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What are your hobby plans for 2024?


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As 2023 passed away, the newborn* 2024 looks like being full of opportunities and exciting hobby challenges (although wallets may not necesarilly follow, at least mine).

We already have some road maps for 40k and HH, although covering only Q1 and Q2, and the Rumour Engines and other Deepthroats are largely supporting these roadmaps. So we have a short (sighted) visibility. Yet, and although the roadmap is a clear incentive to define and develop our hobby projects, it is only part of the plans each of us may be driven by.


I set mine in my Blog and it can be summarized like this (feel free to have a look (or not) in the appropriate section of B&C** to get the details):

  1. Get more AdMech
  2. Paint all these tiny marines and squats from the 90´s I have
  3. Resurect my Old World miniature - off-topic for B&C - :offtopic:
  4. Keep on feeding my Blog
  5. And, punctually, gather some aditionnal units to fill the ranks of the embryos of Saim-Hann and IG forces I already have


And you, what are your hobby plans for 2024?


* Should they have called Primaris like that, the standard equipment would have included a feeding bottle...

** A "In-Disguise" attempt to emulate visits and coments in the Blog Section and make it more active.

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My hobby plans for 2024 are mostly a continuation of what I have been doing roughly since mid 2022, which is mostly to progress with painting my current collection and make some progress on my self imposed zero bits challenge to spend all the extra stuff that is currently lying on sprues or bags of bits.

In terms of detailed objectives, for 2024 I plan on doing the following:

  • Spend all bits related with infantry models still on sprue (vehicle and building bits are not so significant in comparison so the current focus is mostly infantry);
  • Paint a significant number of miniatures (I set my record in 2023 with a total of 1504 models, so something similar for 2024 would be nice) and in particular finish the last remaining miniatures bought in 2021 (5 vehicles pending at the moment);
  • Work on a few scratch built vehicles and buildings (somewhat related with the zero bit challenge as well as I tend to use some spare parts in this process).
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I plan to complete 2 heresy armies. A Dark mech, started last year, and a WE force set at the siege. This will be part of an armies on parade board I have planned in my head. Never done one of these before so hopefully it'll all come together.


I also have a load of Zone Mortalis scenery to do. 


In between these I'll be painting Aeldari and Grey Knights.


I'm going to try and keep my purchases down and my completions up too. 

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I signed up for a slow grow 40k League- it starts on January 8th with 500 point armies, and escalates by 250 points per month for four months.


I also signed up for a Kill Team League that starts January 29th.


So that will get some games in, but neither of these leagues mandate narrative progression. This means that while these games can provide Crusade/ Spec Ops experience, I won't actually be able to use any of my battle honours in league play. My hope is to peel away a few like minded players who are willing to meet up for Crusade/ Spec Ops OUTSIDE of the League- ie. in addition to league play.


The growth from Crusading and Spec Ops is going to drive my painting schedule. 


I hope to post a lot to my PLOG, and to post frequent batreps and campaign related fiction. I also hope to use it as source material for the Chronicle of Saint Katherine's Aegis- which has been pretty neglected. I've tried hard to get it moving, but live has a way of delaying both painting and playing.

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My Goal is get painting on HH Raven Guard army for normal play and build my 3000 pt Armored Spearhead for my group's Tanksgiving- Battle of Tanks.


No plans for 40k. Group is not in to 10th ed.


Maybe work on my Redemptionist Necromunda gang for the next Campaign in my Group.

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- Paint Imperial Fists for Horus Heresy (still haven't painted everything I got at the launch of 2nd Edition 18 months ago :sweat:

- Paint smaller Imperial Fists for Legions Imperialis :biggrin:

- Continue with my 40k Primaris Space Marine army, the Ashen Sentinels (finish the Boarding Patrol and start a 'standard' 2000 point army) 

- Build and paint my Boarding Actions terrain 

- Paint a Necron Boarding Patrol 


And if there's time in amidst all that, paint one or two Kill Teams :biggrin:

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I need to develop a better time management system to regulate my commission time, my personal hobby time, and my family time, because at the moment, it's all a jumble and isn't working. I'm hoping once school starts up again in a few weeks (my boy's finally hit high school), that I'll be able to concentrate better, but that's definaetly not going to solve everything.


My personal hobby goals are;

  • Paint 12 Commemorative / Character Series / Named Character models, one per month
  • Paint a random faction model every month
  • Finish painting either my Sisters OR AdMech Combat Patrols 
  • Finish any commissions ON TIME, I've been getting worse at this....
  • Off Topic, but maintain painting 2 Marvel United models a week, S03 arrives in Mar/Apr....


For the B&C, 2023 was 10yrs since I ran my first event here, my Chaplains Conversion Challenge, and although I coundn't manage anything about it last year, I'd like to run an updated version of it this year. I'm also going to try my darndest to not let the 12 Months of Hobby tracking get away from me once more, although, thanks to Tyriks and Firedrake Cordova, I have some back up this year.

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I've got my LI project to continue working on - my goal is to eventually build up a scenic display board or two.


Otherwise, Fantasy's going to be taking up most of my time for the foreseeable future (although I must say beastmen paint up a lot faster than space marines, even to a higher standard).

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Continue my Firstborn project. I'm working on three Drop Pods, my fifth and final Centurion Devastator Squad then I've got six Land Raiders to do.


Then all 260+ models of my 14,000+ points will need painting and basing. 


That should keep me busy. I've also some terrain kits to work on. In an ideal world I'd also like to start my HH army, which like my Firstborn will be Imperial Fists. 

