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Game 8

I ran out of steam for fluff writing and i can’t recall the specifics. 

Wolves vs thousand sons. 


Game 8

 Thousand sons army;

Ahriman with cabal

praetor with the sehkmet 


2 vet tacticals in rhinos


5 lascannon squad

Land Raider


Game 8


space wolves

no idea but I think 2 packs of grey slayers, hateful scummy praetor, speaker of the dead, contemptor, land raider with deathsworn

Game 8


Game 8Game 8


Game 8Game 8Game 8Game 8

 I remember Ahriman surviving this. But it was a loss for the thousand sons. But a close game. 

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Game 9. Again no fluff. Mechanicum vs space wolves, can’t recall the points. Maybe around 2500, I think it was a mechanicum win. But only just (they were really overpowered in first ed.)


Mechanicum army

Game 9


And I really need to take pictures of my opponents. 

wolves deployment. Grey slayers outflanking. 

Game 9


Mechanicum deployment  

Game 9


wolves outflank. 

Game 9Game 9


The charge of the admech!

Game 9


I recall these guys aimlessly hitting each other round after round. So thematic that the two kill each other eventually, quite the Saga. 

Game 9


last turn. Space wolves leader goes down. The archmagos used to be a killing machine in first ed.

Titan repair

next game. Canis Vertex!!


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Canis Vertex

Legendary mission 2 

Prospero campaign 2000 points. 


Mechanicum vs space wolves



Magos prime, 

Magos dominus,


20 X Adsecularis

2x dark fire castellax

2x3 thallax with photon thrusters 





Space wolves

Praetor: paragon blade, frost claw, aether-rune armour, digital lasers, refractor field. 

Speaker of the dead; frost axe, refractor field. 

Contemptor with chainfist/power fist

10x deathsworn in landraider Phobos

2x15 grey slayers 

Knight Titan. 


Prime set up with the Titan to counter knight Titan and/or repair Titan. All Thallax to the left of the Titan with the Thanatar to cover both sides of the board. The castellax with magos to the right to cover the right of the Titan and to threaten frontal assault. Vorax deployed Right front to assault infantry through the ruin. Vultarax in reserve. 

Space wolves knight set up centre left to go straight for the Titan. Grey slayers to flanks. Deathsworn in LR by the

Vorax and Contemptor centre right also lined up for Titan. 

Mechanicum won first turn but wolves seized. 

Canis vertex; as per mission canis vertex is represented by a chaos war hound Titan with plasma blaster and Vulcan mega Bolter. The Titan is immobilised; there’s a lot of rule issues here so we decided that the left weapon can only cover left and the right, right. The Titan can’t move so stays locked in combat so can’t fire or be fired at in close combat. Hits on the Titan hit the rear and stomp is disabled. As per mission the Titan has one void shield that does not regenerate. 

Canis vertex


Canis vertex

Here comes a knight. 

Canis vertex


domitar fancies a go. 

Canis vertex


domitar fails to destroy the knight, which then assaults the titan. 

Canis vertex


Canis vertex


Finally. The dread does it. 

Canis vertex


This game was one the best I’ve played. So I wrote some fluff. 


Canis vertex. 

Loyalist win. Objective: destroy the Titan. 

VP 4-2. 

Fluff below covers the main points. But it was epic to say the least. 

The Prospero campaign enters the final stage with the loyalists slightly ahead. 


Khalophis laughed. Phael Toron was a fool. He drank too deeply into the great ocean and he paid for it with his life. Sure he took a great deal of the enemy with him but the explosion almost took Canis vertex with him. Khalophis laughed again, he couldn’t believe he survived an explosion of warp energy like that, but Khalophis had control of his powers, he had possessed Canis Vertex. His arms were weapons of shell and plasma, exploding wolves and vaporising custodians on a whim, his laugh was a war horn across the battlefield of Tizca, Khalophis was a god of war. 

He turned off the plaza in front of the pyramid of the Pyrae and stopped. Why I have stopped thought Khalophis, he poured a little more will into Canis and the Titan lurched but didn’t move. Damn Phael must have damaged the motive mechanism he thought. 

He considered his options and went to withdraw from Canis, drawing his power back to his mortal form. But to his frustration he could not. 

Through the visual feed of Canis he saw a grey shape to the left. Too small to be another Titan. with a mind pulse he blazed away with the mega Bolter.  Panic gripped Khalophis, the wolves were closing and Canis was immobile.

