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Round 3 Summary Cont.


[x] Moridyn: FAB with Shotgun at Boyz 1, does 7 Mag Dam, Boyz 1 is destroyed.


[x] Flash Git A: SAB at Omoc:
BS35 +10(SAB) +10(Short Range) = 55, Roll: 48, Hit on (48=84) Right Leg
Assuming failed Dodge
Dam 2d10 Pen1d10
3+8 = 11 at Pen7
11 - TB8 - AV1(8 - Pen7) = 2 Wounds, now at 18 remaining.


[x] Flash Git E: SAB at Amaras:
BS35 +10(SAB) +10(Short Range) = 55, Roll: 02, Hit on (02=20) Right Arm with 5DoS, 2 Hits
Amaras Dodge Attempt: Ag64, Roll: 61, Success with no DoS, 1 Hit Dodged.
Dam 2d10 Pen1d10
10+4 = 14 at Pen5
14 - TB8 - AV3(8 - Pen5) = 3 Wounds, now at 18 remaining.


[x] Amaras: Contribute 1FP > 1CP, now at 3CP.
Frag Grenade (last one!) at Boyz 3, does 4 Mag Dam, now at 20 Mag Dam suffered.
Quickdraw Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.


[x] Boyz 2: Charge at Moridyn
WS40 +10(Charge) = 50, Roll: 78, Miss!


[x] Boyz 3: Charge at Amaras
WS40 +10(Charge) = 50, Roll: 32, Hit on (32=23) Left Arm!
Dodge Used/Cannot Dodge Hordes
Dam 1d10+7 +1d10(Overwhelming) R Pen2 Primitive, Tearing
(2, 9) +7 +5 = 21 at Pen2
21 - TB8 - AV14(8x2 - Pen2) = 0 Wounds suffered.


[ ] Zidemi: ???




Edited by Lysimachus



The incoming fire was unworthy of response, the orkish weapons seeming to fluctuate is power as the the smaller attendant xenos struggled to reload multiple barrels and shell sizes from their scattered munitions sacks.


Dodge: 93 - fail.

(Omoc took 2 damage earlier so he is on 16 rather than 18)



Gerhardt had expertly deflected the Power Claw, slicing through manipulators and isolating the hydraulic actuator that drove them. Yet the beast was undeterred, and continued to lash out at the warrior. 

Zidemi continued to charge forward at the Ork Warboss, extending his Servo-Arm over his left shoulder. He spotted another clumsy hydraulic assembly on its body and readied his mechadendrite to strike…

Charge: Zidemi charges towards Grubgob and attacks with his Servo-Arm.



Test → BS: 54 + 10 (Charge) = 64 required

Roll to Hit → D100: 91 (Fate Point): 35 = 1 Hit, Torso (53)


Damage (Grubgob)→

Hit 1: 2d10+14+3(Brutal Charge) = 8+5+14+3 = 30, Pen 10, I


Edited by Mike Zulu
Added Brutal Charge bonus for clarity

Round 3 Summary Cont.


[x] Zidemi: Charge Grubgob, Hit!
Grubgob's Dodge Attempt: Ag44, Roll: 86, Fail!
Servo-Arm does 11 Wounds (including Brutal Charge Trait), now on 53 suffered.


Grubgob spends a FP (last one!) to restore 1d10 Wounds, Roll: 7, now on 46 suffered.


The huge Servo-Arm smashes into the Warboss with all the force of a piledriver. Grubgob tries to avoid the strike, but clearly his many wounds are beginning to slow him down, and it takes him full in the chest. He staggers, but lets out another roar of bestial defiance.


OOC: I've not had any word from Urauloth, so rather than miss out a player Action, or try to carry it over into Round 4, I'm going to just roll a d100 and see if a SAB would have wiped what was left of Grots 4, hope that is ok?


[x] Vafri: Point Blank SAB with Bolter (Metal Storm) at Grots 4, Roll: 18, Hits, does 7 Mag Dam, Grots 4 is destroyed.



Round 3 Ends. Please stand by for Round 4 info.


