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Underrated Oldhammer minis (and a defence of the RT Land Speeder)

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Obviously we have a thread for old models we really like, but how about a thread specifically for models that get way more flak/less love than they deserve?


As the title implies, I have to take a stand for the old flying lawn chair.


I've heard people complain that it's just a set of engines and guns with seats, and offers zero protection to the crew. However, from an in-universe standpoint, I actually think it makes a lot of sense. The Speeder is a recon and harassment vehicle that uses speed and mobility rather than armour for defence; keeping the thing fairly small and lightweight not only maximizes its agility, but also reduces its size as a target. And the crew, exposed though they are, are power armoured- any frontal armour that wouldn't be too heavy for the thing wouldn't stop anything that their power armour wouldn't already protect against. And anything that would go through that would absolutely go through thin armour plating.


So yes, it looks a bit funny, but in context it actually makes some degree of sense as to why it's designed the way it is, and I think it deserves more recognition.


It's actually not my favourite Speeder model though; that's the 2E sculpt...


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On 1/12/2024 at 2:06 PM, Evil Eye said:

t's actually not my favourite Speeder model though; that's the 2E sculpt...


I like the hoses on the marines. it reminds me of real world fighter pilots. 

Edited by terminator ultra
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