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Round 1 Summary Cont.



[x] Vafri: SAB at Boyz 1. Does 7 Mag Dam.


[x] Grots 4: Full Run 18m South. Not in Engagement Range (unless anyone moved forward during the Furious Charge Squad Action?)


[x] Grots 5: 
Mob Rule: Horde Orks are Immune to Fear, and cannot be broken.
Attack Asterius and Gerhardt
WS20, roll: 66, Miss!
WS20, roll: 41, Miss!


[x] Grot Rigger a: Pass all Actions.


[x] Grot Rigger b: Pass all Actions.


[x] Grot Rigger c: Pass all Actions.


[x] Grubgob: Full Run 30m South.


The Blackshield and the Templar rip into the pathetic little xenos with the Emperor's own fury. One might think that the Gretchin would flee immediately, but Warpzagga lets out a thunderous, bestial roar of rage and hatred that seems to shake the very air itself.


“Not jus’ any beakies,” he snarls, pointing one of the crude blades of his monstrous claw at the Inquisitorial icon that adorns each of your silver shoulders. “Looka dat glyph! Dey’re parta da same klan as dat sneaky runt what told us dat dere was good lootin’ in dese stars in da first place! Den dey wrecked me ‘ole fleet! Krump ‘em! Krump ‘em ‘ard!! WAAAGH!!!”


He begins to lumber forward with all the unstoppable force of a juggernaut. Rightly or wrongly, the smaller greenskins clearly fear him more than they fear anything else in the entire galaxy, and hurl themselves forward too. The ones already in combat scratch and claw at the black warplate of Gerhardt and Asterius, but they now lack the weight of numbers needed to do any real damage.


[ ] Omoc: ???


[ ] Moridyn: ???




Edited by Lysimachus



Moridyn looked at the charging ork-kin. Unfortunately the Templar and Blackshield had assaulted the right side before the kill-team had a chance to winnow the numbers down. Turning to the left, he levelled his shotgun and began pumping fire into the smaller greenskins to slow them down before they entangled the rest of the team.


Full Action - Full-Auto Burst at Grots 4

Test - 47 + 20 (FAB) - 10 (size) = 57

Roll - 34

Result = Hit, 2 DoS (2 extra Hits)

Damage is 1d10 + 10, so minimum of 11, so 3 MAG?




The call was given and the vanguard descended into the horde. Standing aloof above the carnage Omoc sought out targets of value as he swung his weapon to bear.


And the target was not hard to find as the orks had adorned themselves with all manner of gaudy paint and banners to signify their position amongst the horde, bold but foolish.



Target the flash gitz 'A' and the surrounding horde

Roll to hit: 43
 +10 hulking, +10 range, +20 full auto = hit and four extra

Four hits to the A, one hit on the horde

Flash Hit - 3 Rolls(tearing) 2/5, 4/9, 10/4(+4 righteous fury), 9/9
 =17, 21, 26, and 21 damage, Pen 5 (and +2 crit if needed)

Horde: 2/7
 =19 damage, Pen 5


7 Magnitude damage (1 hit +1 explosive, +1 armour, +4 unrelenting devastation)



Round 1 Summary Cont.



[x] Omoc: FAB at Flash Git B
Dodge Attempt: Ag33, Roll: 92. Fail!
Hits 1 to 4 obliterate Flash Git B.
Hit 5 at Rigger (a).
Dodge Attempt: Ag44, Roll: 87. Lol, Fail!
Rigger (a) also goes boom!


[x] Moridyn: FAB at Grots 4. Does 3 Mag Dam.


The first of the Orkoid elites, far too confident of its own strength and resilience, stands brazenly atop the wreck and gives a bestial roar in answer to Grubgob's. Such grandstanding serves only to draw the Red Scorpion's eye. A hail of heavy bolter shells tear the creature apart, and the diminutive Grot loader trying to hide behind it as well.


The other Ork gunners laugh in delight at this sudden display of thunderous firepower, uncaring about the loss of their fallen comrade. Then, they heft their guns. They want to show off too, vying for the honour of bringing down such a potent enemy, and perhaps claiming his deadly weapons for themselves? A torrent of fire, solid shells and energy blasts, are launched at the Devastator.