Edited by Lysimachus

Round 4:




Cohesion: 3
Available Squad Modes: Bolter Assault, Furious Charge, Regroup
NB. Remember that if you wish to use any Squad Modes, you need to have enough CP to pay the cost of that Mode, plus have at least 1CP remaining ‘in the bank’ or you will all immediately drop to Solo Mode.


[0] Asterius | (SQUAD) | Ag5 +10 = 15 | WOUNDS -9/23 | FATE 4/4 | Unconscious
[ ] Azadth | (SOLO) | Ag7 +7 = 14 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Gerhardt | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +10 = 14 | WOUNDS 18/24 | FATE 1/3
[ ] Vafri | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +9 = 13 | WOUNDS 10/19 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Alda | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) +7 = 13 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 2/2
[ ] Grubgob | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) + 6 = 12 | WOUNDS 46 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Omoc | (SQUAD) | Ag5 +6 = 11 | WOUNDS 16/20 | FATE 3/4
[ ] Moridyn | (SQUAD) | Ag3 +7 = 10 | WOUNDS 15/20 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Flash Git A | Ag3 +6 = 9 | WOUNDS 00
[ ] Flash Git E | Ag3 +6 = 9 | WOUNDS 00
[ ] Amaras | (SQUAD) | Ag6 +2 = 8 | WOUNDS 18/21 | FATE 3/4
[ ] Boyz 2 | Ag3 +4 = 7 | MAG Dam 26 
[ ] Boyz 3 | Ag3 +4 = 7 | MAG Dam 20
[ ] Zidemi | (SQUAD) | Ag4 + 2 = 6 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 32/3


Round 4 Summary.

[ ] Azadth: ???


[ ] Gerhardt: ???


[ ] Vafri: ???


[ ] Alda: ???





Laying down the launcher and once again handling his modified Tigris, Azadth would have preferred to take his time and line up the shot, but any planned or deliberate action had been cast to the wind long ago. He gauged distance and windage with the augurs in the keen, conical beak of his helmet, so much easier than in the Valley of Nine Winds, yet still challenging due to distance.




Free Action: drop zooka

Full Action: SAB (Stalker Bolts) at Flash Git E

BS: 46 +10 (SAB) + 10 (BM) +10 (Height) + 10 Size - 30 (Range) = 56

D100: 99 (Woopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoop) (Last FP - Re-Roll): 002 PASS, Plus 5 DoS, 3 Hits (Arm/Arm/Body)

Damage: 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 (Dam) + 2 (BM) Pen 4.

R-Arm: 5 + 9 + 2 = 16

L-Arm: 10 (RF 5) + 9 + 2 = 26

Body: 10 (RF 2) + 9 + 2 = 23



Edited by Mazer Rackham

Round 4 Summary.


[x] Azadth: SAB at Flash Git E, 3 Hits
Flash Git E Dodge Attempt: Ag33, Roll: 91 :le sigh: Fail!
Hit 1:
16 - TB8 - AV2(6 - Pen4) = 6 Wounds suffered.
Hit 2:
26 - TB8 - AV2(6 - Pen4) = 16 Wounds, now on 22 suffered.
Hit 3:
23 - TB8 - AV2(6 - Pen4) = 13 Wounds, now on 35 suffered, Flash Git E dies.

The Ork gunner atop the wreckage sees a flash of reflected light from the same spot where the deadly rocket was fired only a few moments before. It attempts to throw itself down from its exposed vantage point, but is too slow, and is cast down instead, its falling body torn and ruined by a flurry of explosive bolts.

[ ] Gerhardt: ???


[ ] Vafri: ???


[ ] Alda: ???





Gerhardt watched with grim satisfaction as Drachenhauer sheared through the warboss’s crude talon, rendering the weapon all but impotent. He weathered a further bone-crunching blow in response which drove him to one knee, when an enormous manipulator arm whipped out of his peripheral vision and smote the great ork.


