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What are your hobby plans for 2024?


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I'm going to set my goals relatively small:

  • 1000 points of Orks
  • Paint what I have before buying anything else (easier said than done)
  • Try not to obsessively paint the same infantry model for 10+ hours and instead paint everything I have to at least a table standard so I can actually play the game

I'd put my odds of success at a generous 75%

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Towards the end of last year I finally started painting up the Necrons from the Indomitus box set and have just about put the finishing touches on them. For the beginning of the year I want to keep on Necrons, I've already got some models to work on and will be picking up a couple more this weekend. I don't want to get too ahead of myself and will try not to buy any more until what I have is painted, I have a good idea of what units I want to pick up and an idea of where I want to finish the project (for now) which is a nice change from my Marines who are a bit of a forever projects. 

After that I'd love to to the same with Tyranids, finish off what came with Leviathan and the couple of other kits I already have, expand a little bit and then call it quits. Like Necrons I don't see myself continuing Tyranids into a massive collection but I'm excited to build a nice little army out of them. The one spanner in the works is going to be Dark Angels. I'm very excited for the new releases and eager to re-visist and army I've collected twice before and which was the first army I collected back in day. The problem is I really want to tackle my back log and Dark Angels could easily become a very long lasted project (full first company you say?). Not only that but I see myself being very pedantic and fiddly with the painting of them which means each part would take a lot of time and focus, I've been a little more easy going with Necrons but that's meant units have actually got done.

A big part of me wants to jump right into Dark Angels at release but another part thinks it would be better to wait (I mean the models aren't going to go anywhere). It will probably come down to how I feel on the day the pre-orders go up and just how much I can restrain myself.

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Largely depends on how many Wood Elf minis become available. Since GW decided to “Legends” my top 2 picks of Ogres and Vampires, I’m going with Wood Elves. However, Wood Elves have almost no currently available models. So, I have an “AOS” Treeman on order from eBay along with a square base, and all of the books to at least get started on something. I’m really looking forward to painting the Treeman, it will be a huge departure from painting World Eaters.


Speaking of painting World Eaters, I still need to finish my Land Raider and Terminator brick. I have 5 Termies done, including the WH+ mini unit champion, and 5 to go. Well, technically I have 6 done but one is a rescue mini which couldn’t really be rescued all the way and will be replaced.


Unfortunately I build and paint very very slowly as I don’t have much pure free time most days, and don’t always want to spend that time building and painting. Plus I’m not the most skilled painter, so it takes me a while to reach an acceptable basic standard.

Edited by Rain
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I had a pretty miserable hobby output last year and I didn't bother to upload most of what I worked on to B&C or Instagram so this year one of the first port of calls is to photograph last year's hobby output and upload it.


Last year I was demoralized by the vandalism that is 10th edition 40k which was bad enough that I failed to complete the escalation league I was taking part in. After that my mother's ailing health and eventual passing was another kick in the hobby motivation and I've been busy trying to arrange house renovation since then.  I have started to pick up my brushes again and I'm making slow progress.


I'm not setting up a well-defined plan for models but I am finishing my Artel W not-Tankbusta Orks and I am setting up some Knight Helverins for the next project. Like usual I think I am going to hop about and change to different kinds of models to avoid burning myself out. I have a little more terrain to finish which will need undercoating and painting including some Sector Mechanicus pipes and generators and the Ork terrain from Octarius. I'm probably going to find it difficult to slot more Admech into my current plans because they are such slow going to paint and Kataphrons and Rangers/Vanguard don't feel as rewarding to paint compared to the more exotic units. I might turn one of my odd units of Skitarii into specialists like Data Tether operators and weapon specialists since I still haven't fixed my army after they changed how wargear was allocated to Skitarii squads, and it will give me more options for when I start Kill Team in earnest.


I think my biggest pile of shame is for my Aeldari so I will  probably push in that direction quite a bit this year. I know Eldar can be time-consuming because I like to paint them as neatly as possible but I'm sure there will be more models in between that will let me change gears and allow me to be a little more messy.


Finally I will need to streamline my working process since I would like to earn some money from my painting. It's one of the few things I feel I am actually good at so figuring that out would help me out a lot.

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I've just totted up how many models I think I bought in 2023, and I ended up painting only about 10% of them across the year. I already knew I'm not exactly an enthusiastic painter but I found the size of the disparity pretty surprising. So, two simple goals for 2024.

  • Paint more than I buy
  • Buy less than in 2023

The first one should be sufficient to both encourage painting and curb spending, but the second one protects me from justifying buying even more than last year by having an unusually productive year for painting.


The sensible thing to do of course would be just not to buy any more for the whole year, but I don't want to shut myself out from purchasing anything at all because I'd quite like to get a slow-grow Old World thing going on.

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I barely painted anything in 2023... And I'm really not feeling 10th edition, so have completely lost motivation to do anything with my Ultramarines. Legions Imperialis is the only thing I have any interest in atm, hobby wise.


So, in 2024 I plan to:

  • Sell my Admech. None of the recent model releases have appealed (apart from the sulphurhounds). Not sure why but the shear physical un-transportable-ness of the models is definitely a factor.
  • Maybe cull some of the 1000's of points of primaris stuff still on sprue that I have.
  • Power through my LI Sons of Horus. Am happy with the test marine and rhino I did over the weekend and the recipe is pretty fast to do.
  • Start a new AT Traitor Titan Legion to go with my tiny Traitors (probably Mortis). Have a few still on sprue Titans - mostly Warhounds but also both Warmasters.
  • Start a new AT Knight House as above (probably House Malinax)
  • Hopefully the new Ork codex will bring some excitement and I'll work through my undercoated but currently neglected Orks.
  • Paint up my Gitz Warcry Warband (what a fun little game!)
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I think 2024 is the year I age out of 40k. I hope to wrap up the drukhari vehicles and infantry I started in 2023. I doubt they’ll be used in GW games. 

