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Many moons ago, I completed this Aggressor Squad, and put them on eBay, andthey are still there to this day.



I've since added, and sold a second squad that I'd converted to have the upgrade DA Shoulder pads, so this morning I've added decals to the above squad in the hopes that it'll make a difference, fwiw, I think the decals make a huge difference to the appeal,




For December, I, Tyriks, vow to complete one Canis Rex:




Gotta decide if I'm painting this as a freeblade or not. I magnetized the weapons so I want to be able to swap around but it'd feel weird running a freeblade with the same paint scheme as the house.

I, Dwango , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete a thanatar and 4 Tech priests/Magos auxillia for heresy era dark mech and various bits of terrain by month's end.




I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete 1x Leviathan Dreadnought by month's end.





Plodding Along vow, partly. To do:

  • Finish base
  • Remaining green stuff and bling
  • Paint



On 11/3/2024 at 1:16 PM, nightwing1511 said:

I, Nightwing, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of November pledge to complete paints (not bases, thatd be overcommitting) on a tactical squad from my oldschool black tide by month's end.


Tactical Squad complete!









Well.... its been a rough couple of months...  November in particular.


But, I wont go into details here.  I will just say I have finally finished the last bits from October/November.






Not my best work by far but in the ned I had to just call it.  Hopefully I can get back on track with things/life soon.


Thinking I need a good refresh before hitting the ground running next year.  I'm annoyed that I have got so close with my Plodding ALong (only the two Repulsors, the terrain and the few Sisters left to paint) and am not likely to get that far.


Thanks Grot and co for running another awesome year of this.  I might get one or two small models done for the rest of the year but the rest of you, keep up the awesome work!

I vowed this redeemer in December '23. It broke my streak going since January and blew my motivation out of the window. Now, I buckled up and finally finished it. Maybe I'll add decals and muzzle burn next December :biggrin:




Edited by Rhavien

For December, my plan is;

1- The Knight Tyrant - All paintwork complete, just waiting on new decals in the post, hopefully they'll arrive over the weekend, or early next week.

2- 5x Scourges - weapons and flesh tbc, hopefully over the weekend.

3 - Inquisitor Kyria Draxus and Inquisitor Greyfax - to be assembled

4 - My DA Secret Santa....it should already be in the mail :oops:

5 - the Grey Knight, the Khorne Bezerker, the Deathwatch Marine, a Drukhari model, and one Chibi.


1-3 are all commissions, and am hoping to get them to Japan by Xmas.....

5 are my Plodding Along and Random models, and are a "nice to do" should the time present itself.


Additionally, I'll be running the Boxing Day Bash once more, so there will be a model for that too....

Edited by Grotsmasha

Well, I took less time in december than in november for my completion !




Therefore, I might have time to finish another model, so let's vow to complete this homemade sentry gun/firestrike servo turret count as :



More pics in my WIP thread :



It is already Dic.7th and I haven't pledged yet...

Last week was a full business trip with all the usual issues of luggages losts, flights cancelled... But I am back and with little time. End of month and the festive season will see my hobby space invaded by familiars, so I basically have a little less than 2 weeks to produce something.


I have plenty of choice but I have to stay focussed and reasonable. So even if I have these Night Lords KT sprues primed and a lot of Aeldarii Corsairs and Rangers waiting to be painted, I will instead just try to focus on finishing the Kabalite squad started before I got flu last month.




And nothing more. For 40k. I usually have at least 3 projects/units opened at the time, in order to maitain variety and mental energy. But recently I started too many at the same time and there is an accumulation of stuff on the worlking bench with 8+ units and pices of scenery. Some Epic SM, these Drukharii, a lot of Old World Dwarves...  So I will try to finish the Dwarves instead of starting up something new for 40k. Rest of stuff will gently wait for 12 Months of Hobby 2025...


The Drukhari are almost done, Weapons needs to be finished and then full assembly. But I feel like I will need to buy some fine 0000 brushes as mines are destroyed. Considering time needed to restock, I may eventually restart only latter next week.



Edited by Bouargh

Kind of rushed through this but I needed a break and didn't want to fail the month. Ready to call this complete, though:







Instead of painting it as a freeblade, I wanted to use the weapons on my house Knights so I'm saying he's been censured (hence the black stripe on the carapace). Whenever I settle on house iconography he won't get any - just some Aquilas instead. Should be distinct enough that if being a freeblade matters down the road it'll be obvious.


This also explains the damage over the carapace. I was going to convert this into a chaos knight years ago but never finished it, I think it turned out alright.

Edited by Tyriks

Well... there wasn't much left to do on it after all, so, that's another completion for december !




Since I seem to be on a roll, I'll make a final vow for december : A ballistus dreadnought I bought last week off ebay. It was already primed with a zenithal, but I did the base and reprimed it black on the base the legs, the back and the lascannon arm to match my chapter colour scheme :



I, Nightwing, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete a test scheme on this Necron by month's end.



I, Boc  embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete that lt with shield, 5x assault intercessors with jump pack, and ballistus Dreadnought by month's end.


You know, the same stuff since October lol




There's been progress on the Dreadnought since the photo but it'll still work. 

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