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Imperial Knight Households within the Imperial Hierarchy


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I have a small fluff question: Do the Imperial Knight Households have (generally) a place within the Imperial Hierarchy? Is there anyone how could give an order to a household, like the High Lords of Terra?


I know that the answer is probably complex, as any Household could probably swear allegiance to an different Institution of the Imperium, or none but their Home world. So this is more an "in general" question.


Thanks lot lot in advance for any help!

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I believe those aligned with the Admech are normally placed within the command structure of the Titan Legions. Not sure about those classified as "Questor Imperialis". GW deliberately keeps the command structures opaque for several reasons.

  1. It means that army lists cannot be branded unrealistic by someone
  2. It highlights the confusing, bureaucratic nature of the Imperium
  3. It makes it easier to slot future factions into place.
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My understanding is that as ever the answer is 'it depends'.


In theory, on it's own planet, not actively doing anything, the only direct authority over a Questoris Knight household is the Inquisitorial requisition, BUT no inquisitor is going to try that unless they are pretty confident the Baron/House is inclined to agree with his request anyway as trying to enforce compliance/punish non compliance to such a request is a political nightmare that helps no-one. Similarly in practice if a passing crusade/force dealing with a nearby incursion/waagh requested the knight assistance, it would be politically awkward for them to say no unless they were intending to do so as a 'sorry just got back from that other thing, in no shape to help out' position of weakness.


However once recruited into an active campaign/crusade they will be pulled into that chain of command at an appropriate level based on their contribuiton - if half the household comes along then the Baron gets a seat at the top table, if its just a couple of scions then they probably get assigned to a battlegroup and sent around under that guard general/space marine Captain.

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Thanks, you two. That's pretty much what I thought. I like it that they didn't put the Imperial Knights directly under the Titan Legion, and left it open to the players to put them (more or less) anywhere they can imagine. Alos: Thanks for making an effort and answer such noob questions. I sooo much prefer to look for help there, than on social media. Thanks!

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Its odd, because Knights are not directly part of the Imperium's military- they are oathed to the Imperium but are also semi-sovereign/autonomous. Like Space Marine chapters, Knight Houses have their own supply lines, ranks, and usually (but not always) transportation. Unlike some SM chapters, Knights are not as independent in the strategic sense, following the deployment orders of the overall theatre commander but retaining tactical command (chapters like the Space Wolves and Marines Malevolent are notorious for doing their own thing completely, and members of the Unforgiven are frequently uncommunicative with Imperial command). Think of Knights as more like the "friendly" Space Marine chapters of the Salamanders, Ultramarines (and most of their Successors), or Blood Angels that follow along/help plan together with Imperial command. 

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