I want to complete a fantasy army as well, but that’s off-topic here. 

Edited by The Yncarne
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I'm back to being a one army collection hobbyist. I'm greatly happy with that. I feel a lot less pressure. I feel more focused. 


I have 5700 points of Black Templars. They are all built, based, and primed. Three are painted.  I've gotten in 2 Incursion (1k) games so far with them since the new year so I'm currently 2/12 on that goal. 


My 2024 Hobby Goals are:

   1. To have 2,850 points fully painted by the end of the year; half of my collection.

   2. To have played at least 12 games with them by the end of the year.

   3. To add three more pieces of terrain to my collection and to paint them.

   4. To NOT have started a second collection in 2024!


This will be a busy year for me personally, so I set modest achievable goals. 



Edited by Helias_Tancred
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This year, instead of spreading my efforts over many game systems I want to stay consistent and get some sense of completion with them.

Then drag some mates back to the table.

1. Finish up an AT Warlord and a Psi Titan.

2. Paint 2,500 points of 1st Legion LI for me.

3. Paint 2,500 points of Traitorous Solar LI for my Son.

4. Paint a bunch of Kill Teams, I have 13. And their terrain...

5. See where the Dark Angels take me with 40k, got about two thousand points of Legends still grey or undercoated.


Honestly, be stoked if I get 1,2 and 3 done this annum.

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55 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

This year, instead of spreading my efforts over many game systems I want to stay consistent and get some sense of completion with them.

Then drag some mates back to the table.

1. Finish up an AT Warlord and a Psi Titan.

2. Paint 2,500 points of 1st Legion LI for me.

3. Paint 2,500 points of Traitorous Solar LI for my Son.

4. Paint a bunch of Kill Teams, I have 13. And their terrain...

5. See where the Dark Angels take me with 40k, got about two thousand points of Legends still grey or undercoated.


Honestly, be stoked if I get 1,2 and 3 done this annum.

Get your son to do #3. Half the job done :)

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2 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

TBH the normal WL in #1 is his too, definitely need to put him in the sweatshop.

100%. He’ll thank you for it when he’s older. You should see my son’s shelf now; he watches all the YouTube tutorials I can’t be bothered to so his painting standard is now pretty close to mine; in fact there’s probably a fair bit of overlap with our different collections.

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I'm aiming pretty low this year. 


1: Finish off my Chaos Knight collection. Just two more big knights to buy, build, Chaosify (yes I know it's not a real word, but it should be), and paint.

2: Build and paint another twenty Berzerkers using the Tortuga Bay Mk III multipart leg & torso sets

3: Assemble and paint Angron, which I'm really not looking forward to. 



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With 2023 having been more or less completely occupied with renovations and moving houses, my hobby output was very low. I am slowly getting back into painting again, but 40k really doesn't catch my attention these days. Instead, like others in this thread, I feel more drawn to paint my fantasy miniatures, be they for TOW, AOS or Warmaster. A lot of elves are waiting for me!

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Painting up Leviathan then moving onto my Pile of shame mainly, and in no particular order

- Dark Angels Primaris force 

- Death Guard

- Necrons

- Orks

- Sisters of Battle


Aiming for a combat patrol for each of the above - need an SoB thino and a Doomstalker to finish off those two.
Long goals will be to add a warsuit and get the Black Templars combat patrol as with those two and what I have I can then field any SM combat patrol.

Also, gradually chipping away at/when the mood takes me:


- Imperial Knights


Should be enough variety to keep me interest if I get bored with a given faction for a time plus I can always switch to terrain for a break too - very therapeutic!


Also, having a decluter by selling off things that will never see the light of day or that I bought duplicates of for projects that will never happen. Loathe to do it in some ways but it will be quite cathartic too and also it'll pay for any new projects.


Edited by lhg033
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2 hours ago, lhg033 said:

Painting up Leviathan then moving onto my Pile of shame mainly, and in no particular order

- Dark Angels Primaris force 

- Death Guard

- Necrons

- Orks

- Sisters of Battle


Aiming for a combat patrol for each of the above - need an SoB thino and a Doomstalker to finish off those two.
Long goals will be to add a warsuit and get the Black Templars combat patrol as with those two and what I have I can then field any SM combat patrol.

Also, gradually chipping away at/when the mood takes me:


- Imperial Knights


Should be enough variety to keep me interest if I get bored with a given faction for a time plus I can always switch to terrain for a break too - very therapeutic!


Also, having a decluter by selling off things that will never see the light of day or that I bought duplicates of for projects that will never happen. Loathe to do it in some ways but it will be quite cathartic too and also it'll pay for any new projects.


Good luck. I've found myself in the same place in the past. Decluttering and mood strikes are a powerful combo.

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@the Tyncarne - thank you.

Hopefully flipping between painting and decluttering will give me more focus (and my other half will be happier with less clutter and some money coming back in from things I dont need any more/me funding any future purchases by selling some older stuff)



I actually did sit down night before last and carried on with the first batch of Termagants - writing it out has made me want to get going again which is nice. Finding myself going to bed at nearly 2am and then getting up at 6 for work, not so much :teehee:


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