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Boc's Dark Angels (Bladeguard & Jump pack complete, now back to Chaos)


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Getting cracking on my next batch of models (and, like the scouts, these are actually on my list lol) and, since my trauma of liquid mask attempt #1 has faded, I decided I was ready to get hurt again. 




Couple things I did differently: 

1. Double gloss varnish before mask (did this on the BGV, not the jump pack boys)

2. Multiple layers of liquid mask thick enough that Duncan is physically uncomfortable somewhere. 

3. Used a wet stiffish bristle bush to tease the mask up.

4. Used tweezers to pull up the mask where it came up from the brush, instead of my fingers. 


And, holy cow, it worked out pretty well. 




On all the models, I think i only had one scratch/rub spot from pulling the mask up. Overall, it was much, much easier to remove from the gloss coat with the thick application. Not sure which of the two did the trick, but that's how I'll be doing it from now on.


Because the only thing better than painting, is getting the same results with less effort. Because I'm lazy. Hooray. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

I guess I didn't really post any WIP pics in the last two weeks....




Finished up all 11 of the models I was working on!


I think I mentioned before how I loathe edge highlighting, so I tried to do it on the assault intercessors. I'd much rather be able to say "I don't do it because I don't like it" instead of "I don't like it and I suck at it" haha. Didn't want to do it on the BGVs though, because those are my big sexies. 




Sergeant deserves a bit of front n center time 




I really enjoyed the BGVs, and while I wish their eye lenses would've popped a bit more, I'm pleased with how they turned out. And these ones may actually see the tabletop as opposed to half the stuff I've already painted haha




And a group shot



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18 minutes ago, Boc said:

I really enjoyed the BGVs, and while I wish their eye lenses would've popped a bit more

I know you said you hate edge highlighting *but* if you were to run a line of red/orange along the bottom edge of the helm/eye hole, I think you'd get the pop you're chasing.

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