[x] Flash Git A: SAB at Omoc
BS35 +10(Short Range) +10(SAB) = 55, Roll: 28, Hit with 2DoS. 2 Hits on (28=82) Right Leg
Assuming failed Dodge:
Dam 2d10 Pen1d10
1: 5+9 = 14 at Pen8. 14 - TB8 -AV0(8-Pen8) = 6 Wounds
2: 4+7 = 11 at Pen6. 11 - TB8 -AV2(8-Pen6) = 1 Wound


[x] Flash Git C: SAB at Omoc
BS35 +10(Rigger) +10(SAB) = 55, Roll: 78, Miss!


[x] Flash Git D: SAB at Omoc
BS35 +10(Rigger) +10(SAB) = 55, Roll: 47, 1 Hit on (40=04) Hèad
Dodge Used
Dam 2d10 Pen1d10
10+3 = 13 at Pen5. 13 - TB8 -AV3(8-Pen5) = 2 Wounds


However, the final Flash Git, leading the mob of boyz to the east, is far more concerned by the pair of Astartes that just crash landed amongst its Grot followers. It levels the bright, crackling barrel of its cannon, a strange conglomeration of tubes and vents fixed onto what seems to be an energy weapon of unknown xenos provenance.



[x] Flash Git E: SAB at Gerhardt
BS35 +10(Short Range) +10(SAB) = 55, Roll: 12, Hit with 4DoS. 2 Hits on (12=21) Left Arm
Assuming failed Dodge:
Dam 2d10 Pen1d10
1: 4+8 = 12 at Pen9. 12 - TB10 -AV0(7-Pen9) = 2 Wounds
2: 7+7 = 14 at Pen5. 14 - TB10 -AV2(7-Pen5) = 2 Wounds


[ ] Amaras: ???




Round 1 Summary Cont.



[x] Amaras: Ok, Amaras will have joined Squad Mode and used the Charge move to move up into cover behind the big engine wreckage.

Regular Actions: Aim and Throw Krak Grenade at Grubgob.
BS44 +10(Aim) +20(Enormous Target) = 74, Roll: 59, Hit on (59=95) Left Leg.
Dodge Attempt: Ag45, Roll: 69, Fail!
Krak Grenade Damage 3d10+4 Pen6
RF autoconfirms against xenos! Extra d10 = 5
5+10(+5)+6+4 = 30 at Pen6
30 - TB15 - AV6(12 -Pen6) = 9 Wounds.


[x] Boyz 1: Full Run South.


[x] Boyz 2: Full Run South-west.



The Apothecary hurls a grenade over the intervening wreckage and it drops perfectly into the shallow water at Grubgob's armoured feet. The resulting explosion staggers him for a moment, but he recovers his footing. He snarls angrily.


“I sed, krump ‘em ‘ard!!!”


The mobs of boyz surge forward, rushing eagerly to reach the enemy,  but only the mob on the eastern side are close enough to engage. They plow directly through what is left of the cringing mob of Grots and slam into the Astartes assault troops.



[x] Boyz 3: Charge Asterius and Gerhardt.
(As there are only a few Mag of Grots 5 left, we will assume they are taken out, utterly crushed by one side or the other!)
Horde makes 1 Attack against each target in combat.
Vs. Asterius:
WS40 +10(Charge) = 50, Roll: 25, Hit on (25=52) Body
Hordes cannot be Dodged
Damage: 1d10+7 +2d10(Horde Size) +1d10(Overwhelming) R Pen2 Primitive, Tearing
(6,9)+4+3+8+7 = 31 at Pen2
31 - TB10 - AV16(9x2 -Pen2) = 5 Wounds.

Vs. Gerhardt
WS40 +10(Charge) = 50, Roll: 71, Miss!


[ ] Zidemi: ???





