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what was your experience with the primaris marines?

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I generally like tacticus armor well enough for line troopers. I also really like Gravis units, but that's because I love big chonky infantry!


however, I definitely don't like the grav tanks nor primaris jump packs on anything that isn't inceptors, and I kinda really don't like phobos.

While i like the redemptor chassis ok, I think the boxnaught just has more personality.

Edited by Paladin777
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I could take or leave Phobos, I just wish they hadn't prioritized it over just full on replacing everything with regular Tacticus Primaris.  Like, that should've been the 1st objective with maybe a single unit here or there of Gravis/Phobos, and then those lines could get expanded in time.

Instead it took 6 years for Jump Pack primaris to even be announced.  That's crazy.

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On 3/15/2024 at 1:29 AM, crimsondave said:

I wish they’d just true scaled marines.  Let Cawl show up with a bunch of new, regular marines.  The lore is pretty weak.  I’m not that tore up about it though.  I’m used to it.


Have you read "The Great Work" and "Genefather" ??

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On 3/14/2024 at 5:12 PM, DemonGSides said:

6 years for Jump Pack primaris to even be announced

what about the jump pack guys in dark imperium?

On 3/21/2024 at 2:54 AM, Orange Knight said:

Have you read "The Great Work

one of the few 40k books I have read, along with tales of heresy (in progress)

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I think the way they initially did it was very clumsy. Out of a desire to try and avoid people feeling like their firstborn would be invalidated, they set out to make every single new unit different to what came before. This is what resulted in Phobos and inceptors etc. instead of jump intercessors and the like. It created a massive amount of codex bloat and actually didn’t achieve this at all, as many people felt their stuff was made obsolete anyway.


I feel like it is in a better place now than it was, with units like scouts, Sternguard and terminators just straight upscaled. I agree with @crimsondave that this should have been the approach in the first place, and that new units could have been introduced alongside the primaris stuff.

For example, in the first box I don’t think they ever really needed “intercessors.” They should have just upscaled tacticals instead as they are almost the same, as well as upscaled devs instead of hellblasters and eradicators. They could have given us the lieutenants and inceptors as the new stuff.


Then next edition I’d have gone with the jump troops instead of the assault guys on foot. Each edition a couple of upscaled old units alongside a couple of new ones.


Again though, like Dave I’m no longer annoyed about their introduction. Only thing that annoys me now is the retiring of all the old units - would have preferred to have better integration of the old and new so that you could more legitimately choose to use your old or new collection, rather than just parking everything in legends and/or having to proxy lots of stuff.

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Not good.  Really don't like the MkX armour which was the main problem.  Don't like the variant armour types.  The initial lore introduction was also very poor.  The obnoxious 'lol firstborn are getting squatted', 'mini-marines lol' type reactions from certain sections of the fandom helped put me off even further :laugh:


I haven't warmed to them since, although I do like some of the recent updates of classic characters with few mk10 features.  I do like how they have added in updated firstborn kits (Terminators and Scouts) now without making any significant changes to the designs, and have purchased some of these units.  A few of the chapter specific units are not bad.


I wouldn't rule out buying 40k marines at large in future if they ever go to a new armour mark again and the design is better than mkX.

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It's the opposite for me, I absolutely love the "Light, Medium, Heavy" approach in armour, and besides a few nitpicks the execution pleases me. And while the involved fluff isn't executed very well it still boils down to "tormented and hypnotized child soldier with more organs than normal" so it boils down to the same but different for me.


Come to think of it, with terminators and scouts thankfully sticking around it's now Superlight, Light, Medium, Heavy, Superheavy, which is even better.


Also, on the risk of repeating myself, the whole MkX line could've massively benefitted from the Heresy approach of a Sprue of Bolter boys per skew of MkX and Upgrade sprues to make the rest of the units.

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On 3/21/2024 at 5:54 AM, Orange Knight said:


Have you read "The Great Work" and "Genefather" ??

I haven’t read either one.  Yet.  Are they good?  I know the Bile books are supposed to be good.


I’m kind of weird.  I don’t like playing 30k but 30k is what I’ve been reading for years.  I just started the End and Death books then I plan to get back into some 40K reading.  The only 40K I’ve read in the last couple years is the Eisenhorn/Ravenor/Bequin stuff and the Lion book.

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Guest Triszin

Oddly, Phobos has grown on me.


I really like Phobos and gravis

I've grown indifferent to tactics.


