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What are your hobby plans for 2024?


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My plan is to close off the stragglers of my 'nearly done' projects an then to push on with some major projects

Nearly done projects:

  • Ad Mech - 6 Kataphrons and Skitarii Marshall.
  • Imperial Knights - 2 (half complete) Helverins.
  • Thousand Sons - 5 Scarab occult & Magnus.
  • Custodes - 3 Jetbikes.
  • Imperial miscellaneous - Vindicare, Inquisitor, 10 Breachers.
  • Tzeentch demons - one old 'Start collecting' box.

Major projects (priority backlog):

  • HH - Emperors Children (I have some of the resin units, some plastic MKIII and a couple of tanks and a Deredo to do)
  • LI - currently starter box, a couple of planes and one terrain box
  • 40K - City terrain (this has been hanging about forever, I painted a couple of bits last year and now want to get it done
  • 40k - Outpost terrain (the sector whatever set with the comms array and such)
  • 40k - Blood Angels (a fair backlog of stuff to be honest)
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Last year was pretty nuts for me painting wise, I averaged at just over a model a day. I set myself resolutions as I have for most years before that and I never stuck to them.

This year I have a hobby aim which I'm hoping I can stick to which is:

Finish more Army projects than I start


With the CtA event helping me push my Eldar army over the edge and complete the entire thing it was a very satisfying feeling and a pretty big hobby boost. I could see the end of the project but didn't have the motivation to paint it, when I did it felt great

I know what I'm like, there's no point in telling myself not to buy anything until everything is painted, sometimes I get an idea for something and am like a rabid dog to scratch that itch :sweat:

I have several army projects for a good few game systems that are majority completed (is an army ever complete?), that I just need to paint a few models for and they're done. Silly brain, just paint Gandalf and Pippin and the Gondor are done or the 6 commandos+Mortar and the Polish Airborne are done. My Dark Eldar are 15 Wracks with a super easy paintjob away from being finished :laugh:

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After painting 239 40k/40k adjacent models in 2023 (which was pretty stressful because I put myself in a bunch of time-dependent vows...), I'm going to slow down a bit for this next year. I have some goals, but more vibes :D


1- Finish up my Necromunda stuff (Currently 20 Cawdor, 10 Escher, 10-ish Orlock, and 3 NOS vehicles) and 40k stuff (Gulliman, servo-turret, some Necrons)

2- Finally put together my Inquisitor for my display board

3- Paint up my Battletech stuff from Xmas (non-B&C, but got into it in '23 and love it, have about 30 Mechs/vehicles to paint right now)


Doesn't really seem like slowing down, but it really is. I'm also planning on going to my two yearly Major/Supermajor tournaments (Rocky Mountain Open and Frontier Open), and probably doing some other random tournaments as well, including TO'ing a couple. So it'll be a full, if less busy/stressful year. 

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My main goal for 2024 is to continue growing my Votann/Space Dwarf collection. Got a bunch of new units in the works, including infantry, vehicles, walkers, and a handful of new heroes.


My side goal is to grow the Kroot side of my collection. Got some infantry ready to go, along with some excellent 3D print files from Master Shaper Felix.


On that note - got myself a 3D printer on Black Friday 2023, and once my current box unit goals are done, I will be firing that up and printing out some of the many, many awesome models people make in the wider hobby space. Mainly to expand my Dwarfs, but also for the Kroot as mentioned.


On the gaming side, will continue to get at least one game a month in 2024. Any models that hit the table will be fully painted. Been using One Page Rules' Grimdark Future system to get my 40k stuff on the table since the launch of 10th edition in 2023, and will continue to do so in 2024.


Looking like a great year for hobbying!

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I've totted up what I managed to paint last year, and have updated my faction plogs to show what I acheived and what I want to get done - largely what I failed in 2023. Last year was dominated by Alpha legion, and then Leviathan Tyranids, meaning that combined with the broken cheese of Eldar leaving me no desire to play with them, I didn't get many of them done. 


This year I'd like to get into new game systems and armies, with a van Saar gang, finish my titans off, and maaaybe paint some harlequins. Magnus the red is the other big one I want to get done. 

Alpha legion










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1. Sell or paint all models that make up my current “leadweight.” Right now, that includes finishing my oldmarines, Tau, Uruk Hai and a handful of Grey Knights. Still got some guard to finish for GreenScorpion, but those should hopefully be done by Sunday because that’s the deadline!

2. Once I’ve done that … freedom to do anything I want :) I’d like to get a couple more tanks to round out my Guard to 2000 points; probably a Hydra and a Chimera.

3. My 40th is coming up in May so that may be the start of something new and beautiful hobby-wise … maybe Heresy, but I’m not yet sure. I really like White Scars in HH but a) painting white and b) more space marines? Hmm. 

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This year I am hoping to get back to my Red Corsairs and continue to work on my Word Bearers. Might start working on some Votaan as well as I have a few boxes of those unbuilt and unpainted. Wanting to focus more on just a few armies this edition as I am getting a bit fatigued with the edition churn. 

