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Opinion on Doomstalker "Pylon" proxy design

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Hello frater!


As part of my hobby progress this year I'm working on the Necron Combat Patrol. Now I have nothing against the design of the Doomstalker (it's adorable), the towering walker look doesn't mesh well with the old school theming of my army. I've been sketching out some designs for an obelisk or pylon-styled replacement that will fit in better with my old school Monolith, but am having issues deciding between my two best ideas. Any opinions or feedback would be appreciated!



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Scratchbuilding with plasticard - I've dabbled before but this will be the first big project I undertake with it. I don't have access to a printer currently but may model it up in the future so it's an option. The electric bits is an excellent idea I hadn't thought of. I'll have to give it a shot if I can!


I appreciate the feedback from both of you!

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39 minutes ago, Mr. Oddity said:

The electric bits is an excellent idea I hadn't thought of. I'll have to give it a shot if I can!

If you're doing physical scratchbuilding, then greenstuff / milliput over 1or2mm wire should do it :thumbsup:


Please chuck a link here when you get the project up and running.

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