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Models on 100 mm round bases

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1 hour ago, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

That model is a Castraferrum-sized flyer?

Bigger than a box dread, but it is on a flight stand.


Its overall X and Z axis are about as wide as the 100mm, but it doesn't look crowded since it's up on the flight stand.

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I am asking because Micro Arts have a 100 mm Trash/Junk base which would be suitable for a large model which could join my Rust Bots. It doesn´t have to be a GW robot. 3rd party retailer clanker would be fine too. So does anybody know of a non-Necron robot  model which could use such a base?

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10 hours ago, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

I am asking because Micro Arts have a 100 mm Trash/Junk base which would be suitable for a large model which could join my Rust Bots. It doesn´t have to be a GW robot. 3rd party retailer clanker would be fine too. So does anybody know of a non-Necron robot  model which could use such a base?

I'll wrack my brain for the company, but there is a 3rd party creator that does variations of Ork Dread, Walkers, Rollers etc, which IIRC, look like what I'm hearing you're looking for

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