Adding leather mud guards to Phobos legs really one ups them

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On 3/24/2024 at 2:23 AM, crimsondave said:

I haven’t read either one.  Yet.  Are they good?  I know the Bile books are supposed to be good.


I’m kind of weird.  I don’t like playing 30k but 30k is what I’ve been reading for years.  I just started the End and Death books then I plan to get back into some 40K reading.  The only 40K I’ve read in the last couple years is the Eisenhorn/Ravenor/Bequin stuff and the Lion book.


Yes, they are exceptional.


In fact, these two novels basically changed the way I look at the Primaris and the whole lore situation in the Era Indomitus.


Very much recommended

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The Great Work is very good. Cawl comes across as a lot less of a Mary Sue after reading that. There are solid reasons for his abilities (which Guilliman clearly had some awareness of when he tasked him with developing the Primaris) but he has also paid prices for those abilities. I actually think that there would have been a lot less grumbling about the Primaris lore if this book had come out a few years earlier.


I haven't Genefather yet but I am hoping to get around to it after I have finished Clone Lord.

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Lot of models are great. Hated the lore, hate the lack of direct replacement (I want Primaris Tacticals in rhinos). Execution was hamfisted. New vehicles are too gun heavy. Really like the *concept* of modifiable armors, tacticool doesn't do it for me, although it fits Raven Guard. Gravis is nice. 


A rescale would have been better. 


Dislike the fixed poses, been able to keep things distinct enough but preferred the old modular system. 


The models are fine, though, generally. Flight stands for Inceptors aside. Feel grav plates should be a Custodes thing. 


Calgar was a sidegrade, Azrael a win. 


Also angry about the "pullback" on Heresy crossovers, like Contemptors. Contemptors>Redemptors. Redemptors are too long limb spindly, like the Defiler, which I also dislike. 

Edited by BrainFireBob
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Pros: Bigger, good looking models, a lot of people mention they feel “off” in some way, but I never got that vibe.


Cons: Fixed squad loadouts.

Kit bashing going from near effortless to requiring additional time, patience, and hobby skill to pull off.


No attempt made to really reconcile Firstborn and Primaris so that they were compatible. The codexes instead felt more like one book for 2 separate army lists, with the first born list generally having worse rules and being cut down in options with each succesive codex. 10th initially seemed posed to resolve that with the index but has instead continued to reduce and limit first born options further.


Unforgivable Heresy: Introduction and original lore for the primaris is , to put it politely, some of the weakest sauce I have ever had the opportunity to taste. Apparently this had been fixed retroactively in novels I will never read, but don’t lend themselves well to being summarized in the lore sections of the gamebooks.

In any case first impressions can be important, and it’s pretty much objective fact Primaris did not give a good one.


Current position: Mostly meh/whatever. I buy the kits I like and build them up slowly like sedimentary layers. My full company may or may not ever be fully realized, as older kits are retired completely, but I am fairly confident I have enough back log for at least the infantry squads, if not all the vehicles. Most new stuff I have purchased tends to be for other imperial factions now.

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I think the biggest objective positive going forward is that the Primaris allow for entirely new units and designs without the need for clunky retcons or historical inserts.


Funny enough, I think the least exciting releases were the Primaris Scouts, Sternguard and Terminators. Yes, they all look great - especially the Terminators - but they also didn't generate as much buzz overall as the entirely new units did in the recent past. At least that's how it felt to me.


I think they've covered most of the bases now, and they've transitioned what I consider to be the most iconic of the historical units. I'm hoping we again get some entirely new ideas going forward. The biggest omissions from the range now are Outrider characters and an elite variant of the Outrider unit. I think certain chapters are really suffering due to the lack of these options.

Edited by Orange Knight
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7 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

I think the biggest objective positive going forward is that the Primaris allow for entirely new units and designs without the need for clunky retcons or historical inserts.

While I agree in general - I much appreciate that we can be surprised out of left field with units that weren't anywhere near on anyone's radar, like a unit of autocannon toting jump marines - it also comes with the added caveat that GW now seems to have a given themselves license to add, and possibly abandon, units on a whim.


Said unit of autocannon toting jump marines haven't been revisited since their introduction, with no real sign that they ever will be, possible due to their lukewarm reception.


Also, as someone who early in Primaris's history actually and genuinely believed Primaris would be a way for GW to prune the marine catalogue a bit (I know, what a crazy thought right?), I am in fact a bit concerned that GW has left the hose running. The marine codex was already mchugelarge before primaris.


I just hope they'll keep 'abandoned' (I know they haven't been squatted, but I feel the surpressors could do well if given a better redesign) to a minimum

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