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New Asurman Rumours, Discussed on Auspex Tactics (no images)

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Guest Triszin
6 minutes ago, Karhedron said:

Good news, although this has to be the longest and most drawn out range-refresh in history.

Aren't warp spiders 30 years old this year?

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Awesome, that's some great news!


And they kept his banner? That's some old style miniature I don't mind at all!


If there's a chance they will continue the Ynnari story it would be great.


They create a massive story change for the aeldari race, only to leave it there, forgotten.



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2 hours ago, Remain_Indoors said:

I wonder if there’s a chance of new Dire Avengers. I know they’re brand new by Elder range standards but they’re looking their age.


They're also shrinkflated to hell. Used to be twice as many in the box, then one day they got halved...for the same price and it's been that way ever since, which is truly ridiculous. With a new sculpt like the Banshees and Scorpions? Yeah, would be great, but their current sculpts are not great with the sprues being absolutely barren and mostly air.

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As much as we might want new Dire Avengers, I think we want all Aspects in plastic more- at least I do.


Getting new plastic DA is fine, as long as we got the other aspects too. If getting new DA means no plastic Warp Spiders or Fire Dragons, DA can wait.


Asurmen on the other hand? Good money. Glad I didn't cave in and buy finecast that I didn't really want. Hopefully Karandras, Fuegan and Baharoth are on the way too... And a new Phoenix for the Warp Spiders that we've never seen before.

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6 minutes ago, ThePenitentOne said:

As much as we might want new Dire Avengers, I think we want all Aspects in plastic more- at least I do.


Getting new plastic DA is fine, as long as we got the other aspects too. If getting new DA means no plastic Warp Spiders or Fire Dragons, DA can wait.


Asurmen on the other hand? Good money. Glad I didn't cave in and buy finecast that I didn't really want. Hopefully Karandras, Fuegan and Baharoth are on the way too... And a new Phoenix for the Warp Spiders that we've never seen before.

That's pretty much the rumours that Valrak has talked about before, even the warp spider phoenix lord

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Makes sense to get Asurmen done, he is the Phoenix lords leader after all, i think the Dire avengers kit is still based on the 3rd ed era guardians sprue too? Would be good to see them up to modern standards too. 

But the warp spiders... :D 

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11 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Makes sense to get Asurmen done, he is the Phoenix lords leader after all, i think the Dire avengers kit is still based on the 3rd ed era guardians sprue too? Would be good to see them up to modern standards too. 

But the warp spiders... :D 

Nope, the Guardians with metal add on heads abomination was replaced with a (now dated) full plastic kit in the great metal culling.

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1 hour ago, Chapter Master Valrak said:


Posted it 5 Months ago if anyone is interested, I don't apologise for how I pronounce any of the Eldar names :laugh:


Not gunna lie, thought you posted it this year. I'd like time to stop moving so quickly please.


If I was ever going to do an elder army, it would be aspect heavy so all good news in that respect.

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So still no picture....


I still/again think this summer Eldar release might be one where Valrak posts his regular "there it is" meme ( despite not deserving it in this case, as he abandoned last years prediction/rumor it will be this summer ) as those image leaks are rarely far away from the release, and after all.. that was the rumor initially.


But also in recent times when one of the main games gets a new edition box, the other gets a relatively safe, "low hype needed" mid level release wave like those eldar rumors*.  Seraphon updates last year around 10th editions release, Sisters of battle 2.0 around the previous AoS box, High elves Lumineth with 9th edition. 


Agents could fit that bill, but then it would be a bigger release than the rumors are so far. ( for the record, not saying here that the redacted codex might not be agents, Im more saying that the summer roadmap might not be the entire summer yet, just the first half of it.)


*Sorry I mean massive range refresh :p

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13 hours ago, Chapter Master Valrak said:


Posted it 5 Months ago if anyone is interested, I don't apologise for how I pronounce any of the Eldar names :laugh:

that’s ok, you're a Monkeigh and don’t know any wiser…. :tongue:

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I grabbed 3 or 4 extras of the new Autarch when it launched to convert Phoenix Lords but got lazy and never did. Guess I'll have a bunch of Autarchs now?

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