+Well met, Brother Zidemi!+


Adopting a two-handed grip on his longsword, he rose and began hacking away at the reeling freeboota in turn, howling with crazed, holy fervour over the kill-team vox, +Now, brothers! Put these vile aliens to the sword once and for all! Vengeance for the fallen! For the Emperor and Asterius!+



OOC: Gerhardt has activated the Holy Vengeance squad mode, of which all battle-brothers currently engaged in melee (or within charge distance of the enemy for a charge + standard attack) may wish to partake. See spoiler below for details.




Half Action: Activate Holy Vengeance (Black Templars squad mode attack pattern)

Cohesion Cost: 2

Tactical Expertise (Hard Command Test): Fel42 + 5 Fel (Helm of Mordicus) + 15 Fel (Mk IV Armour) - 20 (Hard) + 10 (Helm of Mordicus) = 52
D100: 25; success with 2 DoS

The Holy Vengeance attack pattern may now be used by other kill-team members in support range until the start of Gerhardt’s next turn.


From Deathwatch CRB, p.222:

Effects: The holy fury of the Emperor lives in the hearts of all Black Templars, awaiting the time when it will be unleashed upon his foes. Until the start of his next Turn, whenever the Battle-Brother and those in Support Range of him make a successful Standard Attack with a melee weapon (whether or not Damage is inflicted) they may immediately make an additional Standard Attack with that same weapon, against the same foe, as a Free Action. If this blow also hits, then they may make an additional Standard Attack and so on, up to a total number of extra attacks equal to their Agility Bonus.


Gerhardt's Agility Bonus = 4
Half Action: Standard Attack

WS52 + 20 (size) + 20 (Double-Team) + 10 (Charge) = 92 (assuming no bonus from charging during previous turn) 102 (thanks!)

Attack #1: 37 (d100); success (right leg)
Attack #2: 12 (d100); success (left arm)
Attack #3: 96 76 (d100); success (-1 FP for reroll) (Body)
Attack #4: 02 (d100); success (Right Arm)

Power Sword Damage: 1d10+6E + SB +3 (Brutal Charge), Pen 6, Balanced, Power Field

Attack 1: 5 (d10) + 6 + 10 (SB) + 3 = 21 24 damage, Pen 6

Attack 2: 1 (d10) + 6 + 10 (SB) + 3 = 17 20 damage, Pen 6
Attack 3: 7 (d10) + 6 + 10 (SB) +3 = 23 26 damage, Pen 6
Attack 4: 3 (d10) + 6 + 10 (SB) +3 = 19 22 damage, Pen 6

Gerhardt has 0/3 FP remaining to spend.

Edited by Necronaut
Amended attack & damage rolls with charge modifiers

Round 4 Summary.


[x] Gerhardt: Spend 2CP to activate Holy Vengeance.
All Kill-Team members may benefit when they make a Standard Attack (including as part of a Charge Action).

Gerhardt: Standard Attack (x4) at Grubgob
Grubgob's Dodge attempt: Ag44, Roll: 62, Fail!
Hit 1 on (37=73) Right Leg
24 - TB15 - AV6(12 - Pen 6) = 3 Wounds
Hit 2 on (12=21) Left Arm
20 - TB15 - AV6(12 - Pen 6) = 0 Wounds
Hit 3 on (76=67) Body
26 - TB15 - AV8(14 - Pen 6) = 3 Wounds
Hit 4 on (02=20) Right Arm
22 - TB15 - AV6(12 - Pen 6) = 1 Wounds
Grubgob now at 53 Wounds suffered.


Note that I've decided to allow the effects of the Charge Move into combat from last Round (i.e. Brutal Charge Trait) as otherwise all those attacks would have somehow managed to do nothing! :tongue: And that also means you can save that last FP!


The Black Templar thunders back into combat, letting loose with all the hatred for which his Chapter is famed. Blow after blow lashes out at the monstrous foe, striking at arms, legs and body… but at the last, the creature still will not fall.


[ ] Vafri: ???


[ ] Alda: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



She had almost lost sight of the injured einherjar in the seconds of carnage that was unleashed upon the xenos mass.  While her sight was obscured by the deluge of battle the telemetry feeds gave her at least a positional fix. The Templar and the Drake were engaging the monster, and as the dead Uruks settled into the stained waters she saw a way forward.