Edited by Lysimachus
Corrected Hit roll on Asterius



A small adjustment blunted the worst of the return fire, shells and energy bolts pitting his pauldron as the orks favoured weight of fire over pragmatic aim. Shrapnel from the bursts cut gouges along his helm as he kept his gaze steady seeking the next target. The greenskins would learn too late that such an exchange did not favour them.


Dodge: 22 vs agil 50

2 wounds taken, 18 remaining



Free Action: Zidemi enters Squad Mode.


“Defilers,” muttered Zidemi. He could not help but be distracted by the Ork vessel that laid before them. He could still see distinct Imperial features underneath the “improvements”. The dorsal features appeared similar to the Tetrarch-class lander, but Zidemi suspected that may simply be a coincidence. He felt a sudden surge of rage within him; these creatures had desecrated this machine and condemned its spirit to this tortured existence. Even now the greenskins were likely scrambling to mutilate the lander further, in their clumsy attempts of repair.


They will all pay for their barbarism.


“… Eliminate their heavy weapons!” Gerhardt’s vox-link command brings Zidemi back to the combat. On queue, the jump-pack wearers charged headlong into the gretchin hordes, their verdant bodies hurling away from the Astartes' impacts. The others maintained the fire-team and unleashed a fury of explosive munitions upon the hordes directly before them.


Zidemi, looking further ahead for heavy weapons, sighted one of the fanciful and larger Ork in the shallows, hefting its ugly excuse for a projectile weapon. It seemed quite proud of the loud yet ineffective onslaught of bullets it unleashed towards the Kill-Team, laughing along maniacally with its ilk. Zidemi felt inclined to show this Ork a true display of firepower...

Ready Action: Zidemi stows his bolter;

(Half Free; Quick Draw, bolter is basic weapon);

Ready Action: Zidemi unslings and readies his Armourbane ML;

(Half; Ready permits 2 per Turn on different weapons/items);

Standard Attack: Zidemi targets Flash Git C with his Armourbane (Krak Missile);

(Half; Bulging Biceps negates penalties for not bracing a heavy weapon);


Test → BS: 45 + 10 (Short Range, ~80m vs 200m) + 20 (weapon bonus for ground target) + 10 (Hulking target) = 85 required

Roll to Hit → D100: 15 = 1 Hit, 7 DoS


Damage (Flash Git C) → 3d10+10: 9+10+5+10 = 34

RF Test passes (DW Training, alien target) → +7 = 41 X damage, 8 pen; Location: 51 = Body; Blast(1)

No other targets within the Blast radius



Edited by Mike Zulu
Squad mode clarification

Round 1 Summary Cont.



[x] Zidemi: Armourbane at Flash Git C.
Dodge attempt: Ag33, Roll: 96, Fail!
These Orks can't Dodge for toffee, and Flash Git C is a smear against the side of the Lander!

(Zidemi's Armourbane is now empty and will need to be reloaded)



Round 1 Ends. Stand by for Round 2 info.



Edited by Lysimachus

Round 2:




Cohesion: 5
Available Squad Modes: Bolter Assault, Furious Charge, Regroup


[ ] Asterius | (SQUAD) | Ag5 +10 = 15 | WOUNDS 18/23 | FATE 5/5
[ ] Azadth | (SOLO) | Ag7 +7 = 14 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Gerhardt | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +10 = 14 | WOUNDS 20/24 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Vafri | (SOLO) | Ag4 +9 = 13 | WOUNDS 19/19 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Alda | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) +7 = 13 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 2/2
[ ] Grotz 4 | Ag4 +9 = 13 | MAG Dam 03
[ ] Rigger c | Ag4 +9 = 13 | WOUNDS 00
[ ] Grubgob | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) + 6 = 12 | WOUNDS 09 | FATE?/?
[ ] Omoc | (SQUAD) | Ag5 +6 = 11 | WOUNDS 18/20 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Moridyn | (SOLO) | Ag3 +7 = 10 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Flash Git A | Ag3 +6 = 9 | WOUNDS 00
[ ] Flash Git D | Ag3 +6 = 9 | WOUNDS 00
[ ] Flash Git E | Ag3 +6 = 9 | WOUNDS 00
[ ] Amaras | (SQUAD) | Ag6 +2 = 8 | WOUNDS 21/21 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Boyz 1 | Ag3 +4 = 7 | MAG Dam 07
[ ] Boyz 2 | Ag3 +4 = 7 | MAG Dam 00 
[ ] Boyz 3 | Ag3 +4 = 7 | MAG Dam 00
[ ] Zidemi | (SQUAD) | Ag4 + 2 = 6 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3/3



OOC: I'm not sure who joined Squad Mode and who didn't, please do let me know if I got it wrong?


