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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black (OOC Thread)


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But yes Mr Mazer what you don't know is that it is a Tyranid Sleeper Organism and only the Adults are related to gene-stealers:biggrin:



I hearby swear that it is not a Genestealer and does not have Step Aside or any other ability that would give it extra Dodges. :thumbsup:


In fairness it is possible that the Dorghran Chilopoda is some sort of Tyranid vanguard organism from millennia earlier (like the Fenrisian Kraken is postulated to be, I think?) but as far as it matters here, it's just a big bug.


And one more decent hit* should finish it off and we can get back to the main storyline! :biggrin:





*hell, with the lascannon a minimum damage roll will probably do the trick... :laugh:



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Posted (edited)

Will his Uber-Archmagnificency Inquisitor Kine be joining us shortly..?


Not until he knows it's safe! (That's the kind of Inquisitor he is) Which means either repairing the hardwired vox line, or sending someone out to a point where their vox will connect with the surface? Possibly you'd want to do your own investigating before he comes in?

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Very interesting thought. I'd say (from looking at the BT plastics) that there is usually a decent length of chain between wrist and weapon, so if you needed your hands free for something else you could maglock your weapons and still be able to move your arms? I guess that might limit your range of movement slightly, but definitely doable?

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Just to check before I post anything more:


do any of the scouts want to try and go any deeper? I've not heard anything from @Urauloth or @Necronaut to that effect, and @Mazer Rackham said not (but you then successfully rolled the Navigation test for it, so I'm not sure...?)



@Mike Zulu I think both Omoc and Asterius had targets for Zidemi's auspex, did he want to check out the tripod holes on the upper path or maybe the rockfall?




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@Mike Zulu I think both Omoc and Asterius had targets for Zidemi's auspex, did he want to check out the tripod holes on the upper path or maybe the rockfall?


I’ll draft some responses tonight.


I presume I can walk between the two and do both scans? Otherwise, I’ll pick Omoc first as I believe he called first.

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Yep, absolutely.


To be honest with you, there probably isn't a lot to uncover with the little holes in ground (Tro's guess was a good one regarding the identical holes on the other side of the cavern!) so I won't ask for an auspex test there, though feel free to offer Zidemi's thoughts on them? The rockfall Asterius pointed out might benefit from a closer look though...

Edited by Lysimachus
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