Full action Tactical Manuvering

Move 60m to end next to Asterius, someone else will need to help get him into the speeder and then rush back to Bulwalk...     



Hearing Gerhardt's call to put the foe to the sword, the Grey Hunter took the invitation literally. Breaking into a loping run, he charged straight for the Ork warriors in the shallows, talismans clattering against his armour as he built up speed. He gunned the motor of his chainblade. It was time for the weapon to be tested in battle.


"Vlka faerir mord!"



Charge Boyz 2
WS 46 +10 (Charge)
D100: 31 = hit
Damage roll: 7, 1
Holy Vengeance:
D100: 11 = hit
Damage roll: 1, 10

Holy Vengeance:
D100: 42 = hit
Damage roll: 5, 6
Holy Vengeance:
D100: 57 = miss



Edited by Urauloth

Round 4 Summary.


[x] Vafri: Charge Boyz 2.
Hits + DoS vs Horde, all Hits auto-wound = does 5 Mag Dam to Boyz 2, now on 31 suffered.


[x] Alda: Tactical Manoeuvring to beside Asterius.


[x] Grubgob: Multiple Attacks
Attack 1 at Gerhardt:
WS55, Roll: 80, Miss!


Attack 2 at Gerhardt:
WS55, Roll: 17, Hit on (17=71) Left Leg
Assuming failed Dodge
Dam 1d10+10 Pen2
6+10 = 16
16 - TB10 -AV5(7 - Pen2) = 1 Wound, now on 17 remaining.


Attack 3 at Zidemi:
WS55, Roll: 32, Hit on (34=43) Body
Assuming failed Dodge
Dam 1d10+10 Pen2
8+10 = 18
18 - TB8 -AV7(9 - Pen2) = 3 Wounds, now on 19 remaining.


[ ] Omoc: ???


[ ] Moridyn: (engaged with what is left of Boyz 2) ???






Moridyn snarls silently as the ork horde washes towards him. He quickly mag-locks his bolter and attaches his chain-bayonet to his shotgun. Time for one last shot before close combat. Then on to the rest of the xenos menance.



Free action - Holster bolter

Full Action - FAB at boys 2, Move SW 3 meters (AG bonus)*

* Boys 2 get free melee attack y at Moridyn (Dodge attempt if Hit - 37, Pass no DoS)

Target - 47 + 30 (Point Blank) + 20 (FAB) = 97

Roll - 41

Result = Hit, 5 DoS. Hits 5(FAB) + 2 (Scatter) = 7 hits total 

Damage - Minimum 11 damage (1d10 + 10), 7 MAG damage

Free action - Quick-draw chain-blade and attach to shotgun




The beast continued to flail wildly at the two Astartes, with an unexpected speed given its bulk. Gerhardt did well to avoid the brunt of the first two strikes, displaying a martial prowess that befitted his chapter.


Zidemi sighted a weakness in the Ork's armour and readied his Servo-Arm for a finishing blow. The Ork must have sensed the threat, and swung its claw once more at Zidemi...

Reaction: Zidemi attempts to Dodge the attack from Grubgob.


Test → Ag: 46 +0 = 46 required

Roll to Dodge → D100: 34 = Success, 1 DoS




Battle lust had crept upon the Templar, their chapters zeal commendable but untempered and now hindering his cause rather than aiding it. Perhaps he sought too hard to stand as leader rather than setting such concerns aside to focus on the challenge before him, perhaps he was even right to do so to test that he could in more pitched battle. Judgement on his worth would not be hasty.


The other scattered remnants of the greenskin lines were no longer a threat but there still stood one of the heavy weapon orks that had sought to challenge him. Omoc swung his weapon around and quickly settled the account.


Full auto at Flash Git A

Roll to hit: 19 vs BS 46+20 = hit and 4 extra (5 extra if he is within 75m)


Damage 1d10+12 tearing, Pen 5

 =20, 15, 15, 18, 19

Round 4 Summary.


