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Printable Strategic/Tactical Ploys for sale


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Hi community!


I'm introducing one of the digital products we've created for helping in Kill Team battles. It's been a great improvement in our own battles and help smooth the learning curve of the different Kill Teams.


We found out that it's a bit cumbersome to review Ploys every turn in our books (sometimes sharing the same book, too...) and we even have one mate that forgets that he has played some stuff that turn (yeah, he's that kind of player haha).


So, we've designed some nice cards for the ploys and extra stuff (like Novitiates' Acts of Faith or Ancilliary Support and Guardsmen Orders for Veterans) that can be printed in 300g A4 sheets with a nice backing.


They are super low cost and if you're interested in some KillTeam that's not listed, contact us and we'll work on it! Have a look at the post in our shop's blog!


Good gaming to all!



Edited by Avernetta
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