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42 minutes ago, Scribe said:


A Death Company Character noted for his self control, calmly taking a shot instead of assuming the aggro pose of other Death Company isnt distinct?


But the Wolverine pose is?

In an age where death company now are just assault intercessors with their varying degrees of "running with chainsword" poses, yes it does stand out.


Ad a world eaters player, rage doesn't mean zombie, firing a pistol isn't necessarily calm and in control if you're just blasting endless rounds at people.

46 minutes ago, Scribe said:


A Death Company Character noted for his self control, calmly taking a shot instead of assuming the aggro pose of other Death Company isnt distinct?


But the Wolverine pose is?

A Death Company Marine noted for self control =/= Always having self control, and it isn't noted how much of that self control there was to begin with. 

My friends, you’re not going to agree on this, ever. Also, while I get the urge to try to make the subject less about personal taste, what story you read into a model’s pose is also highly subjective.


Personally, I think I like both sculpts more or less equally well, so maybe you can all unite over how obviously wrong I am :smile:

Moving away from the aesthetic, it looks like we might be getting an eviscerator per 5 models? Same loadout as Khorne Berzerkers do you think? Sorry if that’s already common knowledge, I’m just looking to make some corrupted BA!

2 hours ago, Scribe said:


A Death Company Character noted for his self control, calmly taking a shot instead of assuming the aggro pose of other Death Company isnt distinct?


But the Wolverine pose is?

Edited for civility. I don't want to do this anymore with you, Scribe. We're not going to agree. I find the notion that a character whose defining trait is suffering from rage that he can barely hold back should have a calm and composed pose really frustrating, contradictory, and unintuitive. 

Edited by Wispy

I admit I have not read thris whole thread but has the point been made that it looks like Lemartes is landing after a Jump pack jump. Not necesarily Wolverine about to lunge forward in an animal frenzy.

1 hour ago, Kharn13 said:

 Moving away from the aesthetic, it looks like we might be getting an eviscerator per 5 models? Same loadout as Khorne Berzerkers do you think? Sorry if that’s already common knowledge, I’m just looking to make some corrupted BA!


I am assuming it is going to be one Eviscerator per 5 and also 1 Power Sword/Fist as per AIs and JAIs. I am trying to work out if DC are going to be worth taking. At the moment, both flavours of Assault Intercessors get really good rules: Rerolls to wounds which also applies to any Characters leading them or MWs on the charge. The DC rules of a 6+++ and situational free stratagem are dubious. It is hard to argue that they are better than the vanilla versions.

8 minutes ago, Karhedron said:

I am assuming it is going to be one Eviscerator per 5 and also 1 Power Sword/Fist as per AIs and JAIs. I am trying to work out if DC are going to be worth taking. At the moment, both flavours of Assault Intercessors get really good rules: Rerolls to wounds which also applies to any Characters leading them or MWs on the charge. The DC rules of a 6+++ and situational free stratagem are dubious. It is hard to argue that they are better than the vanilla versions.

They could have more attacks baked in. Their number of attacks was nerfed as I recall at the start of 10th.

34 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

They could have more attacks baked in. Their number of attacks was nerfed as I recall at the start of 10th.

As I recall from previous rumours from Val. 

The Death Company detachment is apparently going to be the new ‘Meta’ for BA, so I doubt the DC datasheets will change much if their detachment rule is going to be that strong.

1 hour ago, Karhedron said:


I am assuming it is going to be one Eviscerator per 5 and also 1 Power Sword/Fist as per AIs and JAIs. I am trying to work out if DC are going to be worth taking. At the moment, both flavours of Assault Intercessors get really good rules: Rerolls to wounds which also applies to any Characters leading them or MWs on the charge. The DC rules of a 6+++ and situational free stratagem are dubious. It is hard to argue that they are better than the vanilla versions.

I’m of the same opinion. I’m getting two boxes if I can but likely only one jump pack unit will be DC. The rest will be likely be slightly more sane Blood Angels. I kind of want to avoid going too heavy on the Death Company. They’re a cool bit of lore but gameplay wise they’re currently showing up in ridiculous numbers in competitive lists and I want to avoid being hyper competitive with this army. 

Both Brutalis though will be DC. If I’m going to have a pair of melee dreads running forward as distraction carnifexes I do want them to be insane. 

Regardless, no final decisions until I’ve had my tradition of collecting the boxes on release day and going to the pub to study the new book for lore inspiration and the new rules. 

I am really looking forward to the release now. I’ve always loved Blood Angels but my last army was primarily Terminator themed. Looking forward to a more varied approach this time. 