[x] Omoc: FAB at Flash Git A, Dodge failed, Flash Git dies.


[x] Moridyn: SAB at Boyz 2, does 7 Mag Dam, Boyz 2 is destroyed.


[x] Amaras: Standard Attack at Boyz 3
WS53, Roll: 06, Hit with 4DoS = 3 Hits
Min. roll: (1,1) +3 +Str10 Pen3 beats TB8 and AV3, so all Hits cause Mag Dam.
Does 3 Mag Dam to Boyz 3


Holy Vengeance Squad Action allows another Attack at the same mods: Roll: 21, Hit with 3DoS = 2 Hits.
Does 2 Mag Dam to Boyz 3, now at 25 Mag Dam suffered, Boyz 3 is destroyed.



Grubgob Warpzagga watches as his followers are culled. He stands alone, weapons half lowered as his many wounds finally begin to sap his strength. He sees the Salamander readying his cybernetic for another strike. Then he grins toothily, still defiant, never admitting defeat, and steps forward into the blow.


“Wel, waz a good scrap tho, wa’nit? Waaagh!!!”



[ ] Zidemi: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



Zidemi effortlessly sidestepped the claw's swing; the Warboss was now completely exposed. He reset his Servo-Arm and engaged the Rite of Amplification to improve its compressive power. But, in a uncharacteristic act of resignation, the Ork "grinned" and made no attempt to cover his vulnerability as the Techmarine launched his strike.


Zidemi was undeterred. This wretched creature threatened Humanity and defiled the gifts of the Omnissiah. There would be no concessions.

"The hammer falls, Ork, and the anvil shall deem you wanting!"


Standard Attack: Zidemi attacks Grubgob with his Servo-Arm, benefiting from Holy Vengeance at half-Agility Bonus (as per GM’s ruling)

Knock-Down*: Zidemi attempts to force Grubgob prone.



Standard Attack:

Test → 54 (WS) + 10 (Ganging Up) = 64 to Hit

Roll 1 → D100: 38 = Hit, Right Leg (83), Holy Vengeance allows additional hit (1/2)…

Roll 2 → D100: 04 = Hit, Body (40)Holy Vengeance allows additional hit (2/2)…

Roll 3 → D100: 85 (Fate Point): 68 = Miss


Damage (Grubgob) →

Hit 1: 2d10+14 = 9 + 2 (Proven) + 14 = 25, Pen 10, I

Hit 2: 2d10+14 = 9 + 3 + 14 = 26, Pen 10, I



Opposed Test → 53 (S) + 0 = 53 to Succeed

Roll → D100: 70 = Fail, 1DoF

[* in case Grubgob is still alive, but I suspect it's over...]


Edited by Mike Zulu
Added follow up half-action just for moving things along…

Round 4 Summary.


[x]Zidemi: Attack Grubgob with Servo-Arm.
Hit 1 on Right Leg:
25 - TB15 - AV2(12 - Pen 10) = 8, Grubgob suffers 2 Wounds and 6 Critical Damage
Hit 2 on Body:
26 - TB15 - AV4(14 - Pen 10) = 7 Critical Damage, now at 13. Grubgob dies.






The Servo-Arm hammers out with surprising speed, sweeping the Ork's right leg out from under him, toppling the beast and leaving it lying on its back in the shallow water. Then the heavy claw rises over the fallen xenos and descends with massive force, the impact cracking armour and ribcage alike to pulverize the vital organs beneath. Even a monster like Grubgob can only endure so much.


The Orks on Alucar are finished.



Kill-Team Lucifer have won a mighty victory over the greenskin invaders! We will call that the end of our first gaming session and each Player Character will receive 500xp as a reward for accomplishing the Objective of eliminating Grubgob and the Freeboota threat.


(Feel free to make any Advance purchases whenever you're ready. We'll be back in Narrative Time for a little while, so no desperate rush to get it figured out, though!)




