FEB) Zone Mortalis board & terrain (92) (completioncompletion) (JUN)
  • Grotsmasha (vow) - Grimdark Chibis (10+): Blood Angel (completion(JAN), Eversor Assassin (completion(FEB), Commissar (completion) (MAR)Grey Knight (completion) (APR), Sororitas Superior (completion(MAY), Space Wolf (completion) (JUL), Dark Angel (completion) (AUG), Crimson Fist, Ultramarine (completion) (OCT), Militaurm Scion, Militarum AdMech Skitarii, Inquisitor.  
  • PLUS any 2+ of the following; Ghazghull Thraka (completion) (JAN) and Makari (completion) (FEB), 5 DW Terminators (completion(JUN), 5 DW Terminators (completion(JUL), Supreme Grand Master Azrael, The Lion, Bayards Revenge, Ephrael Stern and Kyganil, Sister Amalia Novena, Kal Jericho and Scabbs, Imotekh the Stormlord, Marneus Calgar and Victrix Guard, Operative Umbral-Six, Uriel Ventris, WH+ Cadia Unbroken, (vow) - Belial, TDA Captain, TDA Librarian, 5 Deathwing Knights, 5 Deathwing Terminators
  • Halandaar (vow) - 10x Aeldari Striking Scorpions, 10x Aeldari Dire Avengers, Aeldari Asurmen, Aeldari Hornet, Aeldari Prince Yriel, 10x Aeldari Corsair Voidreavers, 10x Aeldari Corsair Voidscarred
  • Jolemai (vow) - 1x Ironclad Dreadnought (completion), 1x Venerable Dreadnought (completion) (APR), 1x Leviathan Dreadnought (completion) (AUG), 1x BA Dreadnought (completion, completion, completion(OCT), 1x Contemptor Dreadnought, 2x Leviathan Dreadnought,
  • LameBeard (vow) - 4 EC Infantry Bases, 1 Rhino (80pts) (completion(JUN), 4 LI Deredo Dreadnaughts (completion(JUL)1000 points of Titancius Legio Defensor, 1000 points of 30k Alpha Legion, 1000 points of 30k Blood Angels, 1000 points of Legions Imperialis
  • LokkoRex (vow) 4 Scorpius Missile Tanks, 4 Predator Tanks and 4 Sicaran Tanks
  • TheArtilleryman (vow) - 1x cadre fireblade, 5x pathfinders, 5x drones, 2x crisis battlesuits, 1x Stormsurge with both big gun options
  • Trokair (vow) - Build, Convert and Paint round 1,000+pts for 7th Rhûnish Dragoon: 13 Guardsmen (completioncompletion(JUL), 10 Rough Riders (completion) (AUG)1x Hydra (completion) (OCT)



Participants on the Randomizer List

  • Grotsmasha - Blood Angels Terminator (JAN), Chaos Daemons Pink Horror (FEB), HH Vlka Fenrika Legionaire (MAR), AdMech Tech-Priest Dominus (APR), White Scars Crimson Fist (MAY), Traitor Guard (JUN), HH Salamanders (JUL), HH Night Lords (AUG), Khorne Bezerker HH Night Lords (completion) (SEP), Grey Knights (OCT), Deathwatch Marine (NOV), Drukhari / Harlequin (DEC)
Edited by Grotsmasha

Hey @Grotsmasha.  I also completed my Maulerfiend for my Plodding Along not last month but the month before.


But on that note;


I, Brother Argent, vow to complete for the month of Orktober:

1x Slaver

2x Deffkopters

1x Deff Dread

10x Boyz

(All from my Plodding Along)


I also hope to get some guard done as well as finishing off my Sisters.



Edited by Brother Argent
Finally added pics

Hey @Grotsmasha.  I also completed my Maulerfiend for my Plodding Along not last month but the month before.


Plodding Along is only Accurate to July, working on catching them up :thumbsup:

I, Dwango , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete a blood slaughterer and 6 scyllax for heresy era dark mech and various bits of terrain by month's end.




Plodding Along is only Accurate to July, working on catching them up :thumbsup:


But you have all the stuff I did last month as completed... :wacko:


All good mate.  You do an amazing job with this and the Call and all the things.  I struggle to even get paint on models.


Hopefully by the end of the month I will be down to just the two Repulsors and maybe the Pipe line...  Emperor/Gork and Mork/Dark Gods/Steve willing...

I, bouargh, embark on 12 months of hobby and I pledge for month of october to complete:

- 1 aeldari heawy weapon platform and its 2 guardians

-1 ooP spirit warrior

- and, for orktober, one grot.


The mandrakes disclosed in the link to the blog are already done, so they do not count...


Should I be valiant, I will repaint my ultimate ooP rhino and end with my SW great company project started 2 decades ago. Pic of the current animal is there, before rework starts: 




I will try to keep the general look but with cleaner colours. Some parts of the Rhino painting are peeled off in fact. I will maintain the pack marking quite similar but with a stencil instead of free hand straight lines. Wolf head on moon will be decals. And everything will end up beign in The Fang colour plus some washes. Like all the othe ones I did.


Edited by Bouargh
Insert Pic here



I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 1x BA Dreadnought (served three ways) by month's end.





Plodding Along vow, partly

To do: re-paint/complete the DCD version, build and paint the Furioso and Librarian Dreadnought version



I, Paladin777, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to make like a Blood Raven and paint 1 green Land Raider Crusader red, for the glory of Sanguinius and the Imperium by month's end.


Edited by Paladin777

How the hell do you convert characters on models that small??

With a LOT of patience and a few lost parts and extra sacrificial pieces....


I can't take credit for the idea though, LITbashing on youtube has a whole series of LI conversions worth checking out.

I, Boc, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete Lion El’Jonson (stubborn), a Ballistus Dreadnought (stubborn), 3x aggressors, 5x jump pack intercessors, a Lieutenant with storm shield, and an Eversor assassin by month's end.






Ended up doing it pretty much in one sitting... which was unexpected, was planning for a lazy Oct procrastinating over one man, but as I evidently enjoyed painting him, I, Kennyjapan, vow to complete a further 3 marines from his squad, deliberated on by the dice gods.


EDIT: Adding a 4th man to the 2nd vow because I went overboard in giving him equipment and now I want to paint him


1st Vow Finish








2nd Vow


Added 4th man




Edited by Kennyjapan

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