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Boc's Dark Angels (Bladeguard & Jump pack complete, now back to Chaos)


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On 2/11/2024 at 1:22 PM, Boc said:

Going with the Legion colors because if I have to paint another green army my eyeballs will vomit lol


So an unknown successor I suppose? 

I can understand that. It can certainly get go a colour saturation point.


 As for unknown successor, that’s always the best way. Of all my 30 odd armies not one is a GW scheme or force. DIY all the way mate.

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Was able to get some progress on this guy last night in between drying on some Chaos models. 


The FLGS I play most of my games at had a hobby day last Saturday which was when I started working on the DWK. Our local Paint Papi (as we jokingly refer to him) showed me how to do volumetric painting, so 3 shades building up. 


So I did the reds first, went back and went back over the rest of the model afterwards with a brushed on primer, and then he showed me a painfully obvious technique I'd never thought of: holding a piece of paper to block overspray to maximize how much you can use the airbrush. 




So all of the black armor was airbrushed after I did the red, which I'd never been able to do before. 

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I was told to not be stingy on the oil wash...



Applied last night and cleaned off tonight. Mistakenly did the wash before finishing up some actual painting haha. So once it hopefully completely dries tomorrow night, I'll matte varnish, do the skulls, shoulder trim, and pendant decayed metal and (I think) that'll be it. So I'll redo oils on those sections tomorrow night and clean up on Saturday. Liking him so far, as soon as he's done I'll assemble the rest to do as a batch.



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7 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Fantastic work :smile: What else you got planned?



Right now I've got assault intercessors, aggressors, and a couple landraiders assembled. Still slowly going through the DW Termies. 


The nice thing is, with as simple as the scheme is (not to mention the distinct lack of trim that I'm used to from CSM and CK), I think I'll be able to batch paint them quickly. Base coats and colors day 1, apply washes, day 2 clean washes and do next batch of base coats, day 3 matte varnish and base, others move to the next step.


Granted, I will never, ever be able to keep them going like that haha

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9 hours ago, Boc said:



Right now I've got assault intercessors, aggressors, and a couple landraiders assembled. Still slowly going through the DW Termies. 


The nice thing is, with as simple as the scheme is (not to mention the distinct lack of trim that I'm used to from CSM and CK), I think I'll be able to batch paint them quickly. Base coats and colors day 1, apply washes, day 2 clean washes and do next batch of base coats, day 3 matte varnish and base, others move to the next step.


Granted, I will never, ever be able to keep them going like that haha

Sounds like a lot of fun painting time ahead!

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I've based and done the black to grey on the first squad of Deathwing Terminators, and finally have gotten around to Azrael whom I got with the Wrath of the Soul Forge King box set.


I'd done the robe first and then got super paranoid about having to redo it, so I made him a fancy dress.




Luckily it seems to have done the trick! Probably another 3 or 4 paint sessions of work on him left.



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Well... seems I probably should have just ripped the shoulderpads off of my DW Termies... but I bought different sizes of painters tape and I was going to use it! 


Yes, this was as ridiculous as it looks. But I needed to paint the shoulder pads and it seemed like the logical thing to do :laugh:



Turned out pretty much as I'd hoped, a little bit of overspray that should be pretty easily touched up. 




Should get to some trim tomorrow, but probably won't get around to washes just yet since I'm in the home stretch of some Possessed that I've been procrastinating.

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