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I'm currently building models for my pledge, understandable it takes time to build 40 lasrilfes, 30 veletaris 3 aetheons and a pair of both russes and dracosans,

Edited by SgtSharp
  On 6/4/2024 at 4:17 PM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

I would guess it falls under Xenos:tongue:


More seriously, its probably either a large tank (6 points) or superheavy (8 points) category - you can ask when you vow it, or message @Grotsmasha now and ask.


The barracuda is about the same size as the valkyrie, heavier yes, but about the same size. So large tank for sure, but up to the EO on the final point.

  On 6/3/2024 at 3:50 PM, drakheart said:

Having had a look at the points costs, I'm wondering what category a Tau barracuda would come under and how may points?




  On 6/5/2024 at 12:18 AM, Grotsmasha said:

Based on this image, I'd put it at 10pts,

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I'm over-ruling myself based your image, quoted below, it will be 8pts :thumbsup: 

  On 5/29/2024 at 2:44 PM, drakheart said:




Would it be possible for my girlfriend and me to enter together, using my account? She’s not interested in having her own account but she enjoys painting and it would be a great opportunity to do something creative together. It’s no problem if it precludes me from winning the special awards etc. -I’m only interested in participating and having fun painting alongside the rest of you:)

For some reason I was under the impression the Space Marine Combat Patrol was made up of regular models, not push fit, and the plan was to paint them as either Lamenters (now that the contrast paints have made yellow more accessible), Silver Guard, or Iron Shades. But now that I have them in hand and see that they're push fit, maybe I'll use that to my advantage and try a scheme I never would attempt otherwise. Possibly Scythes of the Emperor, Novamarines, Eagle Warriors, or another quartered/halved scheme that would be more difficult to paint on assembled models.

  On 6/5/2024 at 10:21 AM, Antarius said:

Would it be possible for my girlfriend and me to enter together, using my account? She’s not interested in having her own account but she enjoys painting and it would be a great opportunity to do something creative together. It’s no problem if it precludes me from winning the special awards etc. -I’m only interested in participating and having fun painting alongside the rest of you:)


I'm ok with that :thumbsup:


  On 6/7/2024 at 1:38 AM, NovemberIX said:

Here's a question, Iron Gauntlet 2024 is also running right now, and overlaps with CtA, would models vowed for IG24 be valid for CtA assuming they were still in priming stage as of the start of event?


Valid :thumbsup:


  On 6/8/2024 at 8:26 PM, SgtSharp said:

may I ask how many point a skyshield lanking pad would be worth?


I'm not sure of its size, but 8pts minimum. Checkout the Terrain lists in any of the Strongholds and let me know if that sounds right, or if it should be higher/lower :thumbsup:

  On 6/9/2024 at 3:13 AM, Grotsmasha said:

I'm not sure of its size, but 8pts minimum. Checkout the Terrain lists in any of the Strongholds and let me know if that sounds right, or if it should be higher/lower :thumbsup:


its pretty large, the original marketing states it can fit a thunderhawk, Russ for scale


I think I've made up my mind on a first pledge- it ain't much, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to pledge anything at all.


It's just going to be a Haemonculus, 5 Wracks, a Lhamaean, a Medusa and two Sslyth. If I get it done, I will make a second pledge.

  On 6/13/2024 at 9:00 PM, Halandaar said:

I recently picked up one of the Macfarlane Darktide action figures and wondered if it would be allowable as a vow for this? And if so, what points would it be worth? It is surprisingly massive:



 @Grotsmasha said it would be about 10 pts cause of the detail required

  On 6/14/2024 at 1:41 AM, MithrilForge said:

@Brother-Chaplain Kage - honestly I'd give you 20 pts simply because it's resin and a pain to Clean up & put together :tongue:  and that's points just for assembly :laugh:





It's resin, for sure. >_>

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