Edited by Lysimachus



When he saw how hard the big Ork died, Azadth felt a grudging sense of respect for a warrior unafraid, even though outnumbered at the end. He vowed to the Khagan and Sky-Khan that his end would be as brave. With the battle over, and the other Marines going about their individual business securing the zone, looting keepsakes or grabbing pieces of technology for Deathwatch research, the midday sun hammered down onto the battlefield, glittering on the water, dappled as it was by blood and oil.


A great triumph, and, for the Ork Chieftain, a mighty death. A worthy death.


Policing his equipment, Azadth lashed his drop harness to a robust pillar of rock, and pitched himself over the side, running down the steep slope whilst facing the ground, in the Endymion Rappel. He was on the ground in moments, and discarding the line reel, kept up the steady jog of the warrior afoot, eating up the distance to the kill zones. 


+A notable victory, my friends,+ he greeted the others, levelly.


Remaining watchful over the floating corpses, he waited until the team had withdrawn, volunteering for rear guard while the casualty was evacuated. When the last engine had moved away, he set to work, the Kukhurai rising and falling over and over in the busywork of the butcher's trade. Ten minutes, no more - else he risked castigation for tardiness. Yet, in the evening sun, as the sky cooled from gold to violet, the heads of the Ork Boyz and Flash Gits he'd killed adorned a parade of crude, jagged spears, marking the crash site. Each of the greenskins stared with glassy, stupid expressions, the grisly effigies a warning to those who would dare the worlds of Man.


Even the barely sentient understood that message.


He burned what was left of Grubgob's corpse. He would not defile it further, out of respect.


He mounted the bike, and rode off into the evening without a backward glance.


OOC: I'll alter this if anyone wants to do stuff which would affect it - no problem.

Scene 8. New Friends?


In the aftermath of the battle with Grubgob and his minions, Kill-Team Lucifer is ordered to remain in the field for several days, hunting down and rooting out any spore-carrying remnants of the xenos threat. You are joined by Aarval Skaayn, who brings with him Ordo Xenos teams made up of dozens of flamer-equipped mortals. Together you scour the mountainsides bare of every living thing for several kloms around the crash site and down the river. Only time - perhaps many decades - will tell if such efforts to end the Orkoid life cycle before it can begin anew have been successful.


Nevertheless, the Watch-Captain seems impressed by your handling of the Freebooterz and their monstrous Kaptin. His manner is more respectful, more open… though he seems slightly irritated by what happened to the Blackshield, who was airlifted along with your Apothecary directly back to the Bulwark.


At the start of the third day, when he receives an incoming message on his personal vox channel, he gives Lucifer access to the audio feed, allowing you to listen in to the conversation.


“My Lord Kine,” he answers respectfully, “the cleansing proceeds as…”


“The decon teams can handle the rest of the cleansing, Watch-Captain. We have other priorities. A fast trader vessel has just crossed the Mandeville. It is carrying the last members of your Kill-Team, and will set them down planetside in a matter of hours. Repair crews report the Supremacy will be ready to depart in less than six days. Return to the Bulwark as soon as possible for final preparations. Kine out.”


The Inquisitor does not wait for an answer. Skaayn pauses thoughtfully for a moment, frowning. Finally he nods to himself, as though resigned, and then he points a finger upwards and lazily circles it in the air.




A few hours later, you wait atop one of the Bulwark’s landing pads, watching as an Arvus Lighter makes its approach. After the shuttle lands and its heavy ramp opens, two figures disembark. Both are clad as you are, in the black and silver of the Long Vigil.


The first carries a shield almost as tall and wide as he is. When you look past it, you can see that he carries a shortened Bolter and his right shoulder pad bears a triad of five pointed stars, white against a purple field. He speaks.


"Brother Bekkar Haalec, Breacher of the Imperial Stars.”


The second leans on a tall staff topped with a silver aquila. He wears no helm but his collar curves up and rises over his head, where it is surmounted by a horned skull carved in gold. His right shoulder is black, with a central red circle bisected by a white lightning bolt. His features are much like Skaayn's own, pale skin and pure black eyes, though this warrior wears his midnight hair in a long ponytail rather than shaven away entirely. He smiles tiredly and echoes the Breacher's introduction.