Round 2 Summary.


[ ] Asterius: ???


[ ] Azadth: ???


[ ] Gerhardt: ???


[ ] Vafri: ???



Edited by Lysimachus

Meanwhile, elsewhere...


A few seconds to readjust into a more stable position for the speeder, the wind shadow of a nearby outcrop reduced the buffeting that the vehicle had to compensate for. Looking back down into the valley the Kill team had closed the final stretch and the first few had even leapt ahead in a headlong charge.


No doubt their armour would have sensor recording that the Lords of the Bulwalk could review later if they needed to assess the team’s performance. A large scale overview might however still be of use. Setting up the Pict Recorder Alda findeled with the controls until the scene below was in sharp focus.


During round 1: Full action set up Pict Recorder and take some footage/stills (from the description I am not sure if it is more like a photo camera or a film camera).   If you want me to roll any dice let me know.




"Krump ‘em ‘ard!! WAAAGH!!!”



Even within melee, Asterius sensed a bigger threat.


A more glorious target.


He jumped into the air and turned, aided by his jet pack.


Asterius yelled over vox and external emitters on his armour. On wings of flame he charged Grubgob.



++For the Emperor!++ 





(Full Action) Charge vs Grubgob


WS 55 +10 (Charge) +20 (Enormous)= 85. Roll: 12 Pass 7DoS. Chainsword: 1d10+3, Pen: 3, Balanced, Tearing. Flesh Render.


Damage: 2 10, 10 = 10 +6(RF) +3 +3 +12 = 34









Edited by Machine God
A Red Day

Round 2 Summary.



[x] Asterius: Charge Grubgob.

Move away from Boyz 3, instigates Opportunity Attack:
WS40, Roll: 76, Miss!

Charge does 34 Dam Pen3 on (12=21) Left Arm

Grubgob doesn't Dodge.
34 - TB15 - AV9(12 - Pen3) = 10 Wounds.


The Freeboota Kaptin doesn't even try to avoid the mighty blow. Instead he watches as it falls toward him, turning his thick shoulder plate to absorb it. The chain blade clangs and screeches against the thick metal, cutting a little way in. Grubgob looks at it, then slowly looks back at Asterius. He grins toothily.

[ ] Azadth: ???


[ ] Gerhardt: ???


[ ] Vafri: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



With the repeats of the enemy coming in, and how the Kill Team was engaged, Azadth made ready. Linked to the rock face by a web of lines fed to his drop harness, he drew his boltgun, the scope already clipped to it on the stalk from the bike. He took the weapon in both hands, slipping the sling around him so as to retain the weapon - to lose it was a crime.


He would have to act fast. The Kill Team had gone out to meet the Orks, and now a lot of the advantages of his singular approach had been lost. Still, 


The fire-selector was intuitive to use, the Tigris keen to unleash it's whispering death. Stalker rounds slipped into the breach as he cocked the gun, then setting the weapon to semi automatic, he placed his feet in the scalloped, stone edifice.


Big enough for a few headstones.


The wind buffeted him, driving small, sharp particles of grit to ping off his armour. With a soft breath, he slithered over the top of the scarp, all knees, feet and elbows.




Free Action: Ready Boltgun

Full Action: Semi-Auto Burst:

Use Half-Move allowed by SAB to Climb:

Str: 56 + 30 (Harness) = 80

D100: 41 Pass AGB Half rounding up 4m + 3 DoS = 7 (don't need any more than 5)

Position: Now on top.


