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So we've gotten the new points (MFM) and Rules (Dataslate) updates for 10th:


Munitorum Field Manual


Balance Dataslate

Edited by TrawlingCleaner

We're five posts in, and I don't know what I'm supposed to be angry about today. This just won't do.

Edited by Not An Ork

On the Dataslate front, currently it looks like the only change is that the previous Custodes and Orks changes have been removed as they now/are about to have codexes. Although it does still say January so maybe this isn't the final document?


Either way the points changes are really nice for my CSM. Reduced points for Marines, Bikes and Raptors is always the core of my lists. If only they'd had a look at Defilers and Fellgor too :biggrin:

Edited by TrawlingCleaner

As a mech player i have this to say, making units cheaper and cheaper and cheaper points wise is not balancing a codex. I think this is the 3-4 straight update that lowers points for adeptus mechanicus.  At some point the designers have to accept that the units are NOT working as intended, and just telling mech players to 'buy more minis' is not a solution. 



Saying that half the book is STILL overcosted for what it brings to the table, and the endless spamming of the 4-5 playable units will just keep on going. 

They did say they are looking at different fixes to Ad mech, presumably in the next one.


And I wouldn't compel anyone to look at defilers, poor old ugly bawkses :D

Edited by Noserenda
Autocorrect and swear filter conspiring
20 minutes ago, Not An Ork said:

We're five posts in, and I don't know what I'm supposed to be angry about today. This just won't do.


Just go with "Power Level sucks, Points are better." That is a good default whenever one of these comes out.

Oh good! I was worried Games Workshop was going to set a bad precedent by letting the points values in a printed codex actually be used for a single game! 

13 minutes ago, Nagashsnee said:

As a mech player i have this to say, making units cheaper and cheaper and cheaper points wise is not balancing a codex. I think this is the 3-4 straight update that lowers points for adeptus mechanicus.  At some point the designers have to accept that the units are NOT working as intended, and just telling mech players to 'buy more minis' is not a solution. 



Saying that half the book is STILL overcosted for what it brings to the table, and the endless spamming of the 4-5 playable units will just keep on going. 

Especially on a faction already the most expensive to collect in the whole game. 

Some points.

1) The confirmation of an upcoming rules adjustment for Admech is good. They weren't ever gonna drop major rules updates in an MFM points update, but at least we know they're coming soon.


2) T'au points update is probably next week, likely early in the week. This Sunday is when that codex offically drops, so we won't have long to wait.


3) Jump Pack Intercessors are now only 5pts higher in price than their grounded counterparts, so that's good.


4) Scarabs and Tsons Cultists down in price is a step in the right direction for re-introducing list variety to Comp TSons teams.

8 hours ago, Nagashsnee said:

As a mech player i have this to say, making units cheaper and cheaper and cheaper points wise is not balancing a codex. I think this is the 3-4 straight update that lowers points for adeptus mechanicus.  At some point the designers have to accept that the units are NOT working as intended, and just telling mech players to 'buy more minis' is not a solution. 



Saying that half the book is STILL overcosted for what it brings to the table, and the endless spamming of the 4-5 playable units will just keep on going. 


I actually can't field a 2k army anymore. the models I own came to around 2500 or so point an edition ago. Now, if I field everything, I get to around 1850...


And it's not a good list because I'm literally throwing units in.

Edited by Orange Knight
2 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:


I actually can't field a 2k army anymore. the models I own came to around 2500 or so point and edition ago. Now, if I field everything, I get to around 1850...


And it's not a good list because I'm literally throwing units in.


Admech need a full on rework, but knowing GW it'll take most of the edition to slowly reach that end goal via ship of thesus style individual changes.


I'm expecting that once they deploy whatever mechanics changes they says they're cooking up that they'll tentatively start raising the pts again.

26 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

And I wouldn't compel anyone to look at defilers, poor old ugly bawkses :D




Leave the poor mecha crabs alone :biggrin:


For the Admech side of things, I do wonder how much they'll have to change to get them to work properly. Currently the only build that works for high level play is the 20 man squads of Vanguard and Rangers physically blocking movement on the board and shooting stuff to death which is kinda boring for everyone involved.