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1 hour ago, tinpact said:

(although I must say beastmen paint up a lot faster than space marines, even to a higher standard).

:wink: Arguable in my opinion. I am currently painting Beorg Bearstruck Regiment of Renown and fur takes me ages to paint. Yet the end result is indeed more impacting, I agree.


Courage for the LI project of yours, as I still find these tiny models harder to paint... 


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1. I delved back in the hobby in June 2022 when trying to paint all my 40K Space Marines. Now we have 2024 and there are still a few units, vehicles and characters left to do. The aim was to collect a single company/clan of a chapter. This means six tactical squads, two assault squads, two devastator squads (total of 100 marines) and other supporting elements. Sadly with Gee-Dubbs decision to squat vintage marines this will be impossible now as I am short of a 5-man assault squad. Regardless of that the aim is to finish the remaining models and this time around it is a reasonable goal.


2. Play more games. As a single player the setup time for this can be sometimes quite an ordeal as you have to do everything yourself but it is worth it in the end. In 2023 I have just spent vastly more time on the painting table than doing tabletop games. And when I played it was Axis & Allies Zombies which was the most played. LOL!


3. Play at last a game of Legions Imperialis. Only a couple of units need paint for a 1000 points game. I am a bit worried that in that kind of environment it is a bit much to bring a Warhound for each side  but otherwise there isn´t any way to fill the points quota as further minis are not available from 3rd party retailers here in Germany.

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Few things I'd like to do this year:


- Going to do my best not to buy any new models until the next Christmas boxes in Nov. 
- Paint as much as I can, mostly to finish the models from the Imperium Magazine that have been piling up.
- Get as many CPs up and running that I can without spending money. I have the units for the Sisters, Guard, BA and Nid ones, just have to paint the models. Might have a few more in my backstock, just not sure.

With my sister starting Raven Guard, I might be able to levee my marine reserves for her getting me units I need to finish more projects. 


Also get my crusade marine force logged and the supply limit to 4k or more. Lots of games for that. 


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I've decided to start 2024 with a small marine project of either RG, Raptors or a homebrew successor in the same vein. Got Shrike, the new jump pack captain, a set of infiltrators and suppressors in the mail which will hopefully arrive by saturday. Looking forward to kitbashing a nice character and building the rest.

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I'm going to paint the 5000 points of T'au who currently live in a cardboard box in my closet. Also, I expect I'll sweat every moment of trying to get my grubby little hands on the rumored new Kroot army box in spite of swearing to myself that I was never going to play GW's FOMO game again :laugh:

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In no particular order (I tend to paint 3-5 of something and then switch to something else), my annual pile of potential:


1: Votann to 10th ed. 2000 pts - 10 hearthguard, Sagitaur, Landfort, E-champ


2: Khorne: 2 Rhinos, 5 berzerkers, daemon prince 


3: Salamanders: Landraider, Vindicator, 5 Infernus oldmarine conversions


4: Eldar: Autarch Leaper, Exodite Prince (Wraithknight), 5 'harlequins' (Underworlds Gryselle's Arenai... may become wyches if they ever get good)


5: Drukhari: 3 Piscean mercenaries (Grotesques / Sslyth - from Dead Earth kickstarter); 5ish wyches maybe (old Diaz metal witch elves that never got completed)


6: Admech: 6 Kataphrons


7: Guard: figure out Lord Solar conversion from a Van saar exo-suit, and create last 2 of 10 rough riders from Escher jetbikes (ridgewalkers and helamites are done; I know the bases are too big). 


EDIT: Gotta paint at least one of the warhammer+ minis this year... Azrakh is gonna happen when I do the Zerks methinks.


Really trying not to buy anything until at least half of these things above are complete... but looking forward to a productive year at any rate.




The Good Doctor.



Edited by Dr. Clock
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First step is to get my office in some kind of functional order so mine and my son's minis/hobby gear has a neat and orderly place to live (which will all have to be undone once I've renovated the garden and built the summer shed once the weather improves). Not a bad problem to have, mind you.


Then I've given myself the 'challenge' to paint a mini a week to rebuild my skill, speed and make hobbying into a habit. My fiance and I said we'll make friday evenings our nights and not just watching TV, so we'll use that time for our respective hobbies but together. 

Being more organised with my time means I can encourage my son to sit down more and hobby. He loves the painting side, but I have remind him he has to complete the building side first, he can't skip steps and risk making mistakes. Plus I want to encourage good habits, like painting models and not fielding a grey plastic army, lol.


So i think the long and short is organise, prioritise and stay the course.

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I am going to be out of the country for half the year with work so my hobby plans are modest:


1. Finish painting two Cadian shock troops squads.

2. Paint the remaining 10 guardsmen so I have two squads of 20 Ventrillian Nobles.

3. Finish painting a scout sentinel (80% ATM). 

4. paint 2 imperial navy breachers to establish a paint scheme.

5. Paint 1 LR Executioner. 

6. Buy only 2 models this year.  


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First on my desk I have the next 800-1000 points of Crusade Army for my Sin Eaters, which I expect to be plugging away at through most of 2024, either as primary focus or in the background. 


I'm also going to start a new, and likely small army, a Tau 'Recon Cadre' of Pathfinders, Stealth Suits, and Piranhas all in forest camo! I need a proper Xenos army, and by giving them a detailed paint scheme I can continue my lengthy freehanding bootcamp! I've just about settled on the paints, and have some printed old-style stealth suits on the way to test them out.


Probably with less checkerboards this time. 


Both will be making appearances here on B&C, though I'm yet to decide if they each get their own thread over on the WIP subforum, or I rename the current SIn Eaters thread.

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