Free Action: Go prone.


SAB Target: Flash Git D

BS: 46 +10 (BM) +10 (Higher Ground, Anakin!) +10 Hulking - 30? (Range) = 46

D100: 71 (FP Re-roll) 007 PASS, Plus 4 DoS, 3 Hits.

Damage: 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 (Dam) +2 (BM) - 2 (STKR), Pen 4

Left Leg: 16

Right Leg: 19 (RF) + 9 = 28

Body: 16


Target Cannot Dodge if unaware of attack. (Dodge CRB p.239)

Stalker - 30 to detect shot

Concealment Test for Target Awareness (Opposed):

AG: 65 - 10 (No tarp yet :p) = 55

D100: 21 PASS, 3 DoS.


[x] Azadth: SAB at Flash Git D.
Flash Git fails to detect attack, cannot Dodge.
1: 16 - TB8 - AV2(6-Pen4) = 6 Wounds.
2: 28 - TB8 - AV2(6-Pen4) = 18 Wounds.
3: 16 - TB8 - AV2(6-Pen4) = 6 Wounds.
Flash Git D is killed.

The Khagan would surely approve of your tactics. Alakh geh. An enemy cleanly destroyed, cut down by an attack so swift and unexpected that he could not even hope to defend against it.



[ ] Gerhardt: ???

OOC: Grubgob has Fear(2), meaning that the Kill-Team will suffer 2 Points of Cohesion Damage for facing him in combat, unless Gerhardt can pass a WP Test with a -10 modifier (crb pg.277).


[ ] Vafri: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



The Black Templar and Blackshield were fighting side-by-side, hewing apart greenskins as quickly as they could work their blades back and forth into the scrum. Then the earth began to shake beneath their feet and Grubgob Warpzagga, an ork roughly the size of a dreadnought and covered in enough scrap metal to construct such a war-machine, bellowed a mighty roar and started to lumber towards them. Gerhardt took momentary note of the advance of the orkish leader and was about to order Asterius to reposition himself to put the press of bodies between themselves and the warboss, when the Blackshield’s jump pack flared to life and he flew clear of the horde, suddenly swooping down upon Grubgob, his chainswords flashing and whirring.


+Asterius, no!--+


Recognizing in an instant the precariousness of their position, Gerhardt barked a rapid series of orders over the vox, +Concentrate firepower on the massed orks! Don’t let any through! Stand firm, brothers -- the Emperor is with us! Adept Ulfurbur, air support!+


Another flash git was torn apart by a hail of bolt rounds from on high, but he barely noticed. Snarling at the recklessness of the Blackshield, but unwilling to let him stand alone against the towering ork, Gerhardt also fired off a quick burst from his jump pack, searing the flesh of a number of nearby orks and hurled himself at the immense freeboota kaptin, heedless of the danger he was leaving behind.





Full Action: Charge Attack vs Grubgob

WS52 + 10 (Charge) + 10 (Gang-Up) + 10 (Double Team) + 20 (Enormous) = 92
D100: 41; success with 5 DoS
Hit Location: 14 (Right Arm)

Power Sword Damage: 1d10+6E + 10 (SB) + 3 (Brutal Charge)
Hit 1: 4 (d10) + 19 = 23 damage, Pen 6

Hard Willpower Test vs Grubgob’s Fear(2) Aura: WP50 - 10 (Hard) + 3 (Devotion Chain) = 43
D100: 32; success with 1 DoS

Gerhardt also has Fear(1) thanks to his armour

Edited by Necronaut

Round 2 Summary.



[x] Gerhardt: Charge at Grubgob.
Opportunity Attack from Boyz 3:
WS40, Roll: 81, Miss! :rolleyes:
Gerhardt Charges and hits.
Grubgob's Parry:
WS55 -10(Unbalanced) = 45, Roll: 27, Success!


[ ] Vafri: ???





Battle was joined with the warboss and the strategy shifted as Gerhardt called for the chaff to be thinned. With more nimbleness than might be expected he hefted his weapon and swept around behind his brothers to engage the ork leaders retinue leaving the lesser greenskins to the rest of the killteam.