“Brother Dendinius, Codicier of the Black Guard.”





OOC: So, I'm pleased to welcome Brother Bekkar/ @Ancient_Sobek to the game! Codicier Dendinius is a NPC. Feel free to interact with either/both as you see fit!



Also, just a note regarding Asterius and Amaras, who will obviously be out of contact for some time while the Apothecary performs the necessary surgical procedures to save the Assault Marine's life.


So, @Machine God your interactions with the team will be very limited, and for now you might need to go back into ‘Sus-An coma dreams’ if you wish to post anything?


@Xin Ceithan obviously if you're around and able to post, then great, please feel free to interact with the team as you wish, but otherwise we'll assume Amaras is giving Asterius his full attention?


However, so that we know where we are with healing, I have rolled some First Aid and Extended Care tests (and done reasonably well on them). With total bed rest, by the time you need to leave for Dorghra - or certainly by the time you arrive there 2(ish) weeks later - Asterius should be mostly* recovered.


*more on the long term effects of bionics, etc, in a later update.





Edited by Lysimachus



The purging of the greenskins from the crash-site had been absolute. Gerhardt had personally scoured any remains he came across with his flamer, the stench of the orks’ burning flesh and the sight of their charring remains stoking the flames of zeal verging upon glee in his heart. He felt no small amount of relief that the hated alien menace and their memory had been utterly obliterated.


When Skaayn had arrived with the decon crew, he had given a brief report, supplemented by Adept Ulfurbur’s picter recordings. When the subject of Brother Asterius came up, Gerhardt took full responsibility for the Blackshield’s actions, offering penance for his failure to control the near-berserk warrior, and pledging to keep a closer eye on him in subsequent engagements if he should survive his ordeal.




The two newcomers were unexpected, but Gerhardt welcomed the presence of additional warriors to fight alongside and share in the ritual slaughter of xenos. At least he did until the second made his presence known. 


Gerhardt stood alongside Watch-Captain Skaayn, flanked by the rest of Kill-Team Lucifer. Drachenhauer rested easily across his right pauldron, its hilt cradled in his hand and forearm, still chained to his wrist. Others might have seen the presence of naked steel as an open challenge or an affront to their brotherhood, and perhaps it was to some extent, but he felt confident the kill-team and the rest of the watch fortress would understand it was emblematic of the zeal of the Black Templars, that an oath made was an oath kept.


He felt his hackles rise the moment the codicier disembarked from the shuttle, and the feeling of unthinking, animal aggression washed over him, clouding his mind with the all-consuming hatred of the Knights of Dorn. He shifted uneasily under the librarian’s inky-black gaze as the Black Guard surveyed this new crop of oath-brethren.


Psyker. Witch. Unclean. HERETIC.


Though the librarian wore the same black-and-quickilver as the rest of them, Gerhardt found his presence to be utterly revolting, intolerable, oppressive. It would be such a simple thing to cleave the psyker’s head from his shoulders, to rid the galaxy of his mutation, his…


He felt his jaw creak and one of his molars shattered with a sickening pop under the extreme compressive force, so hard was he grinding his teeth. He grunted and lifted his crusader helm with his sinister silver gauntlet and spat the blood and tooth fragments on the deck in front of him before meeting the psyker’s gaze with barely hidden, barely restrained hatred and contempt burning in his eyes.


He offered no formal greeting of his own in return to Codicier Dendinius, letting his silence and impromptu expectoration speak for him. He secured his ancient helm to his belt and waited, fighting every fight-or-flight instinct with every fibre of his being.

Edited by Necronaut



The Templar hawked and spat bloody phlegm onto the deck at the Codicier's approach. It failed to sizzle, proving the rumour true. Dorn's bloodline did not have the Killing Bite. What little it mattered was abandoned to the stream of consciousness, trivia stored away in the sump of recollection, as the two new Astartes approached. One of them, the shield-bearer, carried livery that Azadth knew not.