10 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

Interested to see how a DC detachment will be framed. We don’t have all that many units to use if it’s meant to be entirely death company afterall

Quite. I wonder if they plan on bringing back death company upgrades for Lieutenants and Captains. At least I hope they do, I’ve got three or four painted up from last edition! 

11 minutes ago, Casual Heresy said:

I’m of the same opinion. I’m getting two boxes if I can but likely only one jump pack unit will be DC. The rest will be likely be slightly more sane Blood Angels. I kind of want to avoid going too heavy on the Death Company. They’re a cool bit of lore but gameplay wise they’re currently showing up in ridiculous numbers in competitive lists and I want to avoid being hyper competitive with this army. 

Both Brutalis though will be DC. If I’m going to have a pair of melee dreads running forward as distraction carnifexes I do want them to be insane. 

Regardless, no final decisions until I’ve had my tradition of collecting the boxes on release day and going to the pub to study the new book for lore inspiration and the new rules. 

I am really looking forward to the release now. I’ve always loved Blood Angels but my last army was primarily Terminator themed. Looking forward to a more varied approach this time. 

My Golden host to BA to DC ratio has always been 1 : 2 : 1


10x Sanguinary Guard

20x Jump Intercessors (BA upgrade)

10x DC Intercessors 


having alil more DC in the mix Isn’t going to hurt much, but I will be upgrading my 20x assault Intercessors into BA to balance that out. 

what I’m really looking forward too is the new Sanguinary guard and Sanguinor 

2 hours ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

I admit I have not read thris whole thread but has the point been made that it looks like Lemartes is landing after a Jump pack jump. Not necesarily Wolverine about to lunge forward in an animal frenzy.


That's how i saw it as soon as I saw the miniature.

56 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

Interested to see how a DC detachment will be framed. We don’t have all that many units to use if it’s meant to be entirely death company afterall



Yes, there are considerably fewer DC units than Deathwing or Ravenwing for Dark Angels. Then again, do we know for sure we are getting a pure DC detachment? There has been a lot of speculation but nothing confirmed that I can recall.


11 minutes ago, Karhedron said:



Yes, there are considerably fewer DC units than Deathwing or Ravenwing for Dark Angels. Then again, do we know for sure we are getting a pure DC detachment? There has been a lot of speculation but nothing confirmed that I can recall.


Not confirmed officially by GW

but it is one of Valrak’s rumours, and I tend to give his stuff a modicum of trust due to historic track record of accuracy.

4 hours ago, Kharn13 said:

Moving away from the aesthetic, it looks like we might be getting an eviscerator per 5 models? Same loadout as Khorne Berzerkers do you think? Sorry if that’s already common knowledge, I’m just looking to make some corrupted BA!

My question is whether the eviscerator will be death company only or available to assault intercesors. 

I assume the former as the latter would need a new datasheet?

1 hour ago, Casual Heresy said:

I kind of want to avoid going too heavy on the Death Company. They’re a cool bit of lore but gameplay wise they’re currently showing up in ridiculous numbers in competitive lists and I want to avoid being hyper competitive with this army.


The Death Company that are currently being spammed in the competitive scene are usually squads with 10 Power Fists and 10 Inferno pistols. Since this build will be going away, I suspect the future Primaris DC will be more balanced and will be kind of a side-grade to the AI and JAI squads. 


11 minutes ago, INKS said:

BA are in a really good place right now. It should be interesting to see if that holds after the codex...


My guess is that we will dip slightly due to Firstborn DC going away. However our ABC lists are still pretty strong, even without tooled-up DC so I think we will remain competitive, even if we slip a few percent in the rankings.

13 minutes ago, Pathstrider said:

My question is whether the eviscerator will be death company only or available to assault intercesors. 

I assume the former as the latter would need a new datasheet?


Yeah the eviscerator is only going to exist on BA upgrade sprues, so like the plasma cannon that's on the DA upgrade sprue or the Melta don't he BT, it's gonna be locked go BA only in some way, in this case, Death Company are gonna be 1 Sgt (power weapon or thunder hammer), 3 Chain swords, 1 Eviscerator per 5. 

3 hours ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

I admit I have not read thris whole thread but has the point been made that it looks like Lemartes is landing after a Jump pack jump. Not necesarily Wolverine about to lunge forward in an animal frenzy.


His feet being on different levels kinda throws that away.  You wouldn't land like that if you were landing while going down slope.


He's quite literally doing this;



26 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


His feet being on different levels kinda throws that away.  You wouldn't land like that if you were landing while going down slope.


He's quite literally doing this;



We talked about miniatures telling a story before.. look at the base… more specifically the fact it’s cracked and broken by each foot. I think it is indeed meant to be just after landing having noticed that detail.

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