Regroup bonus action: Reposition 10m (12m I think with the movement bonus from the armour) south east along the edge of the ridge, past Zidemi and Moridym



Sharp senses took in battlefield details blink-fast. He saw Omoc's roaring volley fell one of the big Ork gunners, and grinned in approval. His own fusilade had laid low seven of the warriors as the frag shells burst in their midst. He saw the Blackshield hurtle towards the enemy chieftain, and the Templar follow. That was a fight he was sorry to be missing, but he had a task here.


The Orks warriors and their dimunutive attendants were closing in now, brandishing their crudely forged blades in anticipation of violence. That was good, but they couldn't risk any of them breaking out. They would have to cut down as many as possible at range before it fell to blade-work.


+Boltguns! Focus fire! Thin their ranks before they reach us!+


He sighted on another Ork in the mob sheltering the heavy gunner and fired. He still ignored the encroaching goblin-runts, refusing to waste his rounds on them.



OOC: Cohesion check to enter Squad Mode: D10 roll 5 = pass
Call Bolter Assault

BA: Standard attack vs Boyz 1
BS 47 +30 (Horde size) +10 (Range) = 87
D100 roll 67 = hit, Blast (2) = 2 hits
(I think the damage rolls don't matter because even a 1 will kill an Ork? I'll post them anyway in case)
Hit 1: 8, 3
Hit 2: 5, 9
Explosive damage additional hit: 1, 7


Metal Storm round count: 20/24

Edited by Urauloth

OOC: Excellent! So, Omoc, Zidemi, Amaras* and Moridyn are all free to join in the Bolter Assault Action. Feel free to go in whatever order you wish, as this is all happening out of Initiative Order. Then we return to Vafri for his regular Turn.


*speaking of...


Amaras joins the Bolter Assault, throws a Frag Grenade at Boyz 3.

BS44 +30(Horde Size) = 74, Roll: 58, Hit! Blast 4 Hits +1 for X

Dam 2d10+2 Pen0

Orks are TB8 and AV3, so rolls of 9+ will cause Mag Dam.

1: 4+7=11

2: 8+5=13

3: 10+4=14


5: 1+3=4

4 Mag Dam done to Boyz 3.





“Boltguns! Focus fire! Thin their ranks before they reach us!” Vafri had ordered.

Unfortunately, Zidemi did not have his bolter ready, but knew he needed to lay on the pressure with his squad without delay. He repositioned at the water’s edge, and fetched a Frag Grenade from his belt…

Bolter Assault

Charge Move: Zidemi moves up to the edge of the water; ~8m W then ~2m N.

Standard Attack: Zidemi throws a Frag Grenade at Grots 4.



Range → Max = 8 (SB) x 3m = 24m;
Zidemi will throw full distance N (in case of scatter).

Test → BS: 45 + 30 (Horde Size) -10 (Scrawny target) = 65 required

Roll to Hit → D100: 54 = 1 Hit x 4 (Blast) + 1 (Type X) = 5 Hits


Damage (Grots 4)→

Hit 1: 2d10+2; 4+1+2 = 7, Pen 0

Hit 2: 2d10+2; 6+9+2 = 17, Pen 0

Hit 3: 2d10+2; 6+3+2 = 11, Pen 0

Hit 4: 2d10+2; 2+1+2 = 5, Pen 0

Hit 5: 2d10+2; 9+4+2 = 13, Pen 0

No other targets within the Blast radius




Moridyn draws his bolter and moves to support his brethren. There was still a heavy weapon-toting Ork in the middle of a pile of boyz, so he began placing shots towards him.




Joins Bolter Assault

Bolter Assault action(s)

Free action - draw bolter with left hand

Charge action - move closer to Grots 4

Standard Attack - fire bolter at Boys 1 (as I don't think I can target Flash Git A in the middle of the horde, if I can the shot goes there)

Target - 47 + 30 (swarm size) = 77

Roll - 44

Result = Hit, Body.