At the titans feet the mechanicum of Zhao Arkhad swarmed. Had they been there all along? Khalophis did not know but he was happy for their support. The mechanicum would never let a god engine be destroyed. But the mechanicum were not fixing Canis, they were defending it. 

Out of the smoke a knight Titan appeared, battle cannon levelled at some Castellax to his right. Khalophis willed the plasma blastgun to fire but it only tracked to the centre field of view. Too late he fired at a space wolf contemptor charging out from a building. The contemptor vanished in a hot ball of plasma. But the knight was on him.

Sundskald chillstars’ blood was hot. Even in the contemptor chassis he could feel the thrill of the hunt. The Titan warhorn sounding over Tizca was a challenge and Sundskald would accept. 

The battlefield was chaos. Automata were everywhere, his pack behind him and across the plaza. The Titan ahead is towering over a  lone knight charging it head on. There was open ground infront of him. Sundskald was committed. Too late he identified the Titan weapon levelled at him and instinctually he raised his shield arm in response, Warning runes glared and a more powerful titanic blast wave rocked Sundskald and checked his stride, but did not stop. He lowered the shield to see billowing smoke where the knight was. Sundskald roared.

Contemptor chassis are heavy constructs, but what the wolves saw on Prospero was a lone contemptor fly through the air, Launching off the ruins of a knight, A massive, bearded marine sized axe burying deep into a Titan’s head and then a blinding explosion as the Canis vertex’s reactor went critical. 

Edited by richmarine
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Oh wow where to start with the compliments! You have created amazing armies, your work is awesome! Those Thousand Sons! Magnus caps that all off.

That ZM board, I am jealous, I'm loving the rust colour of it and the fluff write ups are captivating. Kudos to you. 

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Next game. Game 11, conclusion mission cleansing inferno. The rules are that random buildings are aflame; representing the space wolves burning the knowledge in the pyramids. I think we ignored the rules for this as it would slow the game down too much. This being the last but one game (which would be the Primarch dual) and I spent a long time painting Magnus only for Russ to “Bane” him. 

so this game went on as expected. I restrained from using the powered up rules and went for basic and he wiped out everything he looked at (as he should). Ultimately I won the game.


the campaign itself was pretty much a draw (almost). I needed to kill Russ in the final to win the campaign. Where as the loyalists needed to do what they came to do. Ultimately making for a great campaign and I wholeheartedly recommend anyone to play through.

Army list. 

Game 11

I tried to use the ZM bits to represent the burnt out pyramid skeleton. (Apparently made of glass)

Game 11

doesn’t need a bodyguard and I can see why he was toned down a lot for HH2

Game 11

and I forgot to take anymore. 

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Game 12. Apex Predator. 

basically Russ and Magnus having at it in the centre. The game rules are that if any units get near the combat. They’re dead. 

it was a team 4k game. Custodes and wolves vs thousand sons (yes I accumulated that much). 

It was over turn 3 I think. Magnus appeared to hold his own a few turns before feeling sorry for himself and snap. 

and as in the book. The thousand sons disappeared as soon as Magnus “died”.  So the game ends as soon as the deed is done. 


Apex predatorApex predatorApex predatorApex predatorApex predatorApex predatorApex predator


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results above. Close campaign. And tonnes of fun!  

hateful scummy praetor took the Prospero crown. Followed by legio custode smash captain. 

I made little plinths for my mates characters that topped the league. 

Goodbye Horus Heresy 1.0. We loved you. 

Hello Istvaan III and HH2.0. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



The events of Prospero now far behind I wanted to get stuck into Isstvan

there are a few things I want to do with this campaign. 

  1. have a map, the last campaign I felt had no context for battles. No clear route or objective. Just the legendary missions had the background. 
  2. more thematic battles. There’s a lot of stories on isstvan. I want to explore them a bit better with customs missions. 
  3. Bring the black book up to 2nd Ed since GW don’t seem too interested 

I also have a few treacherous themes up my sleeve. My friends are on the forum (I think) so I’ll keep these reveals to myself. 

to cover the campaign I already have a lot of terrain. So I’ll be using what I’ve already shown. For Armies we have the 4 covered plus my mechanicum. 

to get started I made up some drop pods and we had a few games. There’s also a thunder hawk in the works. 

the maps WIP and I’m adapting “cometh the red angel” legendary battle for the first team game. So far we’ve had a few individual games that I’ve tracked.

for now here’s some Pics. 






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