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Exactly what it sounds like. Got an RTT coming up April 6 and wanted to see if I could get any advice. 

I play tested it against bugs... once (and due to being out of town for work until the RTT, I won't be able to play test again...), and it performed quite well, but I'm open to suggestions. The tournament is mostly  WYSIWYG, and my collection does have limits.

One of those limits is that my DC are all poorly equipped, and I'm not touching them until the codex drops. I also don't have any chaplains either, so that's a double whammy against DC. 


I'm considering dropping the Lieutenant for a techmarine, but I'm not sure. I'm also considering changing the assault ints for regular ints, which would bring the list to an even 2000 points.

In any case, list is in the spoiler box below!


2000 (1995) Points

Sons of Sanguinius detachment



**+ Character +**


Captain with Jump Pack [85pts]: Warlord, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist


Librarian in Terminator Armour [75pts]: Combi-weapon


Lieutenant [65pts]

Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted Bolt Rifle, Master-crafted Power Weapon


Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack [90pts]


**+ Battleline +**


5x assault ints, fist and Plasma Pistol on sergeant


5x Heavy Ints, 1 with Heavy Bolter


**+ Infantry +**


5x JAI, 1x with plasma, fist and plasma pistol on sergeant


6 BGV, plasma pistol on sergeant


3x eradicators, 1 with MM


3x bolter inceptors



. Terminator Sergeant: Chainfist

. 1x with Terminator w/ Assault Cannon, Chainfist

. 3x with Power Fist and Storm Bolter


10x Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs Sergeant with Inferno Pistol

1x with Inferno Pistol

8x with storm shield


**+ Vehicle +**


Furioso Dreadnought (2 heavy flamers)


Land Raider


Land Raider Crusader 


Edited by Paladin777
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing...? :/


The tournament is this Saturday. I submitted the list (substituting the lieutenant for the techpriest), but it can still be edited. 

Another option is to drop the techmarine/Lieutenant and furioso and put in a redemptor. Brings me to an even 2000... though the Furioso is painted, and the redemptor is still grey...

Edited by Paladin777

40k discussions are pretty dead these days.  I think the switch to a Redemptor is better.  In all honesty not sure how you could do well against bugs, I am not seeing the anti-tank here.  My experience was against big bugs, and you would eat some pretty devastating overwatches.  

With every unit being minimum strength six on the charge and having lethal hits and lance on tap via strategem, sons of sanguinous are much better at taking out tough targets in Melee then their data sheets would suggest on paper.


that said, overwatch is more devastating than a land raider Redeemer? Because i'm more nervous about those!

Edited by Paladin777

What's the campaign pack like and do you know what you plan on doing for most of the missions?

What's the local meta like?

How are you using the Furioso and what is your Techmarine babysitting?

Can pretty much see what you're doing for the most part and it should be fine. Just stick the mission at hand...

Mission 1 is Take and Hold with Hidden supplies on a Hammer and Anvil deployment. 


Mission 2 is Chosen Battlefield with Priority Targets on Dawn of War deployment. 


Mission 3 is Sites of Power with Chilling Rain, also on Hammer and Anvil deployment. 

The furioso is being put in strategic reserves.


The Techmarine is going to babysit the Land Raider that seems to be more useful. IE: if facing knights or a tank company, then the regular.  If facing 'oops, all guardsmen,' then the Crusader. 

I am aware that having him keep up with the crusader would be a struggle, but I think the regular one is more likely to want the tech priest. 

as far as local meta is concerned, I don't get to play enough to put my finger on that pulse very well. But a lot of people post a lot of pictures of marines (both loyal and traitor) and tyranids, as well as a couple Knights and Deamons on the local discord. 

Edited by Paladin777

I would keep the Lt instead of the Techmarine. I assume he is to babysit the BGVs? With our detachment bonus being pretty strong now, the ability to Fall Back and Charge again is good. Plus Lethal Hits mitigates against the BGVs capping out at S5.

I went 15/24. I'm pretty happy with that as I went 22/24 my last RTT. 

The opponents that beat me also went 2nd and 7th, and I'm proud to say that I made them really work for it!