Damage - (2/6 Tearing)+ 9 = 15 damage at Pen 4



Edited by Lord_Ikka

Round 2 Summary.


[x] Vafri:
Joins Squad Mode, declares Bolter Assault:
(x) Vafri: Bolter does 3 Mag Dam to Boyz 1
(x) Amaras: Frag Grenade does 4 Mag Dam to Boyz 3
(x) Moridyn: Move N, Bolter does 2 Mag Dam to Boyz 1
(x) Omoc: Move SE.
(x) Zidemi: Move NW, Frag Grenade does 5 Mag Dam to Grotz 4


Vafri's regular Actions: ???



The Kill-team's efforts dented the number of advancing enemies significantly, and he was pleased. It was still inevitable that they would be forced to fight hand to hand, but he would have been disappointed if it had been otherwise. Shifting Gylthir to a single-handed grip, he drew his sword and started the motor.


"These runts will be a poor first foe for such a good blade," he muttered. Maybe some of the bigger creatures would make it into range. He hoped so, but duty was paramount, and he was going to bring down as many as he could at a distance. Still ignoring the Orks' thrall-creatures, he sent three more shells howling over their heads towards their masters.


OOC: Free action to ready chainsword

Semi-auto burst at Boyz 1
BS 47 +30 (Horde size) +10 (Range) +10 (SAB) = 97

D100 roll: 71 = pass with 2 DOS, 2 hits, Blast (2) = 4 hits

(So I think without Bolter Mastery this is D10+7 Pen 2 vs TB8 AV3, so 3+ needed for MAG damage?)
Damage rolls:
Hit 1: 8, 7
Hit 2: 5, 3
Hit 3: 4, 8
Hit 4: 9, 3

Explosive damage additional hit: 8, 1


Metal Storm round count: 17/24


Round 2 Summary.


[x] Vafri: SAB at Boyz 1, Bolter does 5 Mag Dam.


Shoved from behind by the eagerly approaching Boyz, the smaller greenskins are forced to move closer and closer to the Astartes on the river bank. Fearfully they raise their weapons, mismatched shotguns,  pistols or blunderbusses. A few Grots even look away or shut their eyes hopefully as they fire upwards at point blank range.


[x] Grotz 4
Half Move and Shoot
2 Attacks at (I think with the squad's movements, Vafri and Moridyn are now closest?)
1st at Vafri:
BS40 +30(Point Blank) = 70, Roll: 08, Hit!
Hordes cannot be Dodged.
Damage 1d10+5 Pen2 +2d10(Horde Size)
4+5+8+7 = 24
24 - TB8 - AV7(9-Pen2) = 9 Wounds.

2nd at Moridyn:
BS40 +30(Point Blank) = 70, Roll: 42, Hit!
Hordes cannot be Dodged.
Damage 1d10+5 Pen2 +2d10(Horde Size)
10+2+3+6 = 21
21 - TB8 - AV8(10-Pen2) =  5 Wounds.

[x] Rigger c: After seeing its master cut down by an unknown assailant and finding itself suddenly alone, the little xenos decides discretion is the better part of valour and flees! It will play no further part in this battle.


Grubgob's massive claw parries away Gerhardt's sword strike, the sheer force of the counter knocking the Templar away a few steps. The pirate Kaptin uses the opportunity, his wickedly hooked blades flashing and snapping at Asterius with incredible speed for something so heavy.


[x] Grubgob: Multiple Attacks Action. Lightning Attack allows 3 Attacks instead of 1.
Attack 1 at Asterius:
WS55, Roll: 35, Hit on (35=53) Body


OOC: I'm going to pause there to let @Machine God roll Asterius’ Dodge roll for this Round, as the result may affect how Grubgob uses the rest of his Attacks?





Asterius thanked his [Redacted].


Pain lanced through him as he thanked his learning.


With practised ease he brought his chainsword to bear and parried Grubgob's Power Klaw, although it took most of his strength to do so.




WS 55 +10 (Balanced) + 30 (Enormous) = 95. Roll: 33, Sucess 6DoS





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