Good to see C'Tan getting a kicking although will still be around

3 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:


Admech need a full on rework, but knowing GW it'll take most of the edition to slowly reach that end goal via ship of thesus style individual changes.


I'm expecting that once they deploy whatever mechanics changes they says they're cooking up that they'll tentatively start raising the pts again.


I hope so. At the moment my army is shelved indefinitely.


I'm contemplating selling the whole force. It just feels like they've fumbled the rules for the last few editions.

Custodes getting price's slashed across the board for their actual codex units is no surprise. And Inquisitor Draxus, "the best unit for NuStodes" has gotten a price hike, but still costed to take.


Inquisitorial Acolytes are a bit more expensive, not prohibitive though.


Mechanicus have points drops on key units. Cawl, Kastelans, Kataphron Destroyers, Dunecrawlers, Disintegrators, Rust Stalkers, Rangers all went down. Core infantry is now 8 points per model, only two more than Militarum Infantry Squads....


Fuegan getting a price hike. Okay, what's been going on there? Aeldari non-construct melee getting price slashes; maybe to improve internal balance? Shadow Spectres getting a price hike is not really surprising. They've just been solid performers.


Kasrkin price up and Tempestus Scions down; definitely an internal balance thing. Leman Russ (and variants) down and artillery tanks up. Not surprised, the Russ should be the workhorse of the Guard. Bullgryns up, Rough Riders down.


Black Templar tanks are up across the board, no surprise to anyone really. Sword Brethren up and Firstborn Crusader Squad without Neophytes up.


Blood Angels special melee units got a price hike across the board. Not surprising considering the previous boost Sons of Sanguinius got. Death Company dreadnought and Mephiston went down; I guess someone at GW wants to see more of them on the table?


Chaos Space Marines have a lot of point drops and no increases. Chosen are the same, but Terminators, Legionaries, Havocs, Cultists, Helbrutes, Possessed, Daemon Princes, and Raptors got drops. Vindicator and Venomcrawler also got drops.


Death Guard Helbrute also got a drop.


Dark Angels Terminators of all types, Inner Circle Companions, and the Lion got point drops. Inner Circle still struggle to gain a foothold in my opinion; but at 10 points per ablative wound and -1 to hit may be okay for accompanying Librarian or something like that.


Deathwatch get no love. Maybe something bigger is planned for them, ala Drukhari?


Genestealer Aberrents getting a little glow up, ditto vehicles like Goliath variants and Ridgerunners.


Grey Knight Librariand and Techmarine went up, so did normal Dreadknight. Basic infantry squads all went down. Pushing more infantry builds, it seems.


Similarly, LoV have Hearthkyn Warriors dropped, and Uthar also went down a bit.


Necrons getting hit with a targeted Nerf strike. C'tan went up, technomance and plasmancer went up, Monolith went up, Szeras went up, Immortals went up and Hypercrypt's Dimensional Overseer went up. Melee options went down (Destroyers and Flayed Ones, Skorpekh Lord).


Orks, hoo boy. A lot of drops, over half their units. Squighog Boyz, Mek Guns, and Trukk went up.


Space Marines are getting some assault love: AI w/JP and Brutalis dropped. Eliminators went up while Hellblasters went down because...? And Incursors dropped a bit; maybe to be a bit more competitive with Scouts as an MSU action unit? Terminators of both types dropped, Tactical Squad dropped to 14 points per model, but don't have the rules to compete as Action Monkeys compared to Scouts or Incursors. Vindicator got even better with a bit of a drop. Stormraven went up. Adept of the Omnissiah and Master of Machine War went up a bit; still worth taking.


Matching the other Terminator unit point drops in SM factions, Space Wolf Wolf Guard Terminators got a drop, as did their Wolf Scouts.


A lot of drops for Thousand Sons on ancillary units: Terminators, Cultists, Helbrute, Daemon Prince, Maulerfiend, and Vindicator. Minor hikes on Arcane Vortex and Lord of Forbidden Lore.


Tyranids got the build diversity treatment. Gargolyes went up; while Warriors, Barbgaunts, Lictors, Zoanthropes, Hive Guard, Tyrant Guard, and Psychophage went down.


World Eats of quality of life slashing on some key units. Jakhals, Berserkers, Helbrute, Maulerfiend, and Terminators all went down.





Edited by jaxom
Added Mechanicus

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