The other, the Seer, however was a different blend of chai altogether, and he wasn't sure he appreciated the bouquet. A Black Guard, a Child of Raven Feather. There was enough distance to part them from each other's throats, bloodlines thinned and cooled by divorce and winnowing of the Second Founding.


'Greetings,' Azadth said. He offered the bow with the sign of the Aquila to the shield-bearer first, then the Seer. He remained genteel, as tradition demanded on first meeting.


Like his Sergeant-Hetman, Azadth too was unhelmed, the small, inoffensive smile so well worn, plastered on his face.




He busied his mind past the introductions with ruminations on the missing Dark Hunter, Brother Gort, a Devastator. Several pieces of his ancillary equipment still lingered in the Watch Fortress, and Azadth had availed himself of the long range marksman rifle, a Stalker Boltgun. Another hand forged it, another hand wielded it, but it served the Sky Khan and his noble son, the Khagan of Chogoris.


Another Chapter dedicated to stealth. He looked about. Yes, all were shadows here, either cast upon them or having taken it up. The law of the jungle was dark and deep, a lesson of epithets written in survival. Gort's rifle would serve the Khagan again to edge those odds in favour of certainty.


Such was the will of fate.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
Scrubbed off the grammar barf.



It was an ill wind that pursued this endeavour, the inquisitors judgement yet again called to question as first the ground of this bastion sullied by the orks and now the bond so freshly forged strained by the presence of the witch. But none had challenged the Templar for his position since there return and so he remained squad leader, and as he showed restraint here so would Omoc.


The Black Guard... the chapter was at least known to him, of the other there was no recognition.



The journey to the surface had been challenging. Nothing outside his piloting ability mind you, but inherently risking nonetheless. Due to the debris field surrounding the planet from the recent battle it was deemed to risky for their transport ship to approach to closely. So, Bek and the librarian had taken one of the ship’s Arvus Lighters and had made their way planet side. 

Passing between the broken flotsam of the annihilated Ork fleet had given Bek a pang of nostalgia. Reminded of his early life among the Reclamation Clades of Hecate. The clades spent their lives dismantling the broken starships and void craft caught in the deadly grav embrace of that deadly star. His familiarity with so many classes of starship had led him to achievement within the boarding troops of his beloved chapter.


As the lighter touched down on the landing pad of the watch fortress he could feel the tension of his brother librarian relax. The librarian was a brave and fearless warrior, but Bek’s flight through the debris had been more than his nerves preferred. Bek was sympathetic and made no comment on his brother’s disposition as we went through the shutdown sequence of the craft. Unbuckling the grav harness he stood up and made his way to the rear of the lighter, giving Dendinius a pat on his pauldron as he passed.


His power pack reattached, he hefted his beloved breacher shield and hit the release for the boarding ramp. The shield had been a gift from his captain on his promotion to veteran sergeant. Forged of a dark meteoric iron and decorated with a stylistic representation of the star chart of the protectorate of his august chapter. Three golden spheres representing the stellar fiefs of the sub sector and deep grooves carved into the surface describing orbital circuits, grav ducts, and warp routes. On the reverse, in a proud golden script were inscribed his oaths of fealty, duty, and a record of his deployments.


The ramp slammed against the landing pad as he and his brother disembarked. Stepping from the ship, he announced himself to his new kill team.



“Brother Haalec, Breacher of the Imperial Stars.” He stated.


His eyes flicked between the astartes arrayed before his, subconsciously noting targeting priorities, ballistic vectors, and threat ratings. He noted a wariness in the group, belying the probability that they were only recently informed of their coming. Alas, the team had already been blooded and the bonds of brotherhood planted. They should have been here sooner, but unfortunately they had been delayed, the failed ork invasion further exacerbating the situation. So they would have to strive harder to gain the trust of their new compatriots.


Bek’s focus was interrupted by the sound of a disgusted hawking of phlegm by the Templar that stood amongst them in a probable position of command, as his friend Dendinius introduced himself. He sighed inwardly, perhaps this would be a bigger challenge than he thought.

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