First match was against GK, and the score ended up 67-79 (he took second overall. my game was the lowest he scored. His others were in the 90's). 

Second match was 88-46 against Death Watch.


Third match was against the World Eaters. Final score was 60-67. His other games were also both in the 90's, and he was almost tabled until Angron showed up in turn 4 and made his charge out of deep strike! Still, it was great fun, and i managed to take down a Lord of Skulls with a nearly depleted squad of vanvets and a squad of bladeguard! Apparently I'm the first person to take it down! He was the one to take 7th. 


FWIW, the lieutenant was definitely the better pick than the techpriest. 

Edit: I think I'm going to try swapping the assault ints for regular ints. Between the sticky and actually being able to shoot from objectives, I think they'll be more useful. 

Edited by Paladin777
  • 2 weeks later...

Had another game with the list a couple nights ago and been reflecting on it, especially sonce i think this base list is going to continue to be my competitive list moving forward.

I've been running heavy ints and eradicators in the LRC. It's tough, but has a notable lack of teeth, so I've thinking of shifting things around.

For reference, I've been running Heavy ints and eradicators in the LRC, and BGV (with Lt) and 5 assault ints in my LR. That said, my Assault Ints have routinely been pretty underwhelming (I know of the captain/assault int combo, but don't have points, even if i drop the Lt on the BGV).


So I've been considering leaving the Heavy Ints behind to babysit the home objective, dropping the assault ints entirely, and moving the BGV to the LRC (with the eradicators). That leaves the regular LR free to cart around my terminators.


This also leaves 80 points to play with, and space for 3 models in the LRC. So I'm thinking of adding a biologis to the eradicators, and putting Artisan of War on the terminator Libby. Getting his force weapon to AP-2 and his smite to -3 makes it seem like a great place to put it. Alternatively I could give it to the Lt, but him and his unit have already annihilated everything I've pointed them at!


Also alternatively, could use those points to upgrade the furioso with a redemptor, and still have the points for AoW...*


Anyway, just figured I'd share and see if anyone had any thoughts.  

*the furioso's performance has also been kind of underwhelming, but I always feel like I'm misplaying him instead of him just not being useful. That said, a redemptor might be a bit more user friendly.

Edited by Paladin777

Personally I prefer Artisan of War on the Biologis as you can turn a missed Melta Rifle shot into a hit and an automatic wound thanks to Lethal Hits. I think that is better value than an extra 2 hits with anything the Termies are packing.

2 hours ago, Karhedron said:

Personally I prefer Artisan of War on the Biologis as you can turn a missed Melta Rifle shot into a hit and an automatic wound thanks to Lethal Hits. I think that is better value than an extra 2 hits with anything the Termies are packing.

Wrong detachment and enhancement. You're thinking of Forged in Battle from Firestorm (which is indeed quite fantastic on a biologis with eradicators!), and I'm running SoS. 

Artisan of War gives a characters weapon an extra pip of AP and a 2+ armor save. The libby already has the save, but the AP would be nice. 

Edited by Paladin777

Well done, what do you think were your stand out units? List building is not easy at the moment and glad to hear you did well.


Just play with units you want to use and put them in situations you'd want to use them in to test their reliability in those roles. Have some fun while you are at it.


I am trying to stick to 1,000 point games at the moment for this and to learn about other codexes.


There's more than just new paints out since I last rolled dice.

My standout units in this list have routinely been my LR, VVets, and BGV. 

My terminators, while not standout, have also been solid every game. I keep my expectations realistic and, they seldom disappoint. Red Rampage on a charging terminator unit with a libby is also a terrifying combination! LH, SHand Lance on S10 power fists... Yes please!

Edited by Paladin777
On 4/20/2024 at 11:59 PM, Paladin777 said:

Wrong detachment and enhancement. You're thinking of Forged in Battle from Firestorm (which is indeed quite fantastic on a biologis with eradicators!), and I'm running SoS. 

Artisan of War gives a characters weapon an extra pip of AP and a 2+ armor save. The libby already has the save, but the AP would be nice. 


Sorry, you are quite right. I must have gotten muddled up. I think your choices are great in that case.

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