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I've never done it before but I'm planning on getting every codex that comes out on the 'codex roadmap' for a collection alongside a 'leader' unit to try and broaden my painting / basing skills.


I haven't picked up a single codex yet so I'm slowly getting more and more behind but I've either got the following models or planning to get as I go along:


Space Marines - Marneus Calgar

Tyranids - Deathleaper

Ad Mech - Cawl

Necrons - Szeras 

Dark Angels - Belial

Orks - Ghazghkull

Custodes - waiting to see what's released with the codex

Tau - either Shadowsun or Farsight, undecided

CSM - Abaddon

Genestealer Cults - missing a 'named' leader as all the above have one so abit stumped here, simply a Broodlord seems out of place with the other legendary character's! 

Adepta Sororitas - Morvenn Vahl


I've got all of the above in grey plastic ready to make a start, all bar Belial (Obviously), the ones I'm unsure about and Movenn Vahl.


When GW add more to the roadmap I'll plan in some more figures, for example when Astra Militarum have their turn I'll be going with Leontus who I've got in my pile of shame already.


As I said I want to try different basing styles for some of these, so I'll be pairing armies that are 'fighting each other' as a theme, for example I'm starting marines vs tyranids with a jungle theme and so on with the rest, urban, desert etc.


It's either going to be a quite a fun project that I maybe will expand slowly to add to each army so each leader has at least a squad to go with them, or a very bad idea :).

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Now that I'm done with college, I've got a few goals I want to hit this year.


1. Get at least 500 points of the four armies I'm collecting (custom IF Primaris successors, firstborn BT, T'au, Necrons) painted to a tabletop standard


2. Acquire the last few models I need for my full successor company


3. Practice my sculpting and plasticard building

4. Sell or trade off the last remaining kits from abandoned projects


Been in the hobby space a long time without making serious progress, so it's time to change that!

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My current plans for 2024 are :

  • Complete two Space Marine kill teams (War of the False Primarch Wormwood Sons and Badab War Lamenters)
  • Get better at sculpting
  • Start building the Ordo Malleus army I have planned out
  • Paint my Biel-Tan Eldar
  • Create a Cursed Founding homebrew chapter
  • Purchase a 3D printer and appropriate protective equipment

Apart from some FW purchases of at risk resin models I don't have many plans for future hobby purchases that aren't bits or tools. The idea is to chip away at my backlog and figure out some projects along the way. The 3D printer is mostly for miniature and bit design. One of my biggest hobby frustrations is the lack of accessories for Space Marines and now that the old Mark 3 squad is out of production it's going to be really hard to find properly sized magazine pouches. The idea is to recreate old bits that are hard to come by, make custom armour plates for Intercessors and design gear or military webbing that would fit Space Marines.

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1. Finish AN army. Any army. Tick off at least one bit of the pile of shame. This may well be my Votann since that'll be the easiest to finish.


2. Sell an army. I have too many. Never going to finish them all or use them all so something needs to go. Might be my Sisters since my enthusiasm died for them surprisingly quickly.


3. Don't start any more 40k armies. I must not start World Eaters........


4. Get some games of Necromunda in so I know how I want to expand my Orlock gang. The answer will be wreckers and an ambot. But I want to feel justified in that. 


5. Paint that old world launch box. But that's a topic for somewhere else...

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14 hours ago, danodan123 said:

I've never done it before but I'm planning on getting every codex that comes out on the 'codex roadmap' for a collection alongside a 'leader' unit to try and broaden my painting / basing skills.


It is a nice & interesting project, and the 1v1 Duel thematic too! Do you foresee a kind of Display too? Maybe some multi storey trays or a kind of stairway? I guess some of the confrontations can be based on the protagonims of the published novel and other fluff sources (Gazh vs. Ragnar, Helbretch vs. the Necronlord-I-forgot-the-name-of, Lion vs. Angron...)

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4 hours ago, Bouargh said:


It is a nice & interesting project, and the 1v1 Duel thematic too! Do you foresee a kind of Display too? Maybe some multi storey trays or a kind of stairway? I guess some of the confrontations can be based on the protagonims of the published novel and other fluff sources (Gazh vs. Ragnar, Helbretch vs. the Necronlord-I-forgot-the-name-of, Lion vs. Angron...)


Whilst I'd love to have a display or two, I've never attempted to do one before nor do I think with my current skillset it would be worthwhile unfortunately! 


Either way, it would also mean having even more space in the house for hobby, which I'm all for however I don't think the others will feel the same! 


As for the 'duel theme' I think I'll probably base it on the models themselves, for example Helbretcht is stabbing an Ork on his base, so he'll be fighting Orks, which means that the marine helmet on Ghazghkulls base will belong to a Black Templar, thinking now whilst typing, this would mean I'd have to pick up that Emperors Champion killing an Ork. Same reason why Marneus Calgar will be matched with the Tyranids because he has a dead one by his feet! 


I'll probably have to get inventive with a few match ups for example Szeras has I think an inquisitor guy on his base? Which could be a cool match up against an imperium force backed with some imperial agents maybe? 

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On 1/3/2024 at 6:54 PM, Doghouse said:

I want to get a Heresy army together and go play some games. I keep getting lots of people asking me for a game but life seems to always get in the way. I know if I can get one army done and start playing I will have an incentive to do more which is the key to getting stuff done.

same here, I need to get at least 1000-1500 points of Sons of Horus painted so I can get some games in!


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On 1/3/2024 at 3:21 PM, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

1. I delved back in the hobby in June 2022 when trying to paint all my 40K Space Marines. Now we have 2024 and there are still a few units, vehicles and characters left to do. The aim was to collect a single company/clan of a chapter. This means six tactical squads, two assault squads, two devastator squads (total of 100 marines) and other supporting elements. Sadly with Gee-Dubbs decision to squat vintage marines this will be impossible now as I am short of a 5-man assault squad. Regardless of that the aim is to finish the remaining models and this time around it is a reasonable goal.

If you can find a firstborn Death Company box, i can attest that with enough scraping/cutting away of the BA iconography, they do excellently as Assault Marines. 

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My goals for the year are, primarily:

- paint The Silent King Sanguine, finally, ideally by June. This will be my first Plodding Along Vow in 12MoH once i get a proper starting picture

- rebuild and repaint my Captain model, as seen in my PFP

- paint some tanks that have been languishing

- learn how to use my airbrush, and use it to airbrush a BUNCH of stuff, including,

- my necron armory, which i say every year BUT I REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME, srs!!!

- a bunch of old metal crons I don’t necessarily want to chrome-pen by hand

- paint my remaining Space Marine Heroes terminators, and maybe the Bladeguard from Indomitus finally

- get my hands on a metal necron lord at some point, at a reasonable price. 
- start building and painting the plasmatat I bought at con to recreate Tibor the Warhound from HH Drop Assault

- related to above, stretch goal in terms of funding, space, and time, begin work on a Drop Assault themed board and Legiones Imperialis army of EC

- play more games. Ive only managed to get one game of tenth in so far, due to schedules being ABSOLUTELY WHACKO [insert oniell_paper_plate.gif here], and I’m itching to get a crusade on in the Pariah Nexus


we will see what of this list i actually get to, but as they say—shoot for the moon, you’ll hit the stars.

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My main and most important hobby goal this year, is not to set one.


By that i mean no hobby resolutions or lists of models to complete, because in the end it just creates pressure I don't need when i say I'll paint something then not do it due to job family etc. I'm just going to build and paint what I enjoy.


I do however, have some things i want to do in 2024:


- Sell all my Horus Heresy stuff, as i'm focused on collecting and playing Epic.

- Sell some old boxes on my shelf that are practically untouched (Burning of Prospero, Betryal at Calth, Death Masque box etc)

- Sell some old Codexes, BL books and maybe big black HH Books

- Build a gaming table or board sections.

- Keep making videos but not put myself under the pressure i did last year.


I'd also like to be involved in or help organise something for charity this year, ideally something that raises awareness for mental health.

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pretty much copy paste from last few years with one major exception! 

1. Finish big Abaddon?

2. Actually finish a squad of marines. 

3. Paint some of my Non warhammer bits eg my ork band/model cars.

4. Not move house, therefore not putting most of my hobby gubbins in storage for 3 months longer than they should have been! 

5. Realise because 4 was done last year, hobby time will be short as I'll be DIYing and decorating. :pinch:

6. Seriously though: Assemble my Tyranid/Marine dioramas that I have planned, and at least get started painting. 


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On 1/8/2024 at 12:26 AM, 2PlusEasy said:

Badab War. I've always wanted to dive into the Badab War. Maybe as a kill team project.

Tortuga Bay also make some very nice truescale classic marine bodies. This may be a thing.

Given that HH has both MKIII and MKVI armor, I’m holding out hope for a MKV squad for my Carcarodons. I already have some Primaris space sharks, but MKV is the iconic armor for that chapter, imo


My hobby goals, unfortunately for my B&C involvement, are going to mostly be AoS and Warcry. I’m a huge Seraphon and Flesh Eater Courts fan, and GW dropping both army boxes and Warcry teams last year has filled up my calendar.


When it comes to 40k, I’m mostly going to concentrate on small projects as a palette cleanser between AOS projects. Between BSF adversaries and my Tzeentch LatD, I’ll do a little bit here and there. My big 40k project won’t come until we hopefully have another call to arms, which I have a substantial Necron force built and ready to paint. A overlord, Royal Warden, old combat patrol, and three boxes of warriors and scarabs

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Same as last year - keep my head above the rising tide of unpainted plastic. 


Feeling pretty good about it right now and actually reducing my pile. GW always manage